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Happy Birthday Sister with Cake and candles

The relationship with a sister is one of the most beautiful relationships that one can have. Now that it’s her birthday you need to do something special. We have curated an exceptional collection of Birthday wishes for your Sister that will take her by surprise and she will be completely in awe of you.

The bond that we share with our sister is one of the most special things that money can never buy. Being your sibling, she has seen and experienced the world very similar to how you have experienced it. The best is that all the golden memories of our carefree childhood are still safe with someone else other than you. Everything might not always be perfect between the siblings, but still, sister is the one who will be seen standing by your side no matter what happens.

Send her positive vibes and lots of good wishes and messages to make her feel special. Because sisters are truly a precious gift of God.

1. Sister, You mean the world to me and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Happy Birthday to the most adorable person I know!

2. Wishing you many new adventures and a life filled with cheerful and joyful moments this upcoming year. A very Happy Birthday to you.

3. I wish and hope that God will fulfill all your desires and wishes by blessing you with abundance and love. Happy Birthday Sis and keep making us proud!

4. I don’t know how a simple sweet and shy kid turned into a gossip queen. 😛 I cherish ever moment spent with you, Little Sis. Happy Birthday.

5. You know me much better than any other person in this world and I can’t express how much gratitude I feel to have you as my sister. Wishing you a fun-filled Happy Birthday with loads of surprises.

6. I know that we keep fighting a lot but its because I’m just jealous of ho adorable you are! But the truth is that you are adopted. 🙂 Happy Birthday Love.

7. Wishing an awesome birthday to my lovely sister! Let’s begin this day with a promise that we will never leave each other’s side.

8. Happy Birthday to the craziest, weird and adorable person I have in my life. Stay Awesome.

9. Happy Birthday to my favorite person in this world who gives best hugs. Hoping to get one more soon. 🙂

10. Happy, Happy Birthday to the sweetest person I know. Wishing you many wonderful things in this new year.

Happy Birthday Love Quote for Sister

11. You are such a perfect sister as if I created you in a video game. Thank you for all those amazing memories and a very Happy Birthday to you.

12. Happy Birthday to the most special person in my life. No matter what we will never leave each other’s side.

13. Wishing tons of fun and loving moments ahead! Happy Birthday, Sister!

14. Sometimes I wonder how can someone be so adorable and precious at the same time. But also wanted to let you know that you were adopted. Happy Birthday, Little Sis!

15. Happy, Happy Birthday to the person who gives the most soothing hugs in the entire world. I hope that I get one soon,

16. You are more precious to me than anything else in this world. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to you.

17. Warmest wishes to the most adorable sister who has never failed to add color in my otherwise dull life. May the upcoming days be as colorful and exciting for you! Happy Birthday.

18. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my most favorite person who always reassured me that angels exist just by her presence.

19. Sisters often a special connect because they understand each other as no one does. Wishing Happy Birthday to one such Sis.

20. Just like flowers from the same garden have so much in common, we shared the same memories and experiences in our childhood. And this has created a strong bond that I hope never breaks. Happy Birthday, Sis!

21. Thank you for giving me so many reasons to be delighted, surprised and to experience joy like no one else. Happy Birthday to my cute and loving Sister!

22. Not every siblings turn out to be best-friends. You are the ketchup to my french fries. Wishing you an awesome Birthday!

23. Your smile is enough to brighten up my day, keep smiling. Happy Birthday.

24. There are some things in life that money can’t buy and our relationship is one of them. Happy Birthday, Sister.

25. Wishing Happy Birthday to constant companion and teacher who helped me to understand this world in a more profound way!

26. You are not going to get any present from me as I myself am a gift to you. A very Happy Birthday Cutie!

27. Sometimes days may pass when we don’t talk to each other, but you will still remain an irreplaceable part of my life. Happy Birthday, Sister!

28. I hope you are aware how much you mean to me. I love you a lot. Happy Birthday, Dear Sis!

29. The earth may stop revolving around but my love for you will never fall short until my last breath. Wishing you the Happiest Birthday that one can have!

30. I have run out of compliments to describe how awesome you are. You are my idol and I’ll keep trying to follow your foot-steps. Happy Birthday!

Sweet and Emotional Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy Birthday Message for Sisters

There can’t be a better bond than the sweet relationship with our sister. Sometimes we may argue, fight or quarrel, but we still stand with each other and love unconditionally irrespective of what happens. Sister is someone who will support and motivate you whenever you need it. She is the one to offer her shoulder to cry and she is definitely the one that gives the best hugs that one can hope for. If we were to list each good quality of her, then even a book won’t suffice. For this reason, we have put together an amazing collection of heartfelt wishes and messages to wish her on her birthday.

1. You may not always be around me, but when you are by my side each moment becomes special. Happy Birthday, Dear Sister!

2. My life would be so incomplete without you, We are so different yet the same. Continue to shine and sparkle as you always do. I Love you. Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Sister!

3. Sis, I love you with all my heart! Thank you for never leaving my side and I promise that you can count on me whenever you need me. Primarily because We’re related and I’ve got no choice! HaHa, Happy Birthday.

4. It’s so incredible to have someone like you in my life. I may not always express it, but you mean the world to me! Happy Birthday, Sis!

5. Sending you lots of love and hugs! Thank you for being my rock solid support and only constant in this changing life. Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Love You!

6. From all those awful pillow fights to staying up all nights, we have shared countless memorable moments together. You are not only my Sister, but also my best friend. Love you to the moon and back! A very Happy Birthday to you!

7. Happy Birthday to the brightest, kind-hearted and amazing person in my life, and the most awesome of all the people in my life. Hope you give me a special treat now for these kind words 😛

8. They say that Sisters just spend most of the time just arguing and contesting with each other, but all I wanna do is just hug and kiss you! I wish you the best birthday that one can have!

9. Sunshine or rain, Good times or bad, I know that I have someone I can always count on. You’re my best friend, my partner in crime and my sidekick. Happy Birthday my dearest Chum!

10. I could’ve never wished for a better and sweeter person by my side. I don’t know which one of us is more fortunate. Happy Birthday.

