Поздравление с днем рождения на английском языке для мальчика

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Wishes Кому-то необходимо лишь 10 минут, чтобы подписать десяток открыток с новым годом или с днем рождения. Я же могу просидеть полчаса над одной открыткой, сочиняя текст поздравления. А если нужно поздравить на иностранном языке, то на это может уйти и час драгоценного времени. Для таких как я, вы найдёте на этой странице сайта, поздравления с днём рождения друзей, коллег, партнёров в стихах и в прозе на английском языке с переводом.

Happy Birthday Wishes

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Короткие, традиционные поздравления стрелка вверх

Happy Birthday! С Днем Рождения!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday! Наилучшие пожелания и замечательного Дня Рождения!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! С Днем Рождения! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего в этот особенный день!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Поздравления и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Поздравляю с Днем Рождения и желаю долгих лет жизни!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! От всего сердца я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you all the best on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
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Дружеские поздравления стрелка вверх

I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday! Я надеюсь, что в твой День Рождения, все твои желания исполнятся! С Днем Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today! Я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения! Желаю отлично провести сегодня время!
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Тёплые и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения! Пусть сегодня будет замечательный день!
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday! Пусть этот особенный день принесёт тебе все, что ты хочешь! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Желаю тебе лучшего Дня Рождения на свете! Развлекись по-полной! Ура!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! Счастливого Дня Рождения и много счастливых дней в твоем новом году!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! Желаю(ем) тебе Дня Рождения такого же особенного как ты сам(сама)!
Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day! Думаю(ем) о тебе в твой День Рождения и желаю(ем) тебе счастья! Пусть это день будет замечательным!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
May be I am not by your side on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday! Даже если я и не рядом с тобой в твой День Рождения, но я всегда думаю о тебе и посылаю тебе самые наилучшие пожелания! С Днем Рождения!
Let God keeps you away from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, clever enemies and small-minded friends! Happy Birthday! Пусть Бог хранит тебя от злых языков, внезапного несчастья, умных врагов и глупых друзей-единомышленников! С Днем Рождения!
With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday! С большой любовью, я посылаю тебе самые замечательные пожелания! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! Даже если нас разделяют километры, так хорошо знать, что ты где-то есть! С Днем Рождения!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. С огромным удовольствием я хочу пожелать тебе здоровья, любви, счастья и свободы в мечтаниях. Также желаю тебе вечной молодости, оригинальных идей и большого успеха во всем, что ты делаешь! Будь счастлив! Оставайся собой, что бы ни случилось!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Я желаю тебе длинной и увлекательной жизни! Желаю тебе крепкого здоровья и выдающихся результатов во всем, что ты делаешь. А самое важное, я желаю тебе безмерного счастья в каждой минуте твоей жизни. Будь любим(а), наслаждайся каждым днем!
You’re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! Ты чудо и прелесть! Пусть в жизни твоей будет много радостей и удач и не будет проблем и огорчений! Здоровья и счастья тебе и всем, кто тебе дорог! С днем рождения!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday! От всей души поздравляю тебя с Днём рождения! Пусть в новом для тебя году сбудутся все-все твои самые заветные мечты, надежды и ожидания. Хорошего радостного настроения каждый день, крепкого здоровья, стойкости к невзгодам и терпения, успехов во всех-всех делах и личного счастья! Спасибо за тот яркий свет, что ты даришь мне! Спасибо, что ты есть на этом свете! Счастья тебе и удачи! С Днём рождения!
Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth. Поздравляю тебя с днём рождения, желаю здоровья, свободы, счастья, успехов во всём и вечной молодости! Пусть сбудутся все твои мечты!
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness — without measure — every day!
Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья — безмерного счастья! Каждый день!
With all my heart — Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!
Сердечно поздравляю с днем рождения! Ты очень красивая, умная и талантливая! Не меняйся, оставайся такой как есть. Обнимаю! Целую!
Dear …………,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you a very happy birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck…
All the best,
Your friend,
Дорогой …………,
С Днем Рождения, мой друг!
Долгих лет жизни! Я желаю тебе по-настоящему счастливого дня рождения! Будь здоров и богат и удачлив …
Всего наилучшего,
Твой друг,
Dear …
I congratulate you on your Birthday and wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be always positive, optimistic and believe in yourself.
Уважаемый …
Я поздравляю Вас с Днём рождения и желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, счастья и душевного спокойствия. Будьте всегда оптимистичны, верьте в будущее и в себя.
С уважением,
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Поздравления с днем рождения любимого человека стрелка вверх

Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! Посылаю тебе поздравления на День Рождения, завёрнутые в мою любовь!
Happy birthday! Wishing you a birthday as bright as your smile, as sweet as your love, as fun as your spirit, and as wonderful as you are. Thank you for always being there for me! С днем ​​рождения! Желаю тебе дня рождения, такого же яркого, как твоя улыбка, такого же сладкого, как твоя любовь, такого же веселого, как твой дух, и такого же замечательного, как ты сам/а. Спасибо, что ты всегда рядом со мной!
Today is the best day ever because it’s the day you were born. Happy birthday! I love and miss you! Сегодня лучший день на свете, потому что это день, когда ты родился/родилась. С днем ​​рождения! Люблю и скучаю!
Happy birthday to my one and only! I love you more and more everyday. С днем рождения, моя единственная и неповторимая / мой единственный и неповторимый! Я люблю тебя все больше и больше с каждым днем.
Sending all my love to you on this very special day! I hope your birthday is as beautiful as you are, love! Посылаю вам всю свою любовь в этот особенный день! Надеюсь, твой день рождения будет таким же прекрасным, как и ты, любимая!
Today is your birthday, but I’m the one who has received the best gift—knowing you. Happy birthday beautiful! Сегодня твой день рождения, но я тот, кто получил лучший подарок — знать тебя. С днем ​​рождения красавица!
You are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I hope you have an awesome birthday. You deserve it, my love, and I will make sure your dreams come true. Ты — лучшее, что случалось в моей жизни, и я надеюсь, что твой день рождения пройдёт отлично. Ты этого заслуживаешь, любовь моя, и я позабочусь о том, чтобы твои мечты сбылись.
Happy birthday to the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend in the world! You light up my life with your smile and your love. I am so grateful to have you by my side. May your day be filled with love, joy, and cake(lots and lots of cake). I love you more than words can express. Happy birthday, my love! С днем ​​рождения, самая красивая и удивительная девушка на свете! Ты освещаешь мою жизнь своей улыбкой и своей любовью. Я так благодарен, что ты рядом со мной. Пусть твой день будет наполнен любовью, радостью и сладостями. Я люблю тебя больше, чем могут выразить слова. С днем ​​рождения, любовь моя!
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Официальные поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке стрелка вверх

Warm birthday greetings. Теплые поздравления с Днем рождения.
Please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the occasion of your birthday. Пожалуйста, примите наши искренние поздравления по случаю Вашего дня рождения.
Congratulations and all good wishes on your birthday. Поздравления и самые добрые пожелания по случаю дня рождения.
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a businessman. С большим удовольствием поздравляю Вас по случаю 40-летия и желаю Вам доброго здоровья и долгих лет дальнейшей деятельности как бизнесмена.
It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. Было очень приятно узнать о приближении Вашего дня рождения, поскольку это даёт мне возможность присоединить свои пожелания к тем, что вы получаете от своих коллег. Ваша жизнь настолько полна большими достижениями и добытыми трудом успехами, что вы должны быть этим удовлетворены. Примите, пожалуйста, мои сердечные поздравления.
Dear Mr. ………. ,

Happy to congratulate you to your 45th birthday. I wish I could personally come to share the joy of festivities on this milestone in your life, but I happen to be so far away from you physically at the moment. May your future be attended with prosperity and happiness !
Again wishing you many more birthdays.

Yours own,

Уважаемый г-н ………….. ,

Рад поздравить Вас с вашим 45-летием. Я хотел бы лично разделить радость праздника, но я так далеко от Вас в данный момент. Пусть Ваше будущее будет наполнено процветанием и счастьем!
А также желаю Вам долгих лет жизни (чтобы этот день повторился много раз).

Всегда Ваш,

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Английские поздравления с днем рождения в стихах стрелка вверх

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Именинница, сегодня твой день!
Время есть торт, петь песни и играть.
Есть столько способов повеселиться на день рождения.
Надеюсь, ты испробуешь их все!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
Прекрасной жизни будет путь,
Всегда, сегодня, не забудь –
Пусть невзгоды исчезают,
Друзья тебя не покидают!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can with me say
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy end!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
С Днем Рождения Вас поздравляем!
Все со мной согласятся, я знаю,
Можно другом хорошим Вас звать,
Кто готов нас всегда поддержать.
Вот и Вам мы желаем таких же друзей,
И в любви, чтоб не знали невзгод и потерь,
Чтобы дети были здоровы и счастливы,
И удача проявила в Судьбе участие!
You’re going to have a fun day
That’s what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
Впереди у вас сегодня веселый День рождения!
Вам сегодня все об этом будут говорить!
Пусть год грядущий пройдет без сожаления,
Печали и ненастья держа все взаперти!
Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there will be a condition
of Peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
Пусть мир без всяких сложностей
Любовью очаруется!
Пусть все твои возможности
Легко реализуются!
Пусть будет состояние
Душевного спокойствия!
Пусть каждое желание
Доставит удовольствие!!
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Поздравления с опозданием стрелка вверх

Написание запоздалого поздравления с днем ​​​​рождения от всего сердца для друга или члена семьи может оказаться непростой задачей. Если это так, вот несколько идей, с которых можно начать.

Happy belated birthday! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, это был замечательный день!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you ate lots of cake! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, ты съел много торта!
Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you! Хотел бы я быть там, чтобы отпраздновать это с тобой! ( если Вас приглашали на праздник, а Вы не смогли присутствовать)
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for being too late. С прошедшим днем рождения! Извините, что опоздал.
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for saying this too late. Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днем рождения! Извини(те), что сказал это слишком поздно. Надеюсь, у тебя/вас был замечательный день!
Happy late B-Day! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Belated happy birthday! May the year ahead be filled with abundant blessings, joy, and success. I’m so sorry for the delay. My wishes for you are as heartfelt as ever. С опозданием, с днем рождения! Пусть предстоящий год будет благословенным, радостным и успешным. Мне очень жаль за задержку. Мои пожелания тебе как никогда сердечны.
Time got away from me, but my well wishes didn’t. Belated happy birthday! I hope your day was filled with laughter and love. Я потерялся во времени, но мои добрые пожелания — нет. С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, твой день был наполнен смехом и любовью.
Please forgive my forgetfulness, but I couldn’t let the occasion pass without sending you belated birthday wishes. May the days ahead be filled with endless laughter, abundant love, and dreams that come true. Пожалуйста, прости мою забывчивость, но я не могу не послать тебе своё запоздалое поздравление с днем рождения. Пусть предстоящие дни будут наполнены смехом, щедрой любовью и мечтами, которые сбываются.
Late but sincere, my birthday wishes come your way. Belated happy birthday! May this year be filled with sunshine, adventure, and all the happiness you can imagine. You deserve the best. С опозданием, но искренне, мои поздравления с днем рождения приходят к вам. С прошедшим днём рождения! Пусть этот год будет наполнен солнечным светом, приключениями и счастьем, которое вы только можете себе представить. Всего самого лучшего.
Better late than never, right? Wishing you a belated happy birthday that’s as bright and dazzling as you are! Лучше поздно чем никогда, правильно? Поздравляю тебя с прошедшим днём рождения, таким же ярким и ослепительным, как и ты!
I know I’m late wishing you a happy birthday, but mine is coming around soon, and revenge, as they say, is sweet. Happy birthday! Я знаю, что опоздал поздравить тебя с днем рождения, но мой скоро наступит, и месть, как говорится, сладка. С днем ​​рождения!
Belated happy birthday to my amazing, sweet, and beautiful friend. Although my greetings come late, our friendship always comes first. I cherish you now, today, tomorrow, and forever more. Happy birthday! С опозданием поздравляю моего удивительного, милого и прекрасного друга с днем рождения. Хотя мои поздравления приходят поздно, наша дружба всегда на первом месте. Я дорожу тобой сейчас, сегодня, завтра и во веки веков. С днем ​​рождения!
I didn’t really forget your special day…I just wanted the happiness to last a little longer. Belated happy birthday to my best friend! Я не совсем забыл твой особенный день… Я просто хотел, чтобы счастье длилось немного дольше. С опозданием поздравляю лучшего друга с днем рождения!

