Эмма стоун поет песню из открытки

Emma Stone’s Poor Things got the world talking for many reasons, one of which is thanks to a very crude implementation of an apple.

The movie follows Stone’s Bella Baxter, who is reborn thanks to the sick and twisted experiments of Willem Dafoe’s Godwin Baxter. After reviving her, Godwin then cares for Bella as if she were his child.

The unique twist with Bella is how she starts with an infant’s brain in an adult body and, therefore, grows and uniquely experiences the world. Needless to say, this can lead to some controversial scenes.

Emma Stone Did What With an Apple?

Emma Stone, Poor Things

Poor Things

Fans are aflutter throughout social media, shocked by a big scene in Poor Things involving an apple. 

The scene in question happens early in the movie. At this point, Bella is still extremely immature and going through some early developmental milestones (relatively speaking).

One of those is when Bella starts to realize when she touches herself a certain way, it feels very good. That is about as much as she understands, not yet comprehending any concept of societal expectations regarding something like self-gratification.

So, this results in Bella grabbing an apple from the dinner table and using it on her privates while she attempts to reach climax.

Understandably, this shocks Vicki Pepperdine’s Mrs. Prim and Ramy Youssef’s Max McCandless, who urge her to stop immediately. Bella is only minimally phased, as the scene ends after she reaches for a more efficient, but still inappropriate, tool.

Bella Baxter’s Poor Things Journey

So why does Poor Things‘ apple scene even exist?

Well, this particular moment is an important first step in Bella Baxter discovering herself.

She would go on to have quite a lot of fun with Mark Ruffalo’s Duncan Wedderburn. Then, after he becomes a ridiculous mess, her life intersects with a brothel in Paris, where she experiences the world of love in an entirely different way.

Now, many of these scenes likely made audiences feel uncomfortable—which is entirely on purpose. Bella is still basically a child, yet countless men are pining for her.

The societal dynamics and expectations at play are what the movie is putting under a microscope. So, for those who squirmed a little bit, know that means the film succeeded in what it was trying to achieve.

While Bella embracing her sexuality itself is a key part of the story, it also plays into every other aspect of the film.

A key pillar of this is the thematic commentary about a woman living in a man’s world and how someone would turn out if they hadn’t been through the same societal conditioning that everyone goes through since birth.

Emma Stone’s Poor Things explores so much that’s important, yet many seem stuck going on about a silly Apple.

Poor Things is now playing in theaters, but the film is expected to be available on demand sometime in early 2024.

Текст песни «Эмма Стоун — Pocketful Of Sunshine»

I got a pocket,
got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love that knows that it’s all mine
Do what you want,
but you never gonna break me,
sticks and stone are never gonna shake me

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (a sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)

I got pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love that knows that it’s all mine
Wish that you could but you ain’t gonna own me
Do anything you can to control me

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (a sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)

There’s this place that I go
That nobody knows
Where the rivers flow
And I call it home
And there’s no more lies
And the darkness is light
And nobody cries
There’s only butterflies

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (a sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)

The sun is on my side
It takes me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I’ll be alright
The sun is on my side
It takes me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I’ll be alrigh



Anatomy of a Scene

The director Yorgos Lanthimos narrates this sequence that puts the star and Mark Ruffalo awkwardly on the dance floor.




‘Poor Things’ | Anatomy of a Scene

The director Yorgos Lanthimos narrates a sequence from the film in which the characters played by Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo share a dance.

“I’m Yorgos Lanthimos, the director of ‘Poor Things.’” “Understand we never lived outside God’s house.” “What?” “So Bella’s so much to discover. And your sad face makes me discover angry feelings for you.” “This is a scene that takes place in a restaurant in Lisbon, where Bella Baxter and Duncan, played by Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo, are having dinner. And there’s other people dancing. During that, the music attracts Bella, and just instinctively, gets up and starts wanting to join the dance. It’s a very funny, awkward, physical situation where Bella has never really danced before, and it’s very intuitive, what she does. He’s not a good dancer. He’s trying to keep up with her. We had a lot of help from Constanza Macras, who did the choreography. So the dance, because she’s done it for the first time, it just felt like it should be something quite primitive, slightly baby-like, but then it quickly develops into something that she wants to take hold of and lose control of her self. And Mark, in real life, is also not a great dancer. And on the other hand, Emma is a really good dancer, so we kind of used that dynamic as we were building the choreography. And it actually became funnier than what we thought.” “What do you keep doing that for?” “A man over there repeated blinks at me. I blink back for polite, I think.” [MUSIC PLAYING]

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The director Yorgos Lanthimos narrates a sequence from the film in which the characters played by Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo share a dance.CreditCredit…Atsushi Nishijima/Searchlight Pictures

In “Anatomy of a Scene,” we ask directors to reveal the secrets that go into making key scenes in their movies. See new episodes in the series on Fridays. You can also watch our collection of more than 150 videos on YouTube and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

How do you go about choreographing a dance sequence for a character who has never danced before? That was the challenge in this moment from “Poor Things,” which stars Emma Stone as a woman with the mind of a baby who, moment by moment, begins to find her footing.