11. Our bond grows stronger each passing year. Hope this year brings you lots of happiness and success to you. Happy Birthday.

12. Someone I love more than even myself was born today. I can’t be more grateful and thankful for such a cheerful, nutty, inspiring and incredibly cute sister. Enjoy your Birthday Cute Sister!

13. Dear Love, Whether you are by my side or miles apart, we will always be connected by heart! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

14. Sis, You’re the best companion I could’ve ever asked for. I’m so thankful to have you in my life. Have the Happiest Birthday!

15. No matter where you are in this world, I’ll always find a way to spread a smile on your face. Wishing you a rocking day ahead! Happy Birthday.

Bday Wishes for Sister with Happiness

16. The best part of being yours Sis is having a best friend who is ALMOST as pretty as me. Haha Just Kidding…Because you are the loveliest and cutest sister I could’ve ever got. Happy Birthday!

17. We might argue over little and petty things, but deep down my heart, I know that you really care for me. May you be blessed with lots of happiness and abundance. have a very Happy Birthday.

18. It was our destiny that made you my Sister, but it is our compatibility that made us the best of friends. Lots of love and Best wishes on your Birthday!.

19. Happy Birthday, Dear Sis! Thank you for illuminating my life with bliss and happiness. You are such a kind soul.

20. Friends may come and some may go, but you are my best friend that will forever stay in my life. Happy Birthday, Love!

21. Wishing you an awesome and memorable Birthday; May each moment be filled with laughter, happiness, and Love. Happy Birthday, Dear!

22. People say that super-heroes are one in a million, but I feel that one gets a Sister like you once in a Lifetime. Happy B’day Dear Sister!

23. Each time I try imitating you, I make an absolute clown of myself. I love everything you do to make yourself look chic and cool. Happy Birthday, Sis!

24. I know that we do fight, argue and annoy each other all the time, but you will forever stay my BFF. Love you to the moon and back. Happy Birthday!

25. Even though we are getting older each passing year, but the golden days we spent in our childhood will forever remain etched in our memories. Happy Birthday, My Love!

26. Here’s wishing you a thrilling and incredible year ahead, full of new possibilities, surprises, and delights! Happy Birthday to the Coolest Sister in the whole galaxy!

27. Wishing you a life in which you can live up to your full potential and achieve all your dreams! Happy Birthday.

28. Dive into the ocean of peace and love; drink sunshine and swim in joy in this upcoming year. Happy Birthday, Dearest Sis!

29. I have seen you grow up in front of my eyes and I’m so pleasantly surprised that you have turned into this amazing and beautiful human being that everyone loves and respects. Happy Birthday, Sister!

30. Thank you for being my mentor, best friend and guide. I’ll always cherish the sweet memories we shared. Happy Birthday.

Funny Birthday Wishes for Sisters

Funny Birthday Wishes for Lovely Sister

Sisters add spice to our lives and its time for you to do the same by sending these funny and hilarious birthday messages and make her day more special. There is always a playful banter between the siblings but you should still not send her something offensive. Humor is a very subjective thing so if you know which wishes and messages can crack her up on her birthday, you can choose from our special collection of one-liners.

1. You are the sweetest, cutest and most beautiful sister one can ever have. But the sad part is that our parents picked you from a garbage bin. I’m just kidding. Have a blast on your birthday.

2. With age comes wisdom. I know this is not true, because I have seen you. Happy Birthday, My Crazy Sister.

3. I know you spend a lot of time making yourself look better, but it’s time you make peace with the fact that you are just getting older. I’m just kidding. You are the most gorgeous woman I know. Happy Birthday.

4. The fact that I have to wish you to remind you that it’s your birthday today shows, how forgetful you are getting each year. These are often the first signs of aging! 😛 Happy Birthday Dear.

5. Given the number of times you have made me cried since childhood, you should be renamed, Miss Onion. Happy Birthday, Miss Onion.

6. There are millions of normal people in this world and I just want to remind you that even you are nothing special but just one amongst them. Happy Birthday.

7. I sometimes wonder if all the people who share their birthday with you, are same as you, then the end of the world is very near. Happy Birthday!

8. There are lots of good and bad people in this world, then there is “YOU”; made from Chemical X. Happy Birthday!

9. Do you still remember those good old days? When we used to be happy for no reason at all and now we spend our lives just finding reasons to be happy instead of just being Happy. Best wishes to you on your Birthday.

10. Time is not just a good healer but also an unemployed and unskilled beautician! Happy Birthday dear Sis!

11. It’s sad you can’t even your Birthday cake tonight as it shows up on your tummy. Happy Birthday!

12. You may get more wishes on your birthday, but I always got more love from the parents. So I guess we are even. Happy Birthday!

13. I KNOW it’s your birthday today because you changed the name of the month in the calendar to “It’s my Birthday Month”. You are crazy. Happy Birthday to you.

14. Let me be the first person to wish you on your birthday, but given your declining popularity, I might be the only one. Happy Birthday!

15. I’m glad you will at least spend the next 24 hours checking your notifications and sending “Thank you Notes”. It’s the only productive thing I have seen you do in this week. Happy Birthday.

Inspirational Birthday Quote for Sister
Wishing you lots of Love and Happiness that this world can offer!

16. The cake seems smaller given the total number of candles. Happy Birthday, Dear.

17. The good thing is that you are still younger than our grandmother. Always look at the positive side of things. Happy Birthday.

18. Even though we are related I’m just happy that I’m not as crazy as you, but I am not that cute either. Happy Birthday, Cutie Pie!

19. I was about to make arrangement for your birthday cake when I realized that candles cost a lot more than your birthday cake. Damn, someone is getting older. Have an amazing birthday.

20. I don’t think your age situation is that bad, you only look like fifty and sound like seventy. It’s still pretty chill. Happy Birthday!.

21. Sometimes I think I am stuck in a gap between two worlds, one world that I would like it to be and the one in which I live. You are my only companion who has been through everything holding my hand. Happy Birthday to you.