Похожие публикации:

стрелка вверх

A little kid makes everyone happy around them. Days pass by, and they grow up. If you have a little kid around you and his/her birthday is coming, you must greet them. Make sure to accompany them with the kid’s birthday wishes. Send birthday wishes for kids so that it adds extra sparkle to their special day. Check out this wonderful compilation of birthday wishes for kid boy and kid girl. We hope these happy birthday wishes for children will help you to find the perfect word to show your love.

Happy birthday to the sweetest kid I have ever seen. Enjoy your birthday to the fullest!

Wishing you a birthday full of treats and gifts. Happy birthday to the cute little one.

You’re sweeter than sugar and honey. May your birthday become one of the best days of your life.

Birthday Wishes for Kids

Today is special because you came into our lives. You’re truly a gift to us. Happy birthday.

Have a blessed birthday. I pray to God to lead you to the right path and keep you safe.

Happy birthday to the adorable kid. Wishing you a fantastic birthday. May all your dreams come true.

You’re a blessing from God, and I pray, may God keep you happy always. Happy birthday, little champ.

Happy Birthday to our extraordinary kid. Have a great year ahead, dear!

I wish you a life full of wonders and happiness on this special day! Happy Birthday, lovely kiddo! Have fun! Stay blessed!

Enjoy your special day, little prince! Happy Birthday! I love you!

Happy Birthday, little princess! I wish you infinite happiness in the world. Stay blessed always!

Receive my cordial love on your birthday, little one. May Lord bless you with boundless blessings and happiness.

birthday wishes for kid

Happy birthday to the coolest and sassiest kid I’ve ever known. Congratulations on getting a little older.

Happy Birthday, our sweet little angel! We pray for your well-being and everlasting happiness!

You’ll always be a little monkey to me no matter how much you’ve grown. Happy birthday, little kiddo.

Enjoy lots of candies and cakes today, dear! Have a blast today! Happy Birthday little champ!

Related: 1st Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes for Kid Girl

Happy birthday little princess. You’ve made our life colorful and blissful, dear—many, many good wishes to you.

Congratulations on your big day, sweetheart. You are a little piece of heaven from God. Have a wonderful birthday!

You keep blessing people around you with your sweet smile and words. Happy birthday, my cute little niece.

Have an amazing birthday, girl! Wishing you a bucket full of happiness! Happy Birthday!

I wish you the best Birthday, little princess! Have a great day today!

Birthday Wishes for Kid Girl

Happy birthday to my little niece, who brings laughter and joy to my day to day life.

Wishing your little angel a fantastic birthday full of amazing treats. She has grown up as an amazing girl!

Today is a big day for your girl. My warmest wishes and blessings on her birthday. Happy birthday!

You’ve fulfilled our life, daughter. You’ll always be our little princess. Happy birthday, our princess.

We’re so proud to become parents of the sweetest daughter in the world. Happy birthday. Keep glowing and growing.

Happy birthday to a sweet and precious baby girl. We are so excited to watch you grow and see all the amazing things you will accomplish in life.

Read: Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

Birthday Wishes for Kid Boy

You’ve brought so much happiness into our lives ever since you were born. Happy birthday, little boy.

Wishing you a lovely birthday. I hope the birthday be as wonderful as you’re!

Happy birthday my baby nephew. May you be showered with love, surprise, and gifts on your birthday.

Happy birthday to our little man who has brought so much love and light into our lives. You are truly a blessing.

Wow! Today is your Birthday! I hope you have a crazy and fun-filled day today. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Birthday Wishes for Kid Boy

I cannot express how much you mean to me, baby. Wishing you a happy birthday, my coolest nephew.

Your son deserves the coolest birthday party. May his birthday be full of fun. Happy birthday to him.

It’s a big day for you as parents. Happy birthday to your baby boy.

We, Mom and Dad, promise to protect you from every harm, sweetheart. You’re so precious to us. Happy birthday.

Time to wear a new, beautiful, sparkling dress, little beauty! Happy Birthday! Make this Birthday your best one!

I wish you a happy birthday filled with sugar candies and sweet cakes. Love you, my sweet little boy!

Read More: Funny Birthday Wishes

Birthday is the most exciting day for kids. Kids are a blessing from God, and they deserve to be treated the best. So, make their birthday memorable so that they feel useful. It doesn’t matter whose birthday you’re celebrating. If you send them a sweet birthday message, they will remember you many times as you’ve made their day special. Send them a beautiful birthday wish, encouraging them for their future. If you don’t want to write a birthday wish for a kid on your own, we can help you choose the best birthday messages for a kid boy or girl. Gather your ideas and write a birthday wish for the sweetest kid you are going to celebrate.

For many parents, children are life’s most precious gifts. No matter how old your son gets, he’ll always be your baby, and there’s no better day to show him how much he means to you than on his birthday.

Sure, you can buy him thoughtful gifts or even take him on a family trip, but nothing beats penning a special birthday message for your son. Expressing your feelings through written words is a priceless gesture that will likely leave a lasting impact.

Need some inspiration? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a robust list of some of the best birthday wishes for sons that will make him smile. Whether he’s a tween, teen or grown adult with children of his own, this round-up has you covered.

From short and sweet to funny and meaningful, these messages will speak to your son’s individuality and unique personality. For example, if he has a good sense of humor and loves telling dad jokes, he’ll love the punny lines here, or if he is more on the sentimental side, check out the birthday blessings we’ve included.

Don’t want to use these birthday wishes verbatim? No problem. Let them spark your creativity to craft your own message and tailor it accordingly. Be sure to share your birthday wishes in the way that your son will value the most. That might be inside a birthday card, sent as a text message or maybe even posted as a caption on Instagram. After all, you know your son best and all that matters is that he receives it.

And don’t forget to check out our birthday wishes for moms, dads, sisters and brothers.

Short and Sweet Birthday Wishes for Your Son

  • Wishing my big boy a happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday, SON-shine!
  • Let’s hear it for my boy! Happy birthday, son!
  • May all your wishes come true today and every day. Happy birthday!
  • You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy birthday!
  • I admire the strong, young man you’ve become. Happy birthday, son!
  • Time to eat cake and celebrate. Happy birthday, son!
  • Happy birthday to my handsome son!
  • I hope your special day is as wonderful as you! Happy birthday, son.
  • May you be surrounded by an overwhelming amount of love and all the things that make you smile. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday! You are the absolute best son any parent could ever hope for.
  • Wishing you the best birthday ever!
  • Happy birthday to the person who always brings a smile to my face.
  • Nothing lights up my world more than you! Wishing you the happiest birthday ever.
  • Wishing you a very happy birthday. My love for you grows with each year.
  • Happy birthday to the most thoughtful soul I know!
  • You’re the biggest ray of light in our entire family. Happy birthday to my beloved son!
  • You’ll always be my baby. Wishing you a fantastic birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the one who made me the proudest parent on earth!
  • Happy birthday, to my one and only son!
  • Today should be declared a national holiday because on this day a king was born! Happy birthday, son.
  • I can’t wait to celebrate with you today. Happy birthday!
  • Happy cake day!
  • Wishing my fun and forever boisterous boy a fabulous birthday!
  • You’re my everything! Wishing you a happy and memorable birthday!
  • Let’s eat cake! Happy birthday to the sweetest gift I’ve ever received.
  • Happy birthday, son! The world is a better place because you’re in it!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Son

  • Congrats on another year of managing to keep yourself alive!
  • Who said cake isn’t a food group? It is on your birthday — so, enjoy!
  • Happy birthday! You’re one in a melon.
  • I should be the one getting presents today. After all, I’m the one who gave you life! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the person who couldn’t wait to be an adult. How does it feel now?
  • May all your birthday wishes come true — except the illegal ones. Happy birthday!
  • I suppose it’s too late to return you to sender, right? OK, I guess I’ll keep you! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday! Party hard, but not too hard — I hear hangovers get worse with age.
  • Since you’re an adult now, does that mean you can now pay us back for all the expenses you’ve incurred during childhood?
  • It’s hard to believe you’re an adult. Especially since you still whine like a baby! Happy birthday, son.
  • I wouldn’t trade you for the world. Well, maybe if the price is right! At any rate, happy birthday, son!
  • Seriously, finding a gift for you gets harder and harder every year. This year I’ve finally found the best one yet: nothing. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the child who tested my patience. I think you won because eventually it ran out.
  • As a thank you for all those sleepless nights I had when you were a baby, I think I’ll repay the favor with drumming lessons in your living room. Happy birthday!
  • Wow, we’re starting to run out of space on the cake with all these candles! You’re turning into an old man. Happy birthday!

birthday boy

AleksandarNakic//Getty Images

Blessings for Your Son’s Birthday

  • As you celebrate another trip around the sun, don’t forget to count your blessings. Happy birthday, son!
  • You are a gift from God and I thank Him every day for blessing me with you. Happy birthday to one of the greatest joys of my life
  • God knew what He was doing when He brought you into my life. Happy birthday, son.
  • You’re the greatest blessing I’ve ever been bestowed. Wishing you the best birthday yet.
  • It is my prayer that your special day brings you an abundance of joy today and always.
  • No matter your age, I will love you infinitely. I’m so grateful to God that He chose me to be your mother. Happy birthday, son!
  • There is no greater love than the love I have for you. May God bless you with all the desires of your heart today. Happy birthday!
  • Your presence is the greatest gift I’ve ever received. I thank God every day for you. Happy birthday, my dear son.
  • You’ll always be my cherished cherub. God sent you to bless us with your endless love and for that I’m tremendously blessed. Happy birthday!
  • May God grant you all that you’ve ever dreamed of and more. Happy birthday.
  • I pray that God showers you with the gifts that matter: love, peace and happiness. Happy birthday, son.
  • As you make a wish, don’t forget to give thanks to the man above for all of your blessings. Happy birthday, son.
  • My prayer is that you remain the kind-hearted person you’ve always been. Wishing you nothing but the best today and always!
  • You’re my heart outside of my body. I hold you near and dear today and always. Happy birthday, son.
  • Today we’re celebrating you — the biggest blessing we could’ve ever imagined. We love you so much. Happy birthday!
  • You’re my biggest blessing and I’m forever in awe of the extraordinary person you’ve become. May all your hopes and dreams come true. Happy birthday!
  • I pray with all my heart that God grants you perfect health and pure happiness for as long as humanly possible. Happy birthday, son.
  • As long as you remember that every birthday is a gift, you’ll never fear getting older. Happy birthday!

Meaningful Birthday Wishes for Your Son

  • I haven’t stopped smiling since the day you were born. Happy birthday to my ray of light.
  • When I look at you, I see a dream realized. You’re everything I hoped for in a son and I hope that I’m everything you wish for in a parent. Happy birthday, to my heartbeat outside my body.
  • As your mother, I know you’ve always looked up to me. But now as you mature into fatherhood, the tables have turned. It’s such a joy and privilege watching you raise your children. Happy birthday to the greatest dad and son!
  • Today, I hope you take the time to reflect on how much you mean to us as a family. Your presence impacts us all and we’re so grateful to have you in our lives. Happy birthday, son.
  • You’re the most wonderful gift that I’ve ever received. Happy birthday to the person who made me a parent. I love you!
  • There’s no better role in life than being your dad. I’d do anything for you! Happy birthday, son!
  • When I look at you, I see an outstanding man who knows what he wants out of life and how to get it. Your ambition is admirable and I’m so lucky to watch you soar. Happy birthday!
  • You stole my heart the day I looked into your beautiful eyes. You amaze me and that will never change. I love you. Happy birthday, son.
  • There’s so much about you that I love. From your thoughtfulness to your bright smile, you are truly one of a kind. Happy birthday, son!
  • You’ve made me a better person. As my son, I’ve learned so much from you. Happy birthday.
  • Witnessing you grow into a responsible young man is all I could’ve hoped for. Happy birthday!
  • You deserve everything this world can offer and more. I hope you get it all because you’re beyond worthy. Happy birthday!
  • Nobody is as kind and compassionate as you! May this day bring forth all the good that you give. Wishing you the best birthday!
  • Thank you for being an amazing son. My heart beats for you! Happy birthday.
  • When I look at you, I see a remarkable man who doesn’t let anything get in the way of his dreams. You’re truly an inspiration. I hope you enjoy your special day to the fullest!
  • Happy birthday to the little boy who has grown into an incredible young man. You make me so proud!
  • I don’t know what I did to deserve a son as caring, thoughtful and loving as you. I really hit the jackpot when you were born. Happy birthday!
  • No one can make me laugh and smile like you do. You’re such a joy to be around. Happy birthday!
  • I’m so honored to call you my son. I wish every person on earth would experience this kind of love. Happy birthday!
  • Just when I think you can’t brighten my life even more, you continue to do it — year after year. Cheers to another birthday!

surpised birthday boy

GlobalStock//Getty Images

Birthday Wishes for Your Tween/Teenage Son

  • Happy birthday my forever buddy!
  • It’s such a blessing to watch you turn into such a caring and respectable young man. Happy birthday, son.
  • I’ve watched you grow from a little rascal into a remarkable young man. Happy birthday, son.
  • You make me see things differently and for that I’m forever grateful. Happy birthday to my wise-beyond-his-years son.
  • You’re my reason for being. I hope you know how much you’re loved. Happy birthday, son.
  • As you grow into adulthood, never lose sight of your imagination. It will take you far. Happy birthday, son.
  • You’ll always be my SON-shine. I’ll love you forever. Happy birthday!
  • You’re the coolest dude I know. Happy birthday, son.
  • Your infectious laugh and wonderful personality make you one of a kind — never change. Here’s to a lifetime of laughter. Happy birthday!
  • I hope this doesn’t embarrass you, but you’ll always be the cherry on top of my sundae. Happy birthday!
  • Your optimistic attitude will take you far in life. Keep your positive outlook and the world will be yours. Happy birthday, handsome.
  • Watching you grow into a handsome and strong young man has been one of my biggest blessings. Wishing you a wonderful birthday.
  • You shine brighter than any star in the galaxy. It’s a pleasure watching you skyrocket. Happy birthday!
  • No matter what you decide to do in life, just know that I’ll always be your biggest fan. Happy birthday to my favorite boy.
  • You stole my heart from the moment you were born. My love for you is unconditional and I’ll always be here for you. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to my smart and courageous young man.
  • Your infectious laugh lights up every room. I admire your humor — always stay true to yourself. Happy birthday, son.
  • You motivate me to be a better person. I strive to be the best for you! Happy birthday, son.
  • You’re my greatest inspiration. Thank you for making me the luckiest dad in the world!
  • I hope this birthday brings you joy and happiness because you’re more than deserving. I love you!
  • Watching you grow into a smart and independent young man brings me so much joy. Happy birthday!
  • May your special day be filled with love, well wishes, and of course, cake! Happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday to the coolest and most confident kid I’ve ever known! Happy birthday, son.
  • You’re wiser than I ever was at your age and that makes me one proud Papa Bear. Happy birthday!
  • You’re going to change the world. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching you accomplish your dreams. May today be your best birthday yet!
  • You make the world a better place. I can’t wait to see what your future holds. Happy birthday, son.
  • When you were born, I knew that you’d grow into a strong and special young man. I was right! Happy birthday.
  • I marvel at your confidence and your commitment to helping others. Happy birthday, my future leader.
  • It would take an eternity to express all the love I have for you! You make my heart burst with pride. Happy birthday!
  • Watching you succeed in life is beyond satisfying. You make me proud in so many ways. Happy birthday, son!

День рождения только раз в году, но друзей-то много! Поэтому поздравлять придётся много раз. И каждому другу хочется сказать что-то необычное. Надоело обходиться привычным «Happy Birthday»? Тогда читай дальше и узнаешь, как, угарно поздравить лучшего друга, подписать открытку на английском языке и сказать тёплые слова родным и близким.

Как поздравить с Днём рождения на английском

Собрали пожелания и поздравления на английском для друзей, родственников или коллег на работе. Заодно эти фразы помогут тебе необычно поздравить иностранного знакомого.

Для всех
Many happy returns of the day! Долгих лет жизни!
May this year be your best ever! Желаю, чтобы это был твой лучший год!
May all your wishes come true! Пусть все желания сбудутся!
I wish you simple pleasures in life. Желаю, чтобы жизнь была полна мелких радостей.
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Поздравления и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Желаю тебе лучшего Дня Рождения на свете! Развлекись по-полной! Ура!
Let all your troubles disappear and all your friends be always near! Пусть все беды исчезнут, а друзья всегда будут рядом!
Age is all but a number. Happy birthday to you! Возраст – всего лишь цифра. С днем рождения тебя!
Be your own light. Find your own way. It should be easy with all those candles. Будь светом для себя самого. Найди свой собственный путь. Это должно быть легко с таким количеством свечек.
Break every rule you can. Lie about your age. Live loudly. And have an unforgettable & happy birthday! Нарушай все правила, какие можешь нарушить. Ври про свой возраст. Живи громкой жизнью. Желаю тебе незабываемого и счастливого дня рождения!
Для друга
Wish you many more candles to blow. Желаю тебе задуть ещё много свечей.
You are aging like a fine wine. Ты как хорошее вино — с годами становишься только лучше.
I wish you good luck, health and wealth. Желаю счастья, здоровья и богатства. *а ещё счастья, здоровья и счастья, и здоровья
Happy beer day! С Днём брожения!*подойдёт другу, который любит выпить на праздник
Happy womb eviction day! Поздравляю с появлением на свет!
Congratulations! You survived another trip around the Sun! Поздравляю! Ты пережил еще одно путешествие вокруг солнца!
It may be your birthday, but you are a gift to me. Это, может быть, и твой День рождения, но подарок — это ты.
Life’s too short to spend it with people you don’t love. That’s why I hang out with you so much. Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы проводить время с людьми, которых ты не любишь. Поэтому я так много тусуюсь с тобой.
May the dream that means most to you, start coming true this year. Happy Bday! Пусть мечта, которая больше всего значит для тебя, начнет сбываться в этом году. С днем рождения!
My best friend deserves the brightest sun, the freshest wind, the coolest stars and the most amazing birthday party. Мой лучший друг заслуживает самого яркого солнца, самого свежего ветра, самых классных звезд и самой изумительной вечеринки.
May your birthday be full of happy hours and special moments to remember for a long long time! Пусть твой день рождения будет полон счастливых часов и особых моментов, которые запомнятся надолго!
Для родных
Thanks for always being the backbone of our family and supporting us through good times and bad. Спасибо, что всегда был опорой для нашей семьи и поддерживаешь нас в любые времена.*для папы
I know whatever happens, I can always count on you. Happy birthday to the most reliable person around! Что бы ни случилось, я знаю, что всегда могу рассчитывать на тебя. С Днём рождения самого надёжного человека на всём свете!
Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are just the best kind of person. The world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it. Спасибо тебе за всё, что ты сделал(а) для меня. Ты лучший человек в моей жизни. Мир был бы лучше, если бы в нём было больше таких людей, как ты.
Happy birthday to the person who helped to make all my dreams and aspirations possible, my darling (mom/dad). Поздравляю с Днём рождения человека, который помог мне сделать мечты и старания возможными, мой (моя) дорогой (дорогая) (мама/папа).
Happy Birthday to my childhood companion and lifelong friend. С Днём рождения, мой товарищ детства и друг на всю жизнь.
Growing up with you for a (brother/sister) was never boring, often dangerous, and usually hilarious. Thanks for the adventures – and Happy Birthday! Расти с тобой, как с (братом/сестрой) никогда не было скучно, часто опасно и в основном весело. Спасибо за все приключения и с Днём рождения!
Happy Birthday to Mom’s second favorite child. С Днём рождения, мамин второй любимый ребёнок.
Официальные поздравления для коллег
Accept my warmest wishes! Примите мои самые тёплые пожелания!*подойдёт, если не знаешь коллегу близко
May success attend you! Да сопутствует вам успех!
May your birthday convert all the obstacles into opportunities! Пусть ваш День рождения превратит все препятствия в возможности!
Wishing you a happy birthday! May happiness and good luck follow you not only today but every day. Поздравляю Вас с днем рождения! Пусть счастье и удача окружают вас не только в этот особенный день, но и всегда.
No one could do a better job than the job you do. We thank you for sticking with us! Enjoy your birthday. Никто другой не может работать так же, как вы. Благодарим вас за то, что вы с нами. Приятного Дня рождения.*официальное поздравление от лица коллектива
You make work a lot less like work. Thanks for all you do! С вами работа не похожа на работу. Спасибо за всё, что вы делаете!

Как отмечают день рождения в разных странах

В каждом уголке мира есть особые традиции на день рождения. Чаще всего они связаны с именинником: с ним обязательно делают что-то странное. Но всё это, конечно, на счастье.

Например, в Англии в праздничный торт запекают монетку, которая гарантирует богатство и успех тому, кто её найдёт. И не всегда это именинник. Его, кстати, обязательно подбрасывают в воздух столько раз, сколько лет ему исполнилось. А в Ирландии всё наоборот: именинника переворачивают вверх ногами и слегка бьют об пол по количеству исполнившихся лет. 

Как поздравить с Днём рождения на английском

В Бразилии именинника нужно подергать за мочку уха в зависимости от количества лет и пожелать ему вырасти большим. А в Канаде имениннику мажут нос маслом, пока он спит. А суть вот в чём: благодаря масляному носу именинник становится скользким — неуязвимым для любых неприятностей в новом году.

На Ямайке в какой-то момент празднования именинника обсыпают мукой, которая символизирует время и называется «пылью веков». Так что именинникам по всему миру приходится по-разному «расплачиваться» за прожитые года.

Как написать открытку на день рождения на английском

Как поздравить с Днём рождения на английском

Иногда хочется подкрепить подарок личными пожеланиями, которые именинник получит вместе с подарком. Оформить поздравительную открытку на английском языке можно так же, как обычное письмо. Пример:

Dear Dmitry,
I’m happy to congratulate you on your 25th birthday. I wish this date will be a step into the world of new discoveries. I want to wish you all the best: health, inexhaustible optimism and achieving the goals!
Best wishes Jake

В качестве пожелания можешь добавить несколько фраз из списка выше или написать стих (ищи пример ниже). А завершить поздравление можно фразами: Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Yours ever, Your friend. Если планируешь отправлять открытку по почте, прочитай нашу статью о том, как правильно писать адрес на английском.

Стихи на день рождения на английском

Подойдут для тех, кто любит творческий подход в поздравлениях. Подобрали несколько стихов на английском с переводом в стихотворной форме.

Красивое поздравление
I wish you happy life forever,I wish you many gorgeous friends.I wish you know fails never,And wish to live with hope, faith.
Wish you to dream, to have the targetsAnd go to them with straight and luck.Let your life will be like a starlet:With brightness, beauty, without suck!
Желаю жизни счастливой,Друзей — чтоб дружить умели.Чтоб все неудачи шли мимо,А вера с надеждой чтоб грели.
Мечтай и ставь нужные цели,Иди к ним лишь с честью, удачей.Чтоб жизнь, словно звезды, горела:Ярко, прекрасно, без плача.
Если именинник любит весёлый праздник
I tried on my congratulation:I came having so many words,I wanted to tell them with passionBut failed… I’m so shy! My heart hurts!But is it a reason to miss it –Your birthday, so happy and nice?So I’ve come! I have made this visit!Be healthy, wealthy, and wise! Готовился я необычно:Красивых слов понабирал,Чтоб с блеском их исполнить нынче;И вдруг приключился аврал —Забылось всё! Но не виляя,Не портя твоё торжество,Скажу я кратко: поздравляю!И кратко пожелаю: всего!
Коротко, ясно, по фактам
Roses are red.Violets are blue.There’s no one as cuteand fun as you.Happy Birthday! Розы красные,Фиалки голубые,Нет никого такого милогои веселого как ты.С днем рождения!

Подытожим новые знания в небольшом видео: узнаешь, чем ещё заменить «Happy Birthday» и как весело поздравить друга.

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In this Article

  • Sweet Poems to Dedicate to a Child on His Birthday
  • What Are Birthday Poems for Children?
  • Benefits of Birthday Poems for Kids
  • FAQs

A child’s birthday is unforgettable for every parent. Every year, parents would want to do something unique to make their little one’s birthday memorable. They look forward to new gifts, yummy cake, and a fun yearly birthday celebration. So, why don’t we change up the birthday song, too? Instead of the same old ‘Happy Birthday’ rhyme, make your child’s birthday special this year by singing a birthday poem for him!

A cute birthday poem for your little one will make his birthday memorable! Your child will appreciate your extra effort and be touched by the birthday poem dedicated to him at his birthday party. Your child will always treasure this poem, even when he grows old. Read on to find cute happy birthday poems for kids to brighten up your kid’s special day!

Sweet Poems to Dedicate to a Child on His Birthday

Irrespective of how old your child is, he will always want something unique to be done on his birthday. Make your child’s birthday a fun and individualistic celebration with these memorable birthday rhymes for kids. If you don’t want a sentimental poem, you can opt for any funny birthday poems for kids to make your little one happy. Find below some sweet birthday poems to brighten up your kid’s birthday:

1. ‘One Chance to Turn One’ by Kelly Roper

“One is a very special age,
a milestone, to be sure.
No longer a baby, but not quite a kid,
still precious and incredibly pure.

Although you’ll have birthdays
for many years to come,
you only get one chance
to turn one, so have fun!”

2. ‘Your Birthday Again?’ by Michele Meleen

“It’s your birthday again?
Can’t be!
Soon, you’ll be
even older than me!

I guess we can celebrate
one more year
just for you.
Out to the store
for a card and gift
I will shop,
until you decide
you’re tired of birthdays
and say, “Stop!”

3. ‘How Quickly You Turned Two’ by Kelly Roper

“Turning two must be easy to do;
I just blinked my eyes, and it happened to you.

Seems like the days just go speeding right by –
why, you’ll probably turn three in the wink of an eye.

So, let’s take time to celebrate your birthday today
and cherish this moment before it slips fast away.”

4. ‘Celebrating Six’ by Kelly Roper

“It’s not every day that you get to turn six!
We’ll light your candles; you blow out the wicks.

Everyone’s gathered to sing your birthday song;
you’ll be opening your presents before too long.

So, enjoy all the attention that’s coming your way.

It’ll be another year before you see your next birthday!”

5. ‘Birthday Poems for Kids 1’ by Jon Bratton

“Today is your birthday,
and you’re extra specially nice,
so, one wish is not enough
so here’s me wishing it twice…

I hope your Birthday is twoderful
in every double way
and may next year bring happiness
day after day after day.”

6. ‘Birthday Poems for Kids 2’ by Jon Bratton

“How much you mean to me
you probably know
here’s a Birthday greeting
especially to show

that without a doubt
there’s no one betterer than you
or anyone more scrumdacious
to wish Happy Birthday to (Name of the Kid)”

7. ‘Birthday Poems for Kids 3’ by Jon Bratton

“Ice Cream and Jello,
whistles and balloons,
shouting and singing,
rhymes and tunes,
gifts and surprises –
fun things to do!
It’s time now to wish

8. ‘Happy Birthday-ness’ by Jon Bratton

“I hope Happy Birthday-ness
comes your way
‘coz you’re very nice;
you deserve a special day!
So here’s wishing happy birthday-ness
today, especially for you,
with lots of your very favourite things
in the year ahead, too!
Happy Birthday!”

9. ‘Fun Birthday’ by Tree.Cards

“It’s your birthday,
let’s have some fun.
We’ll play some tag
and laugh as we run.

There are so many games
we may simply choose.
It doesn’t matter,
if we win or we lose.

Your birthday will be
fantastically funny.
I hope your cake
tastes just like honey.

Enjoy your balloons
and all of that noise.
You must be thinking
about gifts that are toys.

So, happy birthday,
it’s yours and it’s cool.
It’s time to party
and not think of school.”

10. ‘Your Birthday’ by Tree.Cards

“It’s your birthday, let’s go crazy,
it’s not time to be lazy.
Let’s play games and jump around.

Where’s the music, where’s the sound?

It’s your party, you choose the theme,
it’s so much fun, is this a dream?
Let’s have pizza; it tastes real yummy,
Two small slices will fill your tummy.

What about a funny clown?
Is there one in this old town?
Whatever you do, make sure to have fun,
it’s your birthday; enjoy the sun.”

11. ‘For the Birthday Boy’ by Michele Meleen

“For the birthday boy,
we wish nothing more
than a day filled with love,
and everything you wish you had.
Happy Birthday, son,
from Mom and Dad.”

12. ‘Happy Birthday from Us’ by Kelly Roper

“Happy birthday to you,
on this, your special day.
We’re so glad to share it with you,
to bring gifts, eat cake, and play.

We hope you have a great time,
and that all your wishes come true,
because we don’t know anyone who deserves
a happier birthday than you!”

13. ‘Happy Birthday, Girl’ by Michele Meleen

“Happy Birthday, Girl!
You deserve only the best
on this day that gave us you
and made our life blessed.

Your birthday is shared
with your parents, dear daughter
because when you were born our child,
we were born in a way as Mother and Father.”

14. ‘Bigger Is Better’ by Michele Meleen

“When it comes to birthdays,
bigger is better!

Bigger cake,
more ice cream,
bigger gifts,
more guests,
bigger wishes,
more happy.

On your birthday, I only have one wish,
that your celebration is the biggest!”

15.’ Happy Birthday’ by Tree.Cards

“Happy birthday, beautiful child!
Sometimes you’re normal, sometimes you’re wild.
You may need to move to the zoo,
live with monkeys, and clean up their pooh.

Happy birthday! Hope you like toys!
We all know you’re a big fan of noise.
Hope you enjoy your delicious cake;
Deep inside, there might be a snake.

Your birthday celebration, we’re all here to share;
we love you dearly, and very much care.
One more thing we’d like to say,
Get off your butt, and go and play.”

16. ‘Birthday Blessings’ by Joanna Fuchs

Instead of counting candles,

Of tallying the years, 

Contemplate your blessings now, 

As your birthday nears.

Consider special people

Who love you, and who care, 

And others who’ve enriched your life

Just by being there.

Think about the memories

Passing years can never mar,

Experiences great and small

That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,

So cut your cake, and say,

“Instead of counting birthdays,

I count blessings every day!”

17. ‘Turning Three’ By Kelly Roper

You’re turning three,
And it’s easy to see,
Just how big,
You’re getting to be.

Let’s celebrate with cake
and a little ice cream,
And hope your big day’s filled
With all that you dream!

18. ‘Happy Birthday, Kiddo!’ by C. A. Lynch

Happy birthday, kiddo, let’s have a blast,
A day full of fun and memories that will last.
Cake smeared on your face, candles burning bright,
Get ready for a laughter-filled delight!

Party hats on, and let’s go wild,
Time for giggles, like a mischievous child.
Unwrap your presents with eager anticipation,
But beware of the gift wrap hurricane sensation!

Dance like nobody’s watching, jump with glee,
Today is all about you and being carefree.
So enjoy your special day with a joyful cheer,
Happy birthday, kiddo! Let’s make memories to hold dear!

19. Blow Out The Candles by Tom S. Gold

Blow out the candles and make a wish
But we hope you don’t wish for fish.
A birthday celebration just for you
A day to do what you want to

We all gather here and sing
May this birthday bring
Sunshine and rainbows just for you
And lots of presents too!

20. Time To Have Fun by C. A. Lynch

Happy Birthday, little one
Time to have lots of fun
With candles on your cake
And cupcakes that we baked.

A day to celebrate you
With presents and lots to do
We wish you a Happy Birthday
This is your special day.

What Are Birthday Poems for Children?

Birthday poems are a way to express your love and affection for your child through written and spoken word. It is a fun replacement for the ‘Happy Birthday’ song and a way to personalise the feelings and message you want to convey to your little one!

Benefits of Birthday Poems for Kids

Writing or reciting birthday poems for kids adds a personal touch to wishes that are otherwise generic on birthday cards and birthday songs. Additionally, poetry is a way to teach children new words, improving their vocabulary, listening, reading, and writing skills. Finally, it is a memento of your unbreakable bond and is something they can carry with them forever!


1. How can you personalise a birthday poem for your child? 

In order to make the birthday poem more meaningful, you can personalise it by finding a way to incorporate their names into the rhymes. You can also stitch in memorable events, a funny incident, or a particular word that only your inner circle knows! This could be the name of their favourite plush toy, their nickname, or a place they hold dear.

2. Are there any specific themes that work well in birthday poems for kids?

Some fun themes that work well while penning your own birthday poem are discussing the party, opening gifts, eating cake, making wishes, growing older, funny anecdotes, and unconditional love. In terms of poem structures, shorter poems with rhyming schemes work better!

3. How can you help kids create their own birthday poems?

If you want to teach your kids how to create their own poems, start by grabbing a notebook and paper! Ask them to think of the person they want to wish or think about themselves (if the poem is dedicated to self!). Ask them to write down all the good things they know about the person and what they love about them.

Get them to write a sentence using the first compliment. Now, ask them if they can think of a rhyming word for that compliment. If yes, then try and write the second sentence using that. Now, help them pick the following compliment and repeat. Poems don’t always need to rhyme as long as they flow well and convey the message you want!

As parents, you always want to make your kid’s birthday special. So, make the birthdays memorable with a particular birthday poem. You can sing the poem at the birthday party or add it to the birthday card or tag, and your child will cherish these beautiful poetic birthday wishes for years!

Also Read:

Funny Poems for Kids
Short English Poems for Children
Amazing Cinquains Poems for Kids
Lovely Friendship Poems for Children

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