In this scene, Bella Baxter (Stone) is at dinner with Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo), her beau of sorts. As she hears the beat of the music and sees others dancing, Bella’s body begins to instinctively move. Suddenly, she’s on the dance floor herself, doing moves she seems to be inventing that are both oddball and intriguing.

“The dance, because she’s doing it for the first time, just felt like it should be something quite primitive, slightly babylike,” the film’s director, Yorgos Lanthimos, said in an interview.

He collaborated with the choreographer Constanza Macras, with whom he also worked on “The Favourite,” to create the right mix of synergy and chaos in the movement.

Lanthimos said that he and the cinematographer Robbie Ryan used a wide-angle lens on a camera mounted on a large metal dolly as they followed the stars. Not only did the movements need to be choreographed, but the cast also had to dance around the roving camera in a way that ensured nobody got hurt.

Read the “Poor Things” review.

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это Дуэйн. Дуэйн, собака, прыгает,


ждет собаку. Джонсон, мне 13, а


это ты играешь. Роуз, оператор


из моего фильма. Это самое смешное, что ты


когда-либо читал о себе в Интернете.


О, я однажды прочитал, что я похож рыба


внутри курицы, курящая сигарету,


я имею в виду, я вижу


странное сходство о, это действительно


стрела ты эльф эльф


ты полуэльф Элли это я посмотри на


да Аня конечно конечно конечно,


это чертовски фэнтези ха-ха-ха, чувак,


ты большой фанат фэнтези мм-хмм


ты знаешь кого-нибудь, кого знаешь,


я да, я имею в виду, что мы уже встречались раньше,


да нет, ладно, ты меня не знаешь — приятно


познакомиться одну секунду, так когда


она ненавидит себя, о,


ненавидящий себя эльф, и она пьяный эльф


немного сумасшедшая, но, черт возьми, мы даже видели, как вы


танцевали вместе, прежде чем интересная поза


черт возьми, серьезно, это как ты’ повторно


отфотошопили, заметьте, ты без рубашки,


двойной удар, Эмма Стоун выглядит так, как будто она


пахнет кошачьей мочой, эй, я делаю, это было все,


не плачь, все в порядке, извини, окей, ты


BAFTA, да, я сделал, это было потрясающе, и


твоя голос, мне всегда интересно, неужели


бедняжка немного справилась, но у тебя такой


тип, у тебя есть глубокие


вещи о, ты хочешь, чтобы я держал слона памяти,


это я, я имею в виду, я не выдумываю,


твоя маленькая любовь, маленькая хаски это


немного хрипло, это немного хрипло, да, это


результат шести месяцев


колик по двадцать четыре часа в сутки, когда я был ребенком,


можешь ли ты дать мне свое лучшее впечатление о


ком-то известном, да, детка,


откуда мне было знать это, возможно,


более впечатляюще, чем в прошлый раз, это


Орландо Блум заметил тебя, да, и


он сказал, что эльф украл мой взгляд, он немного


красивее тебя, спасибо тебе большое,


эй, Эмма, кто твой любимый супергерой,


это все еще человек-паук Петра


хочу прийти утром, летчик


со мной мы были трезвыми, ты посмотрел на меня,


давай, ты не взорвался Я думаю, может быть,


жителям Нью-Йорка следовало сменить этот


дурацкий замок, я должен был заставить тебя оставить


свой ключ, если Я бы знал всего на одну


секунду, что ты вернешься, чтобы беспокоить меня, продолжай,


иди, выйди за дверь, просто


повернись, сейчас посмотри, потому что тебе больше не рады,


я не был таким же сюрреалистическим, ты знаешь,


немыслимая мечта, так что


происходит маленькая фотобомба, привет, ребята, вы


слышали новости, какое ваше любимое танцевальное


движение? Я так рада, что вы спросили,


это просто мысли. О, Джо, вау, я


практикую это уже очень


давно, впечатляет


Теперь я оказался слева от себя,


и я снова остался один, и я выжил


О, Эльза, эй, эй, эй, огромная фанатка Spice Girls,


да нет, это неправда, не я, конечно,


ты не знаешь, но ты [


вечером выставлена ​​одна из тех знаменитых больших картин, давайте проверим, о,


это мило, но жутко, да, глаза,


вы знаете, что я выберу, стоп,


потому что стоп — невероятная песня, не то


чтобы я шикарный спайс


так что нам просто нравится держать пробку

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