22. Parents and me have planned to gift you a cane next year. Happy Birthday, Oldie!

23. The only way you can stay young is by lying. Other than that no chance. Happy Birthday.

24. With a billion people in this world and millions of parties, I have chosen to come to your party. How can I make you feel more special? Happy Birthday.

25. I’m just wishing to invite myself to your party and eat your cake. Nothing special. Happy Birthday.

26. Deos and perfumes are the only things I could think of gifting as you smell a bit bad with your age. 😛 Happy Birthday Queen!

27. I know you are lazy, but I hope that you don’t forget your own birthday. Happy Birthday Sis!

28. Birthday is the only day when I can get something out of a cheapskate like you. Wishing you lots of love and happiness for your special day!

29. I know I always make fun of you, but deep down I love you a lot and I wish you loads of sweet and cheerful moments in the upcoming days. Happy Birthday Sister!

30. Today is just the beginning of the rest of your life. Just go out there and spin wildly in action and live with no regrets! Happy Birthday.

Birthday Wishes For Younger Sister

Birthday greetings for Younger Sister

Younger sisters can a sweet and naughty mess. They are the ones who add a pinch of excitement and fun in our lives. The true value of a sister is known only when she is not there. We have complete freedom and choice when it comes to choosing our friends, but our sisters are the ones who are chosen by Destiny itself. The relationship might sometimes be messy and imperfect, but still, there isn’t a single moment that we would change. Send these best wishes and warm regards on her birthday and never let her smile fade from her face.

1. Even though you are younger than me, I’ve always valued your advice as you are wiser. Thank you for believing and supporting me all these years! You deserve nothing but the best. Happy Birthday!

2. Now that you are turning adult, don’t be afraid as the whole world is your oyster. Enjoy the coming phase as this will be the best phase of your life. You will always find me standing by your side. So proud to be your elder brother/sister. Happy Birthday!

3. Today I can’t believe my cute little Sis is turning into a young, mature and beautiful woman. You’ll always remain in my best wishes. Happy Birthday, Dear!

4. This is one of the most special days in my life as not you were born today, but even I had the grace of being your elder sibling. Hope you have great celebrations today. Happy Birthday! Have a Blast!

5. Little Sis, You have always been by my side all my life and I promise you will also find me by your side through thick and thin. Happy Birthday.

6. Thank you for making my life so cheerful and wonderful. You are such an awesome sister. I hope that the coming year helps you fulfill all your wishes. Happy Birthday.

7. Thank you for never judging me and following my advice. You have never turned your back when I needed you the most. Happy Birthday to the most amazing Sis in the world.

8. Happy Birthday to my Cute and Little Sister! We miss you a lot and hope to see you soon.

9. Dear Lil Sis, Thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry on and comforting me on my low days. You’ve done a lot of things for me without ever hesitating. Wishing you an amazing Birthday and lots of love!

10. We are almost twins as watching you reminds me of myself! On this special, May you be blessed with lots of love and happiness. You will forever be loved. Happy Birthday.

11. Not many are blessed with a sister they can completely trust and have fun with! Best wishes on your Birthday.

12. Happy Birthday to the most adorable person I know in this world! I will forever be grateful to have you in my life.

13. Happy Birthday to my greatest supporter, fiery shopping buddy and partner in all crimes!

14. I have often wondered how you turned out so much sane and wiser despite being younger to me. I wish you achieve all your dreams and incredible things you have been craving for! Enjoy your special day…Happy Birthday!

15. Advice for today: Don’t mind the calories and eat anything you want. You can always party till dawn and lose all those calories. Happy Birthday to my Little Sister!

16. Wishing an awesome birthday to my awesome sister who braved all my pranks, tantrums and jokes all these years. Happy Birthday, Sissy!

17. I feel comfortable and safe when you are around, You are like my very own personal blanket. Thank you for always being there. Happy Birthday, Buddy!

18. Shout to my all-time favorite human being on this planet! Have an amazing birthday little Sis.

19. Hey Little Sis, Thank you for being my companion in the brightest and darkest of days. Wishing you lots of love and happiness that this world can offer. Wishing you a day full of laughter and joy!

20. Just like Tom is incomplete without Jerry, A red velvet cake is incomplete without cherry, my life is incomplete without a Sis like you. Happy Birthday, Sis!

Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

Inspirational and Heartfelt Birthday Quote for Sis

I don’t know how much it would have cost to hire a teacher to teach us about the fundamentals of life over a period of our entire childhood. Elder sister is not only our teacher but also our mentor, guide and friend who always has our best interest at the core of her heart. If you have a special sister like this in your life, then it is time to express your feelings into words and tell her how proud you feel to have her in your life. Pick a special message and lift up her spirits on her birthday.

1. Destiny made us sisters, life made us best friends! Love you, Sis. Happy Birthday.

2. Here’s me wishing the happiest of birthdays to my Beautiful Sis, who is also my best friend.

3. Sometimes we may fight and not gel with others, but I’ll forever remain grateful to have you at every phase of my life. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! Happy Birthday.

4. The first I do after waking up is to check whether the cutest, sweetest, most inspiring and supportive sister I’ve got is real or not. Have an awesome birthday Sis!

5. Just remember that when you find Mr. Right, I will still retain my special privileges as your younger sibling. Happy Birthday, Sister! Have an awesome day.

6. Happiest Birthday to the icing and cherry to my cake, my Loveliest and coolest Sister ever. May all your wishes get fulfilled this year.

7. To the person who always knows how to lift my mood and brighten up my spirits..Wishing Happiest Birthday to the Best Sister Ever!

8. You spent so much time building me up when I was growing up. I know this is something that can never be repaid, but I just want to support you in whatever you do. You deserve the best. Happy Birthday.

9. Happy Birthday from your number one fan and cheerleader. You continue to inspire me and will forever be my favorite role model. I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Your best days lie ahead of you.

10. Just wanted to drop by and say thank you for all the presents, pieces of advice and memories to cherish for a lifetime. Best Birthday Wishes.

11. I was never afraid to face any problems or troubles in life because of the strength you gave me all these years. I know I can count on you always and you can always count on me. A very Happy Birthday to you.

12. Happiest Birthday to my best friend by default. I love you a lot and you are the best elder sister one could hope for. Happy Birthday.

13. You have listened to all my complaints, comforted me when I cried and gave me encouragement when I was down. I’m so blessed to have a sister like you. Best wishes to you on your Birthday.

14. Who says superheroes aren’t real? You have always been my super-hero and I love you a lot. Happy Birthday.

15. I can’t imagine how incomplete my life would have been without you in it. It’s so amazing to think that you are the only person who has experienced those magical and golden moments of childhood, just like I have. Thank you for enriching my life and making it so much better. Happy Birthday.

16. You’re almost like my second mom and I just wanted to let you know that I love you a lot and will forever remain thankful for how safe you made me feel. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

17. To the most awesome fashion diva, I know, Have an amazing Birthday! Hope you would let me steal your clothing and fashion accessories this year.

18. There are many people who don’t believe in angels but I do; as I have seen you. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to the angel of my life!

19. You have taught me to believe in myself and face the world with a smile on my face. You will forever remain my favorite teacher who taught me about life. Happy Birthday.

20. Happy Birthday Gorgeous! You can steal my clothes and accessories today as it’s your special day.

Inspirational Birthday Wishes for Sister

Happy Birthday Image for Lovely Sister

There can’t be a more rock-solid support system than having a loving sister. Each person looks out for some motivation and inspiration at each new phase of life. As your sister turns a year older today, surprise her with these special hand-crafted inspirational messages and bday quotes to give a new set of direction and strength to face challenges and life in this new year. You don’t have to bother about doing the hard-work yourself as we have done it for you. Just send her positive vibes to her and help her start a new phase with new inspiration.

1. Sending you loads of wishes and positive vibes to achieve great things this year, Happy Birthday Sister!

2. May you be blessed with peace, love, happiness and lots of success in the upcoming year, Happy Birthday Dear!

3. As long as you keep working on your goals, luck will always be on your side. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

4. May your worries be less and happiness be more, And nothing but new opportunities come through your door! Happy Birthday.

5. May all your dreams and ambitions that you have been holding close to your heart come true this year! Happy Birthday, Sis.

6. May God shower you with all his blessings and offer you all the best things that life has to offer. Keep Rocking and Wishing you Many Many Happy Returns of the day.

7. Face all your challenges with a smile and let them know that you are more powerful than them. Thank you for inspiring me and sending you lots of love on your Birthday.

8. You not only turn one year older but also one year wiser today, May you always find yourself at the right place at right time this year. Happy Birthday.

9. I hope that the smile on your face never fades and you never fall short of reasons to be happy. Thank you for being in my life, Dear Sister. Happy Birthday.

10. No matter what happens always stay positive and good things will come to you. Happy Birthday, Sis.

11. It’s not your job to figure out, “how it will happen?”. Your only job is to give your best in the present and believe 100% that things will fall in place in future and I promise you they will. Keep Believing and working on your goals and they will soon turn into reality. Happy Birthday to You!

12. “Hard-Work” is the fuel on which engine of Success runs. Keep refueling your desires to reach your goals. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

13. Dreams turn into reality only for those who are too busy working on it. Happy Birthday.

14. There are many who are busy chasing money and that space is already crowded, instead chase your passions and let the money chase you. Happy Birthday, Sister.

15. Here’s wishing an amazing and incredible upcoming year to my beautiful Sister. May wonderful things happen to you this year!

Evergreen Happy Birthday Quotes and Messages for Sister

Beautiful Happy Birthday Wishes for Sister

1. In this vast ocean of life, Thank you for being my Google Maps. Happy Birthday, Sister!

2. I can write books describing your good qualities and characteristics, but today I just wanna say that I love you more than anything else. Happy Birthday.

3. I often feel to be the luckiest brother on this planet to have a sister like you. Happy Birthday, Little Sis!

4. As you turn a year older today, you have become more wise and experienced. May the days ahead be filled with joy, peace, and contentment for you. Happy Birthday.

5. There are times when you drive me nuts but I still love you nonetheless, A very Happy Birthday to you.

6. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and a life full of colors, excitements and loads of good stuff!

7. I strongly believe that you are becoming less annoying with each passing year. I’m just kidding. Happy Birthday to the most precious person in my life.

8. Congratulations on your jubilee and life has just begun. May you be blessed with lots of joyful moments in your life and all your aspirations become fulfilled. Happy Birthday!

9. You were always my annoying big sister while I was growing up, but now you have become my true best friend. Cheers to our friendship and Wishing you an amazing birthday.

10. You are the true embodiment of an ideal role model whom someone like me can follow. You inspire me to become the best version of myself. Happy Birthday, Dear Sis.

11. Now that you have turned 18, The exciting part of life has just begun and I just wish and hope that you will create a life of your dreams with your decisions and make us proud. Happy Birthday to you!

12. It’s amazing how one deeply we are spiritually connected with each other even when we aren’t near to each other, Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

13.Sister, one word- 6 letters and lifetime of memories and happiness that can never be replaced by anyone else. Happy Birthday!

14. Raising the toast to the most gorgeous and beautiful human being I know! May you continue to rise and shine like as diamond. Happy Birthday!

15. Happy Birthday to the one who is blessed with boundless kindness, humility, and beauty.

Happy Birthday Sweet Sister with Gifts and Roses

16. The past is gone and the future is yet to come. Live in the present and this where you find your true happiness. Happy Birthday.

17. We’ve laughed and cried, watched movies and had fought and shared so many beautiful moments together. You have become an irreplaceable part of my life. Happy Birthday.

18. You stood there holding my hand in the darkest of days and for that, you’ll forever have a special place in my heart. I respect and love you immensely. Happy birthday.

19. Glad to share a precious part of my life with an amazing person like you. You are being missed. Come back soon. Happy Birthday.

20. We might not get to see each other a lot often, but I know that you will be standing with me every time, I need you and I promise I’ll do the same. Happy Birthday.

21. Send best wishes and warm regards to my favorite human being! Happy Birthday, Sister.

22. Even though you have your own family and we don’t get to see each other these days, You’ll forever be special to me. Happy Birthday, Sis!

23. Sending you warmest Birthday wishes to my sweetest Sister! You’ll be receiving your gift soon.

24. We both may be imperfect individually, but for some strange reason, I couldn’t have wished for a better Sister than you. Happy Birthday, Weirdo!

25. You taught me what unconditional love and for that, I’ll respect and love you till eternity. Happy Birthday!

26. No one in this whole damn world can replace a cute and sweet person like you. Happy Birthday.

27. We may be miles apart but your presence resides in my heart. Happy Birthday, Sister.

28. In this world, Friends are chosen by us but siblings are chosen by God and that is why you are so precious to me. Happy Birthday!

29. Just like plants can’t survive without water, I feel incomplete without you. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

30. Wishing you with Tons of happiness, buckets full of prosperity, a pinch of quarrels and lots of joy and sweetness on your Birthday. Wishing you a long and amazing life, Dear Sister!

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  • Short and Sweet Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law
  • Meaningful Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law
  • Birthday Blessings for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law
  • Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law

It’s one of the most important dates in your calendar: Your sister’s birthday. No matter if it’s a milestone birthday this year or she’s simply celebrating another trip around the sun; it’s always a special day worthy of recognition. Whether you grew up together or met later in life, sisters share a unique bond. There’s no better way to honor your sibling on her birthday than with one of these heartwarming birthday messages for sisters to help ring in her personal new year.

This list of the best birthday wishes for your sister or sister-in-law has all the inspiration you need to let her know how much she means to you. Does your sister get a kick out of witty quips, or is she more on the sentimental side? No matter her personality type, the birthday wishes from this robust roundup will make her feel acknowledged and loved.

Attach one of these messages to a thoughtful gift, send it as a text, or write it inside a birthday card to make your sister’s day even more special. And if she’s active on social media, be sure to share these birthday wishes as Instagram captions or on TikTok with your favorite sibling photos or video.

As your sister turns one year old (and wiser), these funny, heartwarming, and delightful birthday greetings will live in her heart for years to come.

For more birthday message inspiration, check out our birthday wishes for best friends and birthday Bible verses for friends and family.

Short and Sweet Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law

short and sweet birthday wishes for your sister or sister in law

Woman’s Day/Getty Images
  • I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Happy birthday, sister! I love you!
  • Today we celebrate you. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to my first best friend.
  • Time to party! Happy birthday, sister.
  • Sisters are the greatest gift. Happy birthday!
  • I can’t wait to celebrate your special day. I love you, sister!
  • Cheers to another year around the sun!
  • Happy cake day! Enjoy.
  • You’re the best sister anyone could ever ask for. HBD!
  • Wishing you the best birthday yet!
  • Happy birthday to my partner in crime. Happy birthday, sissy!
  • Happy birthday, dear sister. You’re the best!
  • Happy birthday to my favorite (and only) sister!
  • Live it up, sister. Happy birthday!
  • I’m the luckiest person on earth to have a sister like you. Happy birthday!
  • You’re one-of-a-kind and I love you so much. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Wishing the most wonderful sister the best birthday ever!
  • Happy birthday to the girl who always makes me smile.
  • Happy birthday to my first and forever friend!

Meaningful Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law

meaningful birthday wishes for your sister or sister in law

Woman’s Day/Getty Images
  • Sisters are one of life’s greatest gifts. I’m so grateful you’re mine. Happy birthday!
  • Since the day you were born, I knew you were special. You continue to prove me right. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Happy birthday to the person who has always been my protector even though I’m the older sister!
  • Thank you for being a shoulder I can always lean on no matter what. I love you so much. Happy birthday!
  • You’ve always been my biggest supporter. Wishing you the absolute best birthday, sister!
  • We may not have known each other our entire lives, but it sure feels like it. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!
  • You’re one of the best parts of my life and I’m so proud to call you my sister. Wishing you a wonderful birthday.
  • Happy birthday to my most beloved confidante. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday, big sister.
  • You’re one of my biggest inspirations. Wishing you the best on your personal new year!
  • As I look back on our lives, you’ve always been my biggest cheerleader. Today, we celebrate you. Happy birthday!
  • Thank you for being such an awesome role model for me when we were growing up. I still look up to you. Happy birthday, sister.
  • You’re such a wonderful addition to our family. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays!
  • No matter what I’m going through, you always know how to make me feel better. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. I love you, sister. Happy birthday!
  • I look back fondly on my childhood and you’re such a major part of it. Thank you for being the best sister ever. Happy birthday!
  • Our sibling bond is something that outsiders will never understand. I’m lucky to have such a loving sister. Happy birthday!
  • I can always count on you to lift me when I’m low and encourage me to keep going at my heights. Thank you for being you. Happy birthday, sister.
  • No one can make me laugh the way you do. Today, I hope to bring a smile to your face. Happy birthday!
  • You’re one of my favorite people on the planet. Never stop being the amazing person that you are, little sister. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the person responsible for helping shape me into the woman I am today. I love you, sister!
  • Thank you for always being by my side. Wishing you a wonderful birthday!
  • No sibling rivalry over here — it’s only pure love. Happy birthday!
  • I’m beyond grateful to call you my sister and most importantly, my friend. Happy birthday.
  • When you came into our family, you fit right in. Keep bringing joy to all those around you. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!
  • When you blow out your candles, I hope that all your wishes and dreams come true. Happy birthday, sissy!
  • When times are good and when they are bad, you’ll always be the best sister I could ever have. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the girl who always knows how to make me see the glass half full. I admire your optimism. Happy birthday, sister.
  • Your smile always lights up every room. Keep shining. Happy birthday!
  • No one can make me laugh the way that you do. Your sense of humor is one of a kind and I love you for it. Happy birthday to my hilarious sister!
  • Today we celebrate the wonderful woman who makes us all smile. Happy birthday!
  • When we were growing up, I always thought you were the prettiest and most fabulous person I knew. That still rings true. Happy birthday, sister.

Birthday Blessings for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law

birthday blessings for your sister or sister in law

Woman’s Day/Getty Images
  • Having a built-in best friend is one of my biggest blessings. Happy birthday to my all-time bestie.
  • When I think about the wonderful people in my life, you’re the first to come to mind. Happy birthday to my beloved sister.
  • May God grant all of your heart’s desires today and always. Happy birthday!
  • God blessed me when he made us siblings. Wishing you a splendid birthday!
  • When you were born, I knew God sent us all an angel. I still feel the same way. Happy birthday, little sister.
  • When you joined our family, I knew you would become one of our biggest blessings. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!
  • Your birthday will always be one of my favorite days. That’s because it was the day my best friend was born. Happy birthday!
  • May God continue to cover you on your special day and beyond. Wishing you a fantastic birthday.
  • Having an unbreakable sibling bond like ours is one of life’s biggest blessings. I never take our closeness for granted. Happy birthday, sister.
  • I’m convinced that God blessed me with the absolute best sister on the planet. Happy birthday!
  • Every day I thank the Lord for allowing someone as special as you to be a big part of my life. Birthday blessings to you, sister.
  • My prayer is that you get everything you want and more. You deserve it all. Happy birthday!
  • As you turn another year older, I know that God will continue to bless you. Keep the faith and enjoy your special day.
  • May your birthday be filled with endless blessings!
  • Always keep God first in all that you do. Happy birthday, sister.
  • I’m forever grateful to God for making us siblings. Having you as a sister is the greatest blessing I could’ve ever received. Wishing you a wonderful birthday.
  • Friends may come and go, but siblings are forever. I’m so blessed to have you as my sister. Happy birthday!
  • May the Lord’s blessings shower over you today and always. Enjoy your birthday!
  • Today we celebrate one of God’s greatest creations: you! Happy birthday, sister.
  • As you make another journey around the sun, remember to count your blessings. Happy birthday!
  • I will always praise God for making us siblings. I know our bond is unique and I never take it for granted. Happy birthday, sister.
  • Wishing you a blessed birthday. Enjoy, big sister!
  • I’m always praying for you, sister. Today and every day, I wish you nothing but joy. Happy birthday!
  • God continues to show me that unconditional love exists. You’re proof. Happy birthday!
  • When the universe made us siblings, it was one of my biggest blessings! Happy birthday.
  • Keep being the loving, caring and kind person you are and watch your blessings continue to flow. Happy birthday!
  • Wishing the best sister endless blessings today and always. Happy birthday!
  • Sisters like you are the greatest blessings. I’ll always thank God for choosing me to be your sibling. Happy birthday!
  • As long as you lean on God, you’ll always be guided. Wishing you countless blessings on your special day.
  • Happy birthday to one of God’s greatest gifts!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Sister or Sister-in-Law

funny birthday wishes for your sister or sister in law

Woman’s Day/Getty Images
  • I’m pretty sure I’m the favorite child, but since it’s your special day, I’ll let you think otherwise. Happy birthday, sister!
  • You’re the ketchup to my mustard. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Let’s party like it’s your birthday! Oh wait, it really is. HBD!
  • Don’t get too cake wasted. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to my former womb mate!
  • Happy birthday, sister. Don’t you worry about getting so old. That was something that happened years ago.
  • Mom and dad did a good job raising you. I’m shocked you’ve turned out so well. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday, sister. Enjoy another 365 days of an all-expenses paid trip around the sun!
  • Even though you always thought you were mom and dad’s favorite, we all know the truth. Happy birthday, sis!
  • I guess your birthday wish came true because you have me as a sibling! Happy birthday, sissy.
  • Every year you get more beautiful. Even wrinkles look good on you. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Don’t forget who’s the older sibling. You know who’s boss! Happy birthday!
  • We may need to call the fire department with all those candles on the cake! Enjoy your special day, old lady!
  • I brought you the best birthday gift ever: me! Happy birthday, sister.
  • Wishing the most intelligent person I know a great day. That’s me. And to you a very happy birthday.
  • Thanks for always being older than me. Happy birthday, sister!
  • I’m looking forward to growing old with you, and happy that you have a head start. Happy birthday!
  • Yesterday is past, tomorrow is unknown, and the present… I didn’t get you one. Happy birthday anyway!
  • With another year passing, I hope you start acting your age and not your shoe size. Happy birthday, sister!
  • Happy birthday to the girl who thinks she’s God’s gift to this family. OK, you’re one of our many blessings, but not the main one. Happy birthday!


Headshot of Karla Pope

Karla Pope is a longtime writer, editor and blogger with nearly two decades of editorial experience. She’s written for a variety of outlets including Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, People, Parade, BET.com. WebMD and more. Her coverage includes entertainment, beauty, lifestyle, parenting and fashion content. If she’s not exploring New York City with her two young children, you can find her curled up on the couch watching a documentary and eating gummy bears. 

Here are beautiful Happy Birthday Poems for Sister to enjoy and wish the moments you passed together. There is no substitute to sisters love. It is a relation which is priceless. Sometime we have fight, sometime we share sweet memories. Time of a sisters birthday is a time to relish pleasures. To express your feelings by words a collection of inspirational funny and heart touching poems are presented to you to make your sister happy on her birthday.

Table of Contents

Inspirational Sister Birthday Poems

A Birthday Wish

This Birthday wish is just for you,
And I hope it comes true:

B e yourself, we love and appreciate you
I magine and achieve all you can be
R elax this day and celebrate another year
T ake time to look after you, you are so dear
H umor, never lose your sense of humor
D etermination you do have that great quality
A ttitude, yours is positive and felt by others
Y esterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, live today and enjoy the year.

— Catherine Pulsifer

Happy birthday poems for sister

Happy birthday poems for sister


Happy Birthday Sis

Happy birthday little Sis,
Even though we fight sometimes,
but you know I still love you,
So I would just like to say happy birthday.

I wanna see your face always putting on a smile,
Can’t wait for one more mile.
Until I reach your birthday,
So happy to be in your birthday.

— Lily Stuart

Inspirational sister birthday poems

Inspirational sister birthday poems


It Feels So Good With You

It feels so magical in your company.
We talk about so many things.
We talk about our hopes.
And things of the blings
We talk about our life to come.
And other things per se
You are the reason for my life.
Can’t even stay a day without you
Coz I simply love you.
For best sis forever
Happy birthday to you. God bless you!

— P. Knudsen

Birthday wishes poems for sister

Birthday wishes poems for sister


A Birthday Gift

No gift I bring but worship, and the love
Which all must bear to lovely souls and pure,
Those lights, that, when all else is dark, endure;
Stars in the night, to lift our eyes above;

To lift our eyes and hearts and make us move.
Less doubtful, though our journey be obscure,
Less fearful of its ending, being sure.
That they watch over us, where’er we rove.

And though my gift itself have little worth,
Yet worth it gains from her to whom `tis given,
As a weak flower gets color from the sun.
Or rather, as when angels walk the earth,
All things they look on take the look of heaven
For of those blessed angels thou art one.

— Robert Fuller Murray

Return of day gift


The Passing Years

Age is a quality of mind:
If you have left your dreams behind,
If hope is lost,
If you no longer look ahead,
If your ambition’s fires are dead,
Then you are old.

But if from life you take the best
And if in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold,
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthdays fly,
You are not old.

— Edward Tuck

The passing years


Birthday Wish

It’s your birthday time again;
It’s true; there’s no denying,
Another year has come and gone;
You know that I’m not lying.

So for you, the birthday person,
Here’s what I want to say:
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,
In every delightful way.

So happy birthday to you.
Have lots of birthday fun!
May your birthday wishes all come true,
Even if you have a ton.

— Karl Fuchs


Happy Birthday Sister

God gave me a beautiful gift when he gave me you.
Not only a big sister but a best friend too
To share times of laughter and memories.
You can’t put a price on precious times like these.
What a blessing to have you in my life
Always compassionate in times of hardships and strife.
Wishing you a Birthday making wonderful memories
With friends, family, and everything to please!

— Kathryn Ann


Hard To Believe

It’s hard to believe you are celebrating another birthday
It was only yesterday your life was full of play
Now here you are with accomplishments in life
And your attitude is one without strife
We are so proud of you
We wish you success in all you do.
So on this day we wish you well
We think you are special and oh, how swell!

— Kate Summers


Be Thankful

My sister, we no longer see each other every day,
But you’re in my thoughts in every way.
When you were young, you wanted to grow.
While now, our age is beginning to show.
Don’t be sad, be thankful, be glad.
Another birthday is to be had!

— Catherine Pulsifer


Time Goes By

The years go by so fast
It seems like only yesterday
We had a birthday splash
And now a full year has again gone past.

Time goes by and then we see
How the years just seem to fly by
I know that you agree with me
It is a fact of life we can’t deny

So live this year
Be all that you can be
As we will turn around
And next year will be here.

— Kate Summers


Happy Birthday, Super Star Sister

From the day you were born, I’ve watched you grow.
Into the nicest person, one could know.
Love changes everything, words oh so true.
My world changed the moment I first held you.

A baby sister who captured my heart,
Nothing and no one could tear us apart.
That goes for all those who love you to bits,
Especially your children and grandkids.

So bouncy and lively, zesty and bright,
That’s the way you go on sailing through life.
You light up a room, soon as you appear.
A gift to the world, so precious and dear.

May this special day and all days after
Be filled with abundant love and laughter.
Every moment a moment to treasure
For a sister who brings so much pleasure.

Never change from the woman that you are.
To us, sisters, you are a “Super Star.”

— Beryl L Edmonds


21 Years Today

For thirteen years, my sister, you’ve been,
and I’m quite sure you’ve not always been keen,
on me ruining your stuff and copying your style,
but you always forgot that after a while.

the love we share goes unprepared,
because it comes so naturally,
you see, the love we have is close,
it’s like our own sung melody.

I don’t know how to say it,
but believe me that it’s true,
there’s no sister in the world,
that could ever compare to you.

so I’m wishing you a happy birthday,
one only I can say,
I say this from the heart,
have the greatest 21st birthday.

— Lauramay


My Sister!

Britney, what can I say,
You are the best sister.
I could’ve ever asked for

We went through a lot when we were younger,
But you helped me through it!
You made me stronger.
I am thankful for that every day.
So thank you for always being there for me.

So on this special day of yours.
I wanted to tell you how much I love you,
I really do!!!
I know I don’t say it often, but it’s true.
I love you!

I know we fight a lot.
But we are sisters.
(we always forgive each other)!
It’s not the fact that we are “blood.”
But the love I have for you tells me that we will be friends forever!

I hope you have a great day.
You have my wishes.

Happy Birthday

— Jenn


My Wishes For You My Dear Sister

Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
There’s so many things I just want to say.
You inspire many with your thoughts and actions,
We’re all so grateful for your calm reactions.

Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
You’ve always been there when we needed you to stay.
Kindness and thoughtfulness is your forte,
Our love for you, we wish to convey.

Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
We wish you the best, without any delay.
Hope you enjoy it, from beginning till the end,
Here’s a hug and kiss, we’re ready to send.

— Pretty Ene Davis


Happy Birthday My Only Sister

A world of wishes Sister,
Meant especially for you,
May all the nicest things be yours,
today and all year through!
Happy birthday, Sweet Sister

— Eunice Ratshivhadelo


Count Your Garden By the Flowers

Count your garden by the flowers
Never by the leaves that fall.
Count your day by golden hours
Don’t remember clouds at all.
Count your nights by stars, not shadows.
Count your life by smile, not tears.
And with joy on every birthday, Count your age by friends, not years…

— Edouard Zania


As I Grow Old

God, keep my heart attuned to laughter
when youth is done;
when all the days are gray days, coming after
The warmth, the sun.
God keep me then from bitterness, from
When life seems cold;
God keep me always loving and believing
As I grow old.

— Arnold West


Age Is Not To Be Feared

Another birthday, another year
Remember though that age is not to be feared
You are just achieving your prime
Here’s to your health and living a long time

As they say, be happy, don’t worry
Enjoy your life and don’t be in a hurry
We take this opportunity to wish you
Happiness in all you do.

We appreciate your caring
Your always willingness for sharing
Thank you, for being you
We love you and all you do.

— Catherine Pulsifer


My Beautiful Sister

My big sister.
Eighteen already,
I remember times when she could only sleep with a teddy.
It doesn’t seem real,
I wonder how she feels.

Is she happy? Is she sad?
Things that she’s done have they made her mad?
Does she regret things in the past?
Does she think she’s grown up too fast?

If I was her, I’d have not one regret,
She’s an amazing person; people couldn’t forget.
We’re all very proud, especially with what she’s done.
Coping with her education as well as having fun.

We’re also proud of what she has achieved.
We always knew she would succeed.
She’s an amazing person; for that, I guarantee
She’s the person she wants to be.

Growing up was hard; we fought for so long.
Now I’m proud to say our bond is fairly strong.
We wasted so much time when we could have spent it together,
But it can’t be changed; we’re sisters forever.

Friendship and loyalty is the key,
It’s something we retain
Something over years, I’ve managed to gain.

I look up to her if only she knew.
But she’s stupid; she doesn’t have a clue.
I need her- she guides me the right way.
I’ve never thanked her; I didn’t know what to say.

We’ve shared secrets; many Mums won’t find out,
Because you’re my sister, I have no doubt.
So whether we are together or we are far apart.
Jade, you’re my sister, my best friend, and forever in my heart.

Happy birthday.
I love you

— Sinead


We Want You To Know

Happiness you do bring
To those who love you so

If we could give you anything
We want you to know:

We wish much happiness for you
In everything you do.

And always remember we love you
No matter what you do

May all your wishes come true this year
Because to us you are very dear.

— Catherine Pulsifer


My Wish, Sister

My wish for you, my special sister, on this your birthday:
May Sunshine and happiness fill your life.
May Inner peace fill your heart.
May Smiles and laughter fill the coming year.
May Time be good to you.
May Encouraging people surround you.
May Relaxation find you on this day!

— Catherine Pulsifer


Another Year

I’m wishing you another year.
Of laughter, joy, and fun,
Surprises, love, and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

— Joanna Fuchs


Happy Birthday, Special Treasure

God gave a gift to the world when you were born,
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

— Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Reflections

Your birthday’s a time for careful reflection.
About your life and its future direction.
You see where you’ve been when you look at the past;
Most of it’s great; you had quite a blast!

You wonder what’s coming, what life has in store;
Will it be just the same? Will there be a new door?
Remember this, as you blow out the last candle:
Life holds no challenge that you cannot handle.

— Joanna Fuchs


A Heartfelt Wish

This heartfelt wish is just for you
Today is your special day
May all the dreams you do pursue
Be realized in every way.

A special person you are to me
You deserve the best of everything
So may this birthday and the coming year be
One that offers you the best that life may bring.

— Kate Summers


Wishing You

Wishing you much happiness, dear
On this special day
And for the coming year
May blessings come your way.

Be thankful for each day you have
Thank God in heaven above
Fill your life with happy not sad
Remember you are loved.

— Kate Summers


A Few Words

A few words, painless and short,
It’s your birthday, be a sport.
At your age, you look great,
Have you been lifting weight?

Wish you health and all the best,
Joy and laughter, I suggest.
Happy birthday, one more time,
Times are tough; here’s a dime.

— Martin Dejnicki


To My Naughty Sis

We may be sisters by birth
But we are friends by heart
We may be family by default
But we have been bffs from the start
We may be siblings, without choice
But we chose to be much more
Wish you a happy birthday sis

I love you from the core.

Funny birthday poems for sister

Funny birthday poems for sister


Happy birthday To The Sister

Who is now a teen
Oh, and also the world’s
Biggest drama queen
Dull, would be life without you
Like paint without its sheen
Thank you, for being
My life’s happiness machine.


For My Funky Cat

Sometimes we fight like angry cats who scratch
Sometimes we act as if we are the perfect match
Sometimes we laugh like there is no tomorrow
Sometimes we cry as if our lives are full of sorrow
Sometimes we love each other dearly
Sometimes we hate each other severely
Thanks for all these ups and downs
Without them I wouldn’t have learnt to smile and frown
I love you, is what I want to say

Wishing my dear sister a happy birthday


Read More: Happy Birthday Poems for Friends

Sisters are the heart of the family and loved by everyone. No one understands and supports you like your sister does. When it comes to her birthday, it becomes your responsibility to make her smile with a warm birthday message. Let your sister know how special she is to you. Your heartfelt wishes will double the joy of this day and make her feel the warmth of the relationship that every sibling shares.

Here are some beautifully crafted birthday wishes for your sister. Take a look and choose the perfect one to make her birthday truly magical!

  • Birthday Wishes
  • Heart Touching
  • Little Sister
  • Elder Sister
  • Blessing
  • Short
  • Funny
  • Quotes
  • Captions

Happy Birthday, Sister! May you have a blessed year ahead. Many happy returns of the day!

Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world. May your life be filled with all the happiness you deserve!

Happy birthday to my lovely sister! Thank you for always being there for me. Love you ❤️

sister birthday wishes

May the Almighty bless you with good health, happiness, and success. On your birthday, I wish nothing but the best for you, sister. Have a good day!

Thank you for being the most loving and caring sister in the world! Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear sister!

Happy Birthday, sister ❤️ Thank you for always being such an amazing sister 🎈🎉

Happy birthday, sister! I hope you have an amazing day today and every day! I love you and miss you so much.

Happy birthday dear sister! Wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate another year in your life! May the joyful celebration of this day melt your heart and fill it with love.

Happy birthday, sister. Thank you for being the amazing person you are. I consider myself fortunate to have you as my sister. I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true!

Happy birthday to my sister and my partner in crime! Growing up together has indeed been a blessing.

Congratulations on taking another trip around the sun. You are the best sister, and I wish you the best things only.

May God always shower you with joy and prosperity in every aspect of your life. Happy Birthday, my dearest sister.

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Sister

Wish you the happiest birthday and a wonderful life ahead, dear sