Поздравление с днем рождения на английском языке женщине прикольные

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Wishes Кому-то необходимо лишь 10 минут, чтобы подписать десяток открыток с новым годом или с днем рождения. Я же могу просидеть полчаса над одной открыткой, сочиняя текст поздравления. А если нужно поздравить на иностранном языке, то на это может уйти и час драгоценного времени. Для таких как я, вы найдёте на этой странице сайта, поздравления с днём рождения друзей, коллег, партнёров в стихах и в прозе на английском языке с переводом.

Happy Birthday Wishes

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Короткие, традиционные поздравления стрелка вверх

Happy Birthday! С Днем Рождения!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday! Наилучшие пожелания и замечательного Дня Рождения!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! С Днем Рождения! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего в этот особенный день!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Поздравления и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Поздравляю с Днем Рождения и желаю долгих лет жизни!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! От всего сердца я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you all the best on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
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Дружеские поздравления стрелка вверх

I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday! Я надеюсь, что в твой День Рождения, все твои желания исполнятся! С Днем Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today! Я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения! Желаю отлично провести сегодня время!
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Тёплые и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения! Пусть сегодня будет замечательный день!
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday! Пусть этот особенный день принесёт тебе все, что ты хочешь! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Желаю тебе лучшего Дня Рождения на свете! Развлекись по-полной! Ура!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! Счастливого Дня Рождения и много счастливых дней в твоем новом году!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! Желаю(ем) тебе Дня Рождения такого же особенного как ты сам(сама)!
Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day! Думаю(ем) о тебе в твой День Рождения и желаю(ем) тебе счастья! Пусть это день будет замечательным!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
May be I am not by your side on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday! Даже если я и не рядом с тобой в твой День Рождения, но я всегда думаю о тебе и посылаю тебе самые наилучшие пожелания! С Днем Рождения!
Let God keeps you away from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, clever enemies and small-minded friends! Happy Birthday! Пусть Бог хранит тебя от злых языков, внезапного несчастья, умных врагов и глупых друзей-единомышленников! С Днем Рождения!
With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday! С большой любовью, я посылаю тебе самые замечательные пожелания! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! Даже если нас разделяют километры, так хорошо знать, что ты где-то есть! С Днем Рождения!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. С огромным удовольствием я хочу пожелать тебе здоровья, любви, счастья и свободы в мечтаниях. Также желаю тебе вечной молодости, оригинальных идей и большого успеха во всем, что ты делаешь! Будь счастлив! Оставайся собой, что бы ни случилось!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Я желаю тебе длинной и увлекательной жизни! Желаю тебе крепкого здоровья и выдающихся результатов во всем, что ты делаешь. А самое важное, я желаю тебе безмерного счастья в каждой минуте твоей жизни. Будь любим(а), наслаждайся каждым днем!
You’re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! Ты чудо и прелесть! Пусть в жизни твоей будет много радостей и удач и не будет проблем и огорчений! Здоровья и счастья тебе и всем, кто тебе дорог! С днем рождения!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday! От всей души поздравляю тебя с Днём рождения! Пусть в новом для тебя году сбудутся все-все твои самые заветные мечты, надежды и ожидания. Хорошего радостного настроения каждый день, крепкого здоровья, стойкости к невзгодам и терпения, успехов во всех-всех делах и личного счастья! Спасибо за тот яркий свет, что ты даришь мне! Спасибо, что ты есть на этом свете! Счастья тебе и удачи! С Днём рождения!
Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth. Поздравляю тебя с днём рождения, желаю здоровья, свободы, счастья, успехов во всём и вечной молодости! Пусть сбудутся все твои мечты!
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness — without measure — every day!
Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья — безмерного счастья! Каждый день!
With all my heart — Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!
Сердечно поздравляю с днем рождения! Ты очень красивая, умная и талантливая! Не меняйся, оставайся такой как есть. Обнимаю! Целую!
Dear …………,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you a very happy birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck…
All the best,
Your friend,
Дорогой …………,
С Днем Рождения, мой друг!
Долгих лет жизни! Я желаю тебе по-настоящему счастливого дня рождения! Будь здоров и богат и удачлив …
Всего наилучшего,
Твой друг,
Dear …
I congratulate you on your Birthday and wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be always positive, optimistic and believe in yourself.
Уважаемый …
Я поздравляю Вас с Днём рождения и желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, счастья и душевного спокойствия. Будьте всегда оптимистичны, верьте в будущее и в себя.
С уважением,
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Поздравления с днем рождения любимого человека стрелка вверх

Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! Посылаю тебе поздравления на День Рождения, завёрнутые в мою любовь!
Happy birthday! Wishing you a birthday as bright as your smile, as sweet as your love, as fun as your spirit, and as wonderful as you are. Thank you for always being there for me! С днем ​​рождения! Желаю тебе дня рождения, такого же яркого, как твоя улыбка, такого же сладкого, как твоя любовь, такого же веселого, как твой дух, и такого же замечательного, как ты сам/а. Спасибо, что ты всегда рядом со мной!
Today is the best day ever because it’s the day you were born. Happy birthday! I love and miss you! Сегодня лучший день на свете, потому что это день, когда ты родился/родилась. С днем ​​рождения! Люблю и скучаю!
Happy birthday to my one and only! I love you more and more everyday. С днем рождения, моя единственная и неповторимая / мой единственный и неповторимый! Я люблю тебя все больше и больше с каждым днем.
Sending all my love to you on this very special day! I hope your birthday is as beautiful as you are, love! Посылаю вам всю свою любовь в этот особенный день! Надеюсь, твой день рождения будет таким же прекрасным, как и ты, любимая!
Today is your birthday, but I’m the one who has received the best gift—knowing you. Happy birthday beautiful! Сегодня твой день рождения, но я тот, кто получил лучший подарок — знать тебя. С днем ​​рождения красавица!
You are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I hope you have an awesome birthday. You deserve it, my love, and I will make sure your dreams come true. Ты — лучшее, что случалось в моей жизни, и я надеюсь, что твой день рождения пройдёт отлично. Ты этого заслуживаешь, любовь моя, и я позабочусь о том, чтобы твои мечты сбылись.
Happy birthday to the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend in the world! You light up my life with your smile and your love. I am so grateful to have you by my side. May your day be filled with love, joy, and cake(lots and lots of cake). I love you more than words can express. Happy birthday, my love! С днем ​​рождения, самая красивая и удивительная девушка на свете! Ты освещаешь мою жизнь своей улыбкой и своей любовью. Я так благодарен, что ты рядом со мной. Пусть твой день будет наполнен любовью, радостью и сладостями. Я люблю тебя больше, чем могут выразить слова. С днем ​​рождения, любовь моя!
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Официальные поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке стрелка вверх

Warm birthday greetings. Теплые поздравления с Днем рождения.
Please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the occasion of your birthday. Пожалуйста, примите наши искренние поздравления по случаю Вашего дня рождения.
Congratulations and all good wishes on your birthday. Поздравления и самые добрые пожелания по случаю дня рождения.
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a businessman. С большим удовольствием поздравляю Вас по случаю 40-летия и желаю Вам доброго здоровья и долгих лет дальнейшей деятельности как бизнесмена.
It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. Было очень приятно узнать о приближении Вашего дня рождения, поскольку это даёт мне возможность присоединить свои пожелания к тем, что вы получаете от своих коллег. Ваша жизнь настолько полна большими достижениями и добытыми трудом успехами, что вы должны быть этим удовлетворены. Примите, пожалуйста, мои сердечные поздравления.
Dear Mr. ………. ,

Happy to congratulate you to your 45th birthday. I wish I could personally come to share the joy of festivities on this milestone in your life, but I happen to be so far away from you physically at the moment. May your future be attended with prosperity and happiness !
Again wishing you many more birthdays.

Yours own,

Уважаемый г-н ………….. ,

Рад поздравить Вас с вашим 45-летием. Я хотел бы лично разделить радость праздника, но я так далеко от Вас в данный момент. Пусть Ваше будущее будет наполнено процветанием и счастьем!
А также желаю Вам долгих лет жизни (чтобы этот день повторился много раз).

Всегда Ваш,

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Английские поздравления с днем рождения в стихах стрелка вверх

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Именинница, сегодня твой день!
Время есть торт, петь песни и играть.
Есть столько способов повеселиться на день рождения.
Надеюсь, ты испробуешь их все!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
Прекрасной жизни будет путь,
Всегда, сегодня, не забудь –
Пусть невзгоды исчезают,
Друзья тебя не покидают!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can with me say
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy end!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
С Днем Рождения Вас поздравляем!
Все со мной согласятся, я знаю,
Можно другом хорошим Вас звать,
Кто готов нас всегда поддержать.
Вот и Вам мы желаем таких же друзей,
И в любви, чтоб не знали невзгод и потерь,
Чтобы дети были здоровы и счастливы,
И удача проявила в Судьбе участие!
You’re going to have a fun day
That’s what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
Впереди у вас сегодня веселый День рождения!
Вам сегодня все об этом будут говорить!
Пусть год грядущий пройдет без сожаления,
Печали и ненастья держа все взаперти!
Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there will be a condition
of Peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
Пусть мир без всяких сложностей
Любовью очаруется!
Пусть все твои возможности
Легко реализуются!
Пусть будет состояние
Душевного спокойствия!
Пусть каждое желание
Доставит удовольствие!!
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Поздравления с опозданием стрелка вверх

Написание запоздалого поздравления с днем ​​​​рождения от всего сердца для друга или члена семьи может оказаться непростой задачей. Если это так, вот несколько идей, с которых можно начать.

Happy belated birthday! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, это был замечательный день!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you ate lots of cake! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, ты съел много торта!
Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you! Хотел бы я быть там, чтобы отпраздновать это с тобой! ( если Вас приглашали на праздник, а Вы не смогли присутствовать)
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for being too late. С прошедшим днем рождения! Извините, что опоздал.
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for saying this too late. Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днем рождения! Извини(те), что сказал это слишком поздно. Надеюсь, у тебя/вас был замечательный день!
Happy late B-Day! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Belated happy birthday! May the year ahead be filled with abundant blessings, joy, and success. I’m so sorry for the delay. My wishes for you are as heartfelt as ever. С опозданием, с днем рождения! Пусть предстоящий год будет благословенным, радостным и успешным. Мне очень жаль за задержку. Мои пожелания тебе как никогда сердечны.
Time got away from me, but my well wishes didn’t. Belated happy birthday! I hope your day was filled with laughter and love. Я потерялся во времени, но мои добрые пожелания — нет. С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, твой день был наполнен смехом и любовью.
Please forgive my forgetfulness, but I couldn’t let the occasion pass without sending you belated birthday wishes. May the days ahead be filled with endless laughter, abundant love, and dreams that come true. Пожалуйста, прости мою забывчивость, но я не могу не послать тебе своё запоздалое поздравление с днем рождения. Пусть предстоящие дни будут наполнены смехом, щедрой любовью и мечтами, которые сбываются.
Late but sincere, my birthday wishes come your way. Belated happy birthday! May this year be filled with sunshine, adventure, and all the happiness you can imagine. You deserve the best. С опозданием, но искренне, мои поздравления с днем рождения приходят к вам. С прошедшим днём рождения! Пусть этот год будет наполнен солнечным светом, приключениями и счастьем, которое вы только можете себе представить. Всего самого лучшего.
Better late than never, right? Wishing you a belated happy birthday that’s as bright and dazzling as you are! Лучше поздно чем никогда, правильно? Поздравляю тебя с прошедшим днём рождения, таким же ярким и ослепительным, как и ты!
I know I’m late wishing you a happy birthday, but mine is coming around soon, and revenge, as they say, is sweet. Happy birthday! Я знаю, что опоздал поздравить тебя с днем рождения, но мой скоро наступит, и месть, как говорится, сладка. С днем ​​рождения!
Belated happy birthday to my amazing, sweet, and beautiful friend. Although my greetings come late, our friendship always comes first. I cherish you now, today, tomorrow, and forever more. Happy birthday! С опозданием поздравляю моего удивительного, милого и прекрасного друга с днем рождения. Хотя мои поздравления приходят поздно, наша дружба всегда на первом месте. Я дорожу тобой сейчас, сегодня, завтра и во веки веков. С днем ​​рождения!
I didn’t really forget your special day…I just wanted the happiness to last a little longer. Belated happy birthday to my best friend! Я не совсем забыл твой особенный день… Я просто хотел, чтобы счастье длилось немного дольше. С опозданием поздравляю лучшего друга с днем рождения!

Похожие публикации:

стрелка вверх

Let’s face it: the sappy stuff isn’t for everyone. While some people live for heartfelt and emotional birthday messages, others would rather forgo the celebration at all if it meant they could prevent the waterworks. If you fall into the latter category and prefer a lighthearted approach to birthdays, you’re not alone. Even the Drummonds love to celebrate their family members with knee-slapping funny birthday wishes, puns, and dad jokes!

Life is too short to be taken so seriously, whether you need birthday wishes for a best friend or birthday wishes for your mom. Choose an exceptionally cheesy card and throw in a good one-liner or sarcastic birthday quip. Pioneer Woman food fans might get a kick out of a line like, «Have you heard? In banana years, you’re ripe enough for bread!» If your bestie is big on the puns, draw a couple of pickles and write, «How do two pickle friends celebrate each other? They relish their birthdays.» So if you’re wondering what to write in a birthday card, this list has the perfect balance between silly and appropriate, so you can deliver a birthday wish that’s as unforgettable as the birthday person themself. Heck, one of these messages would even make a really cute birthday caption for Instagram!

funny birthday wishes

Ree Drummond

Best Funny Birthday Wishes

  • Like cheese and fine wine, you’re only getting better with time!
  • You might be prehistoric, but at least you’re not extinct!
  • They say the older you are, the wiser you become. At this rate, you’re basically Socrates!
  • Another year, another candle on the cake. At this rate, your cake is going to need its own fire extinguisher.
  • Remember, age is just a number. In your case, a really, really high one.
  • Don’t forget to wear your birthday suit. But make sure you check it for wrinkles first!
  • Age is a matter of mind. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!
  • Happy birthday! You’re not getting older; you’re just upgrading to a version with more ‘wisdom’ and fewer ‘teeth.’
  • I hope you celebrate this birthday the way you celebrated the first one: naked and screaming. Happy birthday!
  • Smart, good looking, and funny. But enough about me. Happy birthday!
  • Remember, age is like underwear – it creeps up on you when you least expect it. But at least you can change your age on Facebook.
  • Every day we celebrate you… but today, you get a card.
  • Statistics show that those who have the most birthdays live the longest. You’re doing pretty well!
  • A wise person once said, «Forget about your past, you cannot change it.» I’d like to add: «Forget about your present, I didn’t get you one!»
  • Happy Easter. Christmas. Independence Day. You know what? Just eat your darn cake!
  • Happy birthday! Remember, age is just a number, but wrinkles are real estate for wisdom!
  • Congrats on surviving another year! Just remember, at your age, it’s important to start using your blinker when changing lanes… in the grocery store!
  • It’s time to get this party started! But seriously, let’s get a move on—we both know you can’t stay up past 10 p.m.

funny birthday wishes

Alison Gootee

Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend

  • You don’t look a day over 16! From a distance, with my eyes closed. Happy birthday!
  • My birthday wish for you is that your hangover tomorrow isn’t too bad.
  • Happy birthday, bestie! Remember, age is just a number, but in your case, it’s a really high one. Just kidding – you’re like a fine wine, getting better with age. Or maybe just fermented. Cheers!
  • Like the clothes we covet, you’re not old, but vintage! Happy birthday to my shopping partner and bestie!
  • I can’t tell if life is passing us by or trying to run us over. HBD, friend!
  • Cheers to the one who knows all my secrets and still decides to be seen in public with me. Happy birthday, bestie! May your day be filled with as much joy as our late-night gossip sessions.
  • What did one veggie say to the other on its birthday? Ha pea birthday.
  • You’re the Thelma to my Louise, the Snoop to my Martha, and the Selena to my Taylor. Wishing the happiest birthday to my partner in crime!
  • In dog years you’re dead. Happy birthday to a man’s best friend!
  • Happiest of birthdays to the kid who always knows what to say, what to wear, and when to leave the party.
  • Cheers to another year of making questionable decisions together! Happy birthday, my partner in crime and the craziest friend I know!
  • Happy birthday to the person who has seen me at my best, my worst, and my weirdest… and still loves me anyway! You’re stuck with me for life!
  • A true friend remembers your birthday but not your age.
  • Happy birthday, bestie! Here’s a long life together, so we can be 100 and still gossiping like teens.
  • How do two pickle friends celebrate each other? They relish their birthdays.
  • Happy birthday! We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile… then, we’ll be new friends!

funny birthday wishes

Ashley Alexander Photography

Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister or Brother

  • Congratulations on reaching an age where you wake up at the same time you used to go to sleep on a Saturday.
  • Cheers to you! May your birthday be as unforgettable as my Netflix password.
  • Happy birthday to a guy who continues to defy the effects of time, both in appearance and behavior!
  • Happy birthday to the sister who knows me better than anyone else and still manages to like me. You’re either a saint or just really good at pretending.
  • Another year older, wiser, and more like me. You’re welcome. Happy birthday, little bro/sis!
  • Wishing my favorite (and only) sister the happiest birthday ever! May your day be filled with joy, laughter, and fewer annoying questions about borrowing your stuff.
  • Happy birthday! You’re not just my sister; you’re my partner in crime, my co-conspirator, and the reason our parents have more gray hair. Here’s to another year of mischief and laughter!
  • Congratulations on turning another year older and still not having your life together. You’re not getting older; you’re just collecting more experiences… and probably a few more gray hairs. Happy birthday sis/bro!
  • Happy Birthday! I would have bought you a gift, but it’s above my sibling pay grade.
  • Older? Definitely. Wiser? Definitely debatable. Happy Birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the only person I know who can get away with using anti-aging cream and a fake ID at the same time!
  • Happy birthday to the best sibling. I’m so grateful you came into my life to make me seem normal!
  • Loving you is a piece of cake. Now, it’s time to eat yours!
  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for the sacrifice of being the older sibling paving the way, and making me look good!
  • I just want to say on your special day, thanks for always being older than me.
  • Don’t forget to smile uncomfortably when the whole family sings you Happy Birthday!

funny birthday wishes

Ashley Alexander Photography

Short Funny Birthday Wishes

  • It’s better to be over the hill than buried under it.
  • Birthdays are like golfing — it’s a lot more fun if you don’t keep count!
  • You aren’t old, you’re a classic!
  • What goes up but never comes down? Your age.
  • Like an iPhone, you upgrade each year!
  • Let them eat cake. And by them, I mean you!
  • Birthdays are like vacations: infrequent and fleeting.
  • Celebrate your birthday like a cat: by turning up the mewsic.
  • Happy Womb Emigration Day.
  • Congratulations on the level-up!
  • Have you heard? In banana years, you’re ripe enough for bread!
  • Happy National [Name] Day!
  • Happy birthday and keep up the good work getting older!
  • We’re both getting old, but who’s counting? Happy birthday!
  • Have a drink for me on your birthday! Or two…or four!
  • Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks never met you.
  • Last year your birthday cake looked like a prairie fire! Keep adding those candles!

funny birthday wishes

Buff Strickland

Funny Birthday Wishes for Husband or Wife

  • Congratulations on reaching an age where your back goes out more than you do! Happy birthday, and may your joints be as flexible as your sense of humor.
  • They say the older you get, the wiser you become. So, at your age, you must be the wisest person I know… or at least the one with the most birthdays.
  • Happy birthday to someone who is not only a year older but also a year closer to qualifying for the senior discount. Enjoy the perks, ancient one!
  • Happy birthday, hubby! They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I did get you a cake just in case.
  • Congratulations on surviving another year of my snoring. I know it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. Happy birthday, my sleep-deprived soulmate!
  • Happy birthday, darling! Remember, you’re not getting older; you’re just leveling up in the game of life. And as your devoted player two, I’m here for all the co-op adventures ahead!
  • Cheers to the one who still makes my heart skip a beat – and not just because I almost forgot it was your birthday again!
  • Happy birthday to one of the only people I can actually tolerate on a daily basis! Well, most days.
  • Happy birthday from the one who endures your farts and loves you all the same.
  • Happy anniversary of being Bourne. I still maintain that was Matt Damon, but I’m happy if you’re happy.
  • Happy birthday! You’re like a fine wine—getting older only makes you more valuable and smell a little funky!
  • Happy birthday! You know you’re getting old when you can’t remember how old you are. So, how old are you again?
  • Happy birthday to someone who’s aging like a fine cheese, getting stinkier and more delicious with each passing year!
  • Happy birthday to my favorite human pillow! Thanks.
  • Happy birthday to the luckiest man/woman in the world. Getting a man/woman like me is winning the lottery!
  • Everything in this world has a limit, but my love for you is limitless… most of the time. Happy birthday!

funny belated birthday wishes

Caitlin Bensel

Funny Belated Birthday Wishes

  • I didn’t forget your birthday, I’m just celebrating your birthweek!
  • They say good things come to those who wait, so consider this belated wish the best thing ever. Belated happy birthday, and may the delay bring you extra happiness!
  • Happy belated birthday! I was going for the surprise element. Who knew arriving after the party could be so suspenseful?
  • I didn’t forget your birthday; I just wanted to test your patience. Congratulations, you passed! Belated happy birthday!
  • I’m not saying I’m forgetful, but I just remembered your birthday… fashionably late. Belated happy birthday, and may my memory improve before your next one!
  • You forgot my birthday present last year, so now I’m returning the favor. Happy birthday!
  • Someone has to keep the party going. You’re welcome. Happy belated birthday!
  • I’m sorry for the delay in my birthday wishes. Let’s just blame it on Mercury being in retrograde. Happy belated birthday, my friend!
  • I may have missed the actual date, but my love and wishes for you are timeless. Happy belated birthday!
  • I couldn’t decide what to get you for your birthday, so I thought I’d give you the gift of suspense. Happy belated birthday, my patient friend!
  • I didn’t forget your birthday; I just wanted to add some extra suspense to your life.
  • Happy belated birthday to someone who’s so awesome that they deserve to be celebrated every day, not just on their actual birthday!
  • I didn’t want to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. I wanted to be the last one so that you’d remember me the longest! Happy belated birthday!
  • Sorry for the delay, but the good news is that now your birthday celebration can last even longer! Belated happy birthday to the coolest person I know!
  • I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who! Happy belated!
  • Yes, I forgot your birthday. But on the bright side, I also don’t remember your age!

Headshot of Micaela Bahn

Micaela Bahn is a freelance editorial assistant and recent graduate from Carleton College, where she majored in English literature. She loves running, photography, and cooking the best new recipes.


Nitya Rao is the editorial assistant at The Pioneer Woman, covering stories ranging from food, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, news, and more.

I hope your special day will bring you lots of happiness, love and fun. You deserve them a lot. Enjoy!

Надеюсь, что этот особенный день принесет тебе много счастья, любви и веселья. Ты заслуживаешь их. Наслаждайся!

Have a wonderful birthday! I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine.

Замечательного дня рождения! Желаю, чтобы каждый твой день был наполнен любовью, смехом, счастьем и теплом солнечного света!

On your special day, I wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings. Have a fantastic birthday!

В твой особенный день я желаю тебе удачи. Я надеюсь, что этот замечательный день наполнит твое сердце радостью и благословением. Желаю восхитительного дня рождения!

Special day, special person and special celebration. May all your dreams and desires come true in this coming year! Happy birthday!

Особенный день, особенный человек, особенное торжество. Пусть исполнятся все твои мечты и желания в грядущем году! С днем рождения!

I want your birthday to be celebrated as a national holiday because then I’ll get a day off. Happy birthday!

Я хочу, чтобы твой день рождения праздновали как национальный праздник, потому что тогда у меня будет выходной. С днем рождения!

Soon you’re going to start a new year of your life and I hope this coming year will bring every success you deserve. Happy birthday!

Скоро ты начнешь свой новый год жизни, и я надеюсь, что грядущий год принесет успех, который ты заслуживаешь. С днем рождения!

They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say forget about the past and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream. Happy birthday!

Говорят, что с возрастом человек теряет память. А я говорю, забудь о прошлом и живи полной жизнью сейчас! Начни с мороженого. С днем рождения!

Be your own light. Find your own way. It should be easy with all those candles.

Будь светом для себя самого. Найди свой собственный путь. Это должно быть легко с таким количеством свечек.

I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for you. Happy birthday!

Я надеюсь, что сегодняшний день станет для тебя началом прекрасного года. С днем рождения!

Break every rule you can. Lie about your age. Live loudly. And have unforgettable & happy birthday!

Нарушай все правила, какие можешь нарушить. Ври про свой возраст. Живи громкой жизнью. Желаю тебе незабываемого и счастливого дня рождения!

Wishing you health, love, wealth, happiness and just everything your heart desires. Happy birthday!

Желаю тебе здоровья, любви, богатства, счастья и всего, что желает твое сердце. С днем рождения!

Your birthday wishes don’t always have to stick to the same old boring routine. You can spice things up with some witty humor and lighthearted fun. Funny messages have a way of turning things around and lifting mood. They are a simple yet impactful way to bring a smile to someone’s face on their special day. So why not make it even more special with a touch of laughter?

Before sending any funny messages to someone, it’s important to consider the nature of your relationship with them. Avoid saying anything that might cause them discomfort or sadness.

Our funny birthday wishes are filled with mischief but are not intended to cause anyone pain. They cover different types of relationships. Choose the perfect message and send it to the birthday boy or girl. You might just bring a smile to their face, even if only for a moment.

Stop counting the candles on your birthday cake, you will get tired! Have a blast today.

You are just as annoying as you were on day one. Stay the same and have a happy birthday!

There’s nothing to be worried about getting old. Look at you; you are old and still doing great. Happy Birthday dear oldy.

Congratulations on reaching a new level in the game called life. Have a fun birthday!

I wish some people would stop wasting things. Just like you. You are wasting space on the earth and certainly wasting the time of others. Happy Birthday!

funny birthday wishes

You have been alive for so many years, and all you have gained in life is a big fat belly. That’s a big achievement! 🤣 Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, love. I thought of getting you the best present ever. Sadly, I’m too big to fit in the gift box.

Everyone grows old but not everyone can grow wise. Please don’t be sad, my friend. Not everyone needs wisdom too. Happy Birthday!

Age is just a number, just like your salary. They keep increasing every year! So, why feel sad for one and happy for the other. Cheers to your birthday!

Happy birthday to someone who is too sweeter than sugar and spicy than Mexican chili.

Hope you will not get sad over the number of candles on your cake. Many happy returns of the day, my love.

A wise man once said, ‘ Forget about the past; you can’t change it.’ But I’d like to add, ‘Forget about your age, you can’t change that either!’ 🤣 Enjoy your birthday!

You have officially gotten past the teenage years. It’s time to be mature and stop expecting birthday gifts from people. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, don’t be sad. At least you are not as old as you are going to be the next year. Be happy thinking about that!

Funny Birthday Quotes

You have been here for a long time, perhaps since the age of the cave people. No wonder why you are so backdated. Happy Birthday!

It’s a very good day to identify all the liars around you. Don’t get fooled by the one that tells you you are still young and beautiful. Happy Birthday

Do you know how I always remember your birthday? Well, Facebook does the work for me. Anyways, HBD dear.

Happy birthday! Party hard and scream as loud as you did when you came into the world.

Your youth is soon turning into heart disease and diabetes, so have fun while you still can. Happy birthday!

A man is as big as his imagination and as old as his age. True for you. Happy Birthday. I’m glad that you still have your teeth.

Happy Birthday, Girl! May your troubles be as few as your Instagram likes and your blessings be as many as Snapchat filters!

You have come a long way from celebrating your first birthday fully naked to now being fully covered! Happy Birthday! 😀

Happy birthday, dearest. Hope to live long enough to post your wrinkled face and toothless photos.

Another delicious cake is going to be wasted today for the birthday of a useless person whose existence in this world makes no difference at all. Happy Birthday to that person 😝

Today, anyone not mentioning in their wishes that you have gotten old and ugly is a liar. Anyway, Happy Birthday dear, you are aging beautifully each year 😝

Some people are old, some are beautiful and some are both. You are not old enough to be called ‘old’ and certainly not good looking enough to be called ‘beautiful. Happy Birthday! 🤣

happy birthday funny

If you are good at something, don’t do it for free. And if you are good at nothing, just shut up and don’t ask for a gift. Happy Birthday!

I want you to know that even if you become old and wrinkly after ages, I’ll still love you the way I do now. Probably the day is not so far away. Happy birthday 🤣

I didn’t get you a present, so forget about the past you can’t change, the future you can’t forecast, and most definitely forget about the present. Happy Birthday 😛

Warmest greetings on your day, if someone tries to tag you on “Oldie club” whack them with your walking stick and curse them with your toothless mouth 🤣 Have a blessed day.

Short Funny Birthday Wishes

Some people age gracefully, then there’s you. Happy birthday anyway.

Happy birthday, you old hag. Have fun today.

Happy birthday. I’m only here for the cake.

Another birthday of yours! It seems almost as if you’ve been polluting the earth forever.

Hey beautiful! It’s your birthday! Happy birthday! Now throw me a party!

Thank you for making this day special for us to have cake, food, drink, and lots of fun.

Funny Birthday Wishes For a Girl

Don’t blow any candles today; your makeup will be destroyed! 😀 Happy Birthday!

Too many candles, too less breaths in you to blow them.

Happy birthday. May God gift you some wisdom.

It feels funny to be around you and realize how younger you are getting each year! 😀

Happy Birthday, girl! You are inching towards finding a husband!

Happy birthday, my little princes. Now grow up and stop being silly!

Happy birthday, silly boy! Now stop being silly and help me be sillier! 😛

You must be tired of blowing the candles off on your birthday! Jokes apart, Happy Birthday!

Your birthday is so special that it needs to be listed as a holiday! Happy Birthday! 😀

Wishing you a happy birthday and your own personal new year!

Happy Birthday to you! The only number that will go up and never down is your age.

Happy Birthday! Make a wish. Quick! Oops too late.

Funny Birthday Wishes for a Friend

Happy Birthday my friend! The size of your cake and your body seems to get bigger each year! 😀

Age is just a number, and so are restaurants bills! Happy birthday, do remember to buy me food!

A star was born on this day. I mean, you were too. But I’m referring to a celebrity.

The night is still young, but you, my friend, aren’t anymore. Let’s still party, though!

I’m pretty sure you are missing your childhood so much. That’s exactly what people do when they get old. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday my friend! Now thank me for wishing you my valuable time! 😄

Dear friend, hope this day comes again and again in your life after all this is the only day we do not complain while listening to your whining. Happy birthday xx

May your birthday be filled with all the joy, laughter, and cake you can handle. And if you need someone to help you eat it, I’m your guy.

Happy birthday to my bestie, the one person who understands me even when I don’t understand myself. Let’s keep being weird together.

Happy Birthday to my special friend! I could go on days talking about you but I don’t have the patience to write it all down. Stay cheery!

Wishing my good friend a very happy birthday! You must be drinking some special elixir to stay this young and handsome.

So today is your birthday. Get your gifts first. Some people might change their minds after the party.

This was the date when you accidentally came out of a jungle and started acting like a human. Shouldn’t we celebrate this day? Happiest Birthday to you!

Read: 120+ Birthday Wishes For Friend (Sweet and Touchy)

Funny Birthday Wishes for Him

I hope you have a great birthday my love! In fact, I know you will! As I am in it! 😀 Happy Birthday!

Wish you many more years of tolerating my tantrums. Happy birthday, honey.

My only regret is that I didn’t meet you sooner so I could have irritated you more. Wishing my beautiful girl, a very happy birthday.

I will not wish you this birthday. Unless you take me on a date! 😀 Happy Birthday anyways!

Your birthday is today. Sad birthday! Because now I cannot sleep as think of your birthday planning! 😛

Funny Birthday Wishes for Him

No matter how old you are, I will always give you the bigger share of the cake! Happy birthday to you, darling!

Happy birthday, baby. Don’t fear getting old; being with an enticing lady like me, your youth is going to last much longer than expected!

Happy birthday to you, love. To celebrate your increasing age, let’s increase your cash transaction too! Let’s go shopping.

The wrinkles on your face make me feel so relieved because you’ve got no options other than me anymore!

I hope you are the happiest that you get to celebrate it with your finest present, yeah- that’s me. Enjoy the day, love. Happy birthday.

So, dear fav man- you are already (insert age)? My condolences. But no worries- gonna love you anyways. Happy birthday, dearest.

Here’s to my handsome aging like a fine wine! Happy Birthday and don’t be too flattered. I’m just being nice to you today.

I’m not a fan of excessively sweet messages, you know. But you should really thank me for tolerating you all these years. Happy Birthday!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Her

Happy Birthday to the one girl in my life who I wish never came into my life! 😛 Jokes apart, happy birthday girl! 😊

No matter how much you mature, I’m always going to snuggle you like a baby. Happy birthday, my girl.

I thought of getting you as many flowers as your age, but we don’t have enough space to keep so many flowers at home.

funny birthday wishes to a girl

I didn’t get you a birthday cake; because no cake can nearly be as sweet as you. Or maybe, I forgot to get one.

Wish you a happy birthday, my princess. May your weight be disproportionate to your age.

My love, you already have a fascinating, handsome, brave, bright, and hilarious boyfriend. What else do you need? Happy birthday my girl.

Happy birthday baby. I hope to see you wearing the outfit you were born in; someday soon! 😜

You are the youngest (insert age) years old, darling. Damn! How do you manage to look this fine at this age?

Happy birthday, girl! You look as young as sixteen. Well, maybe from a distance, with one eye closed!

Happy Birthday! Here’s to a day filled with lots of ‘Ha Ha’ and enough cake to make your dentist nervous.

You’re smart and charming. You’re zealous and exciting. You deserve every good thing in the world, and you have all the capabilities to make your dreams come true. Oh, I thought I was texting myself. Happy birthday or whatever to you.

Funny Birthday Wishes for Siblings

This is the day you arrived to steal my share of mom and dad’s love. Happy birthday (insert name).

You can pretend to be old when you are dead. Till then, you are just a little kid who wants to grow up someday. Happy Birthday, baby brother!

Happy Birthday to the boy who was found on the road and picked up by my parents. Wish you all the good things in life, brother!

Happy Birthday dear brother. I hope you will remain just as annoying as now even when you are 100 years old.

Funny Birthday Wish for Brother

The only good your birth has brought is your dumbness. It has been entertaining me for years!

Dear brother, happiest birthday. Growing up so fine just like- wine? Nope, like tomato juice. Tangier.

May your birthday be filled with all the things you love, including cake, presents, and of course, bossing me around. Enjoy the big day, bro!

You know your life is a mess when your stupidity is increasing disproportionally to your age. That’s you brother. Happy Birthday!

Life can be so unfair at times. I don’t know what bad I did in life to deserve such an annoying brother like you. Happy Birthday!

I wish your IQ rose just like your age! 😀 Happy Birthday brother!

You are my favorite bald man, know that. Happy birthday, my champ dear brother!

Happy birthday to my partner in crime and the other half of our dynamic duo. Here’s to another year of making memories that Mom and Dad will never understand.

Enjoy your birthday this year to the fullest because who knows, after a few years, you might feel ashamed of your true age. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday my first, only, and last sister! Without you, there is no one to irritate! 😀

Do you know why you are my favorite sister? Because you are dumb and you don’t even know it. Happy Birthday my dear!

Today’s the day mom found you in a dustbin. You’ve grown up, but the smell just won’t go away. Happy Birthday to mom’s second favorite child.

Do you know what amuses me the most? Seeing that you are unable to hide your age even with this heavy makeup. Happy Birthday, loser!

One more year has gone from your life and it seems like you are on a mission to be the fattest girl in the world. Good luck with that. Happy Birthday!

Funny Birthday Messages for Colleagues

Happy birthday, my friend from work. Let’s keep making fun of the bosses behind their backs.

I have to appreciate the way you try to act like a young man. You must be having a busy time coloring your hair black every day. Happy Birthday!

Let’s have a night out in honor of your birthday. Let’s drink and party all night long. And of course, let’s not hope we end up at the hospital tomorrow. Happy Birthday!

Funny Birthday Messages for Colleagues

Happy birthday, workmate! Good going on your way to becoming the oldest man in the office.

Maybe use a portion of your this month’s salary to fill my stomach, please? Happy Birthday Colleague!

Age is just like a badge of honor. The older you are, the more respected you are in the office. Happy Birthday to you. Wish you all the best!

We decided to buy a big sweet birthday cake for you. Although we are not sure if you are allowed to eat cake at this age. Happy Birthday!

No one remains young forever. But you should have stayed young for at least a couple of years, at least for me. Happy Birthday!

Also Read: Birthday Wishes For Colleagues

Funny Birthday Captions

Wishing you a birthday full of cake on your face! 😛 Happy Birthday!

Wishing you more grey hairs each year! Happy Birthday! 😀

Let your eyeglasses become more powerful this year! Happy Birthday!

Let this birthday help raise more candle sales! 😛 Happy Birthday!

Stop stressing over because studies say- people who celebrate more birthdays live a longer life than average people. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to my sister/brother who always lends me money, but never lets me forget it. Here’s to another year of being in debt to you!

A year closer to death, but at least you will get presents today. Happy birthday then, I guess.

Each passing birthday you become less annoying than the year before. Happy birthday, dummy.

Happiest birthday, a year older but not wiser. May God put some brain on you this year, bubblehead. 🤣

Everyone gets to enjoy their youth man but today your one ends. Welcome to the oldie club. Hbd.

Another year closer to getting the old citizen privileges! Happiest birthday, have a great one.

I hope you have a birthday that is as special as me.

Happy Birthday! You are not growing older; you are just leveling up your wisdom level.

It is not always necessary to give gifts or arrange surprise birthday parties to wish someone on their birthday. Just simple words, full of humor, can spur feelings of motivation and belonging in the recipient. Funny birthday wishes can make someone’s day truly special and enjoyable! They may remember your message for a long time, or at least until the next birthday.

The messages above should help you convey your thoughts to a friend or family member if you run out of ideas. They are drafted in such a way that these give a feel of humor but with class and confined to humor only. Above all, let them know you care like no one else does. Let them know they matter to you!

A birthday is a special occasion for friends, family, and everyone in between. Make someone’s day an extra special one with these wishes for a truly memorable celebration they won’t forget in a hurry!

Birthday wishes

With our handcrafted selection of Short Birthday Quotes, Funny Birthday Wishes, Inspirational Birthday Wishes and Birthday Images with Captions, you are sure to find something for everyone.

Be it Birthday Wishes for a Friend, or simply just Special Birthday Wishes for a person who deserves the best wishes on their special day.

These birthday messages are a perfect fit for anyone who is celebrating a birthday and are guaranteed to show that special someone in your life how important and meaningful they are.

Each year that your birthday comes around is one more opportunity to celebrate the wonderfully special person that you are.

It’s your birthday and for that reason alone a very special day! Have fun, always be happy, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Another fantastic trip around the sun

Happy birthday. Congratulations on another fantastic trip around the sun.

Blessed be the day you were born and each year you have had on this earth.

Happy birthday to someone I am genuinely grateful to have in my life. You are a true blessing to me.

The joy of another chapter in your life

Happy birthday! Every year is a blessing and today we have the joy of celebrating yet another chapter in your life.

Happy birthday to you, I wish you the best always.

Congratulations on another spectacular year. I’m wishing you many more beautiful moments in life to enjoy.

May you be blessed with the best this year

May you be blessed with the best on your birthday this year. Best wishes to you!

I have only one wish for you on your birthday this year and that’s for your special day to be as wonderful as you are.

Happiest of birthdays to you, my dear. I’m hoping that all of your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true for you today.

Wishing you all the happiness in the world

Happy birthday! May this special day of yours bring you all the happiness in the world!

Many happy returns! I wish you all the happiness that you deserve on this special day of yours!

On your birthday this year, I am wishing you health, happiness, and success! All the best to you!

I wish you happiness everyday

I wish you joy every day and a little extra today. Have a wonderful birthday!

I wish you happiness today on your birthday and a lifetime of joy as you so deserve! Best wishes to you!

For someone who has the most beautiful
soul, I am wishing a birthday that’s equally
as beautiful. Congratulations to you.

May God bless you on this joyous day

May God bless you with all his love on this joyous day of yours, my dear. Happy birthday!

Today marks another wonderful year in your life. May you make the most of it and enjoy life to the fullest.

Warm wishes to you on your special day. May God bless you with good health, good fortune and lots of love today and always.

Wishing you an extra special birthday

Having you in my life is a true blessing. May your birthday this year be extra special, my dear!

As you blow out the candles
On your birthday cake this year
I’m hoping they all come true
All of the wishes you hold dear.

Happy birthday! May today, your special day of all days, be truly fantastic and full of fun!

Many happy returns. May God continue to shine his light upon you throughout this new year ahead.

A celebration to remember

May your birthday this year truly be a celebration to remember. Happy birthday.

Today is your day! May these 24 hours that are dedicated to you fill your heart with joy!

You’re another year older which means there’s another reason to celebrate! I hope you enjoy your special day!

Short Birthday Quotes

Today is your day. Enjoy it!

Congratulations on another trip around the sun!

May your birthday be as truly special as you are.

Wishing you the best on today of all days!

May all of your birthday wishes come true!

Sending you big birthday hugs!

Here’s to another 365 days full of great adventures!

Another year older and more fabulous than ever!

Many happy returns! I hope you receive everything you wished for and more.

Your birthday only comes around once a year so make the most of your special day!

Inspirational Birthday Wishes

aim for the moon and you will reach the stars

Aim for the moon and eventually, you’ll reach the stars. ✨
Happy birthday.

Count the years of your life by smiles, not tears.

Many happy returns. Keep spreading your joy, and someday it will come back to reward you.

may your dreams come true this year

May this be the year that all of your dreams come true. Happy birthday to you.

May your life always be full of joy and full of cheer. Have a wonderful birthday, my dear.

You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Greatness awaits you this year.

As you blow out the candles on your cake,
Be considerate of the wishes you make.

Congratulations on another incredible year. May this one be even better than the last.

I’m sending positive vibes your way on your very special day today.

Here’s to another year full of adventures and making magical memories.

Birthday Wishes for Friend

Happy birthday to a special friend

Happy birthday to a very special friend. May your birthday touch your heart the way you do all of those around you.

Happy birthday, my friend! May you have a truly fabulous birthday this year full of joy and full of cheer!

This isn’t just another day, this is your special day! Happy birthday, my friend!

Happy birthday to my closest friend. May each day of your life bring happiness to your heart.

It’s not necessary to have hundreds of friends when really a heart-touching friendship is all you need. I’m glad I found my one true best friend in you.

Happy birthday, bestie. I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with someone as special as you in my life.

Happy birthday! There’s no other day more perfect than your birthday to tell you just how meaningful and touching your friendship is to me.

Today is your special day and I’m hoping that it is one of your best yet, my friend! I’m sending you all my love and best wishes today! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to someone who means the world to me. You’re the most special friend I’ve ever had and I’m truly grateful to have you in my life.

You’re another year older but you wouldn’t be able to tell. I’m wishing you many more years of being youthful and beautiful.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday! May your special day be just as amazing, funny, and as crazy as you are! 😜

Today you can have your cake and eat it too! Happy birthday to you, my friend!

the holder of all my secrets

I promise not to reveal your true age if you agree not to reveal mine!

How can you be another year older, yet look more beautiful and younger than ever! Happy birthday!

Fabulous and funny since birth!

my funny and crazy friend

Hilariously funny and wonderfully crazy, I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way! Happy birthday to you!

Live each moment like it’s your last. I mean, especially at your age!

Knowing someone as wonderful as me is a gift in itself.

Age hasn’t been kind to you, my friend

Age hasn’t been kind to you, my friend! Luckily you have me to help you feel younger! Happy birthday!

Over the years you’ve gotten older, but definitely not more grown up!

Be careful your teeth don’t fall out as you blow out the candles on your birthday cake today!

Birthday loading, please stand by

Birthday loading, please stand by…

I know you don’t think cheesy birthday wishes are funny, but I just wanted you to know I think you’re grate.

Smart, funny, and super cute… But enough about me, today’s your special day!

A friend to make you laugh and smile

Happy birthday, buddy! I wanted to get you a gift that would put a smile on your face and make you laugh, before realizing you already have me for that!

Happy birthday! May the party be as perfect as the person we’re celebrating today!

Special Birthday Wishes

Special wishes to warm your heart

May your birthday messages put a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. That’s the least someone as special as you deserves.

Today, on your special day, know that you are in my thoughts and in my heart. Best wishes to you.

Happy birthday. May the year ahead be filled with many wonderful blessings for you and yours.

You will always have a special place in my heart

Happy birthday. Someone who means as much to me as you do will always have a special place in my heart.

Happy birthday to someone super special to me! May you have the awesome birthday you deserve!

This year, I’m wishing you a happy birthday with meaning. Best wishes from my heart to yours.

May your birthday be extraordinarily special

Many happy returns to you! Someone as close to me as you are deserves an extraordinarily special birthday today!

There are few people in the world I know who are as smart and as inspirational as you. You truly are unique and one of the biggest blessings in my life.

It’s a very special day today because someone truly special is celebrating their birthday: you! I hope that every moment of your day brings a smile to your face and happiness to your heart.

You‘ll always mean the world to me

You’re someone so special
Who is everything to me
You always have been
And always will be.

Happy birthday.

Year after year, you become more and more significant in my life. I’ll never tire of wishing you a happy birthday.

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays from the bottom of my heart. You deserve endless happiness for being the magnificent person that you are.

A birthday wish for someone so dear to me

For someone so special
Who to me is so very dear
I’m wishing you everything good
On your birthday this year.

Another birthday means another reason to celebrate. I’ll always be grateful for you.

I wish so many good things for you today
on your special day, for you are someone
who is special in every single way. May
each moment meet you with tenderness,
filling your heart with endless happiness.

Birthday Wishes for someone special

A very special person deserves an equally special day! Happy birthday to you!

May each day of your year ahead be wonderful, at least as wonderful as the person you are, and bring the same joy to your heart as you do to all those around you.

Happy birthday to a very special human. The kindness of your soul shines through in everything that you do. You’re simply an inspiration to us all.

You deserve the most special birthday wishes

A very special person deserves but the most special wishes on their birthday! I’m wishing you an extraordinarily happy and magnificent birthday today!

I’m wishing you a heartfelt happy birthday this year, my dear! You deserve your special day to be as heart-touching and as meaningful as you are to me!

It’s hard to believe the incredible impact
that just one person can have on your life,
but the effect you’ve had on mine is huge.
Happy birthday to you, my dearest.

Someone who means the world to me

For someone who means the world to me, I wish the world to you on your birthday this year!

You truly are someone so special
and unique, a remarkable person
I am so fortunate to have in my life.

May you receive many blessings
on your birthday today, as you
truly deserve the world.

Happy birthday to my favorite person of all! Over the years, we have created the most wonderful memories and you have touched my heart in more ways than you’ll ever know.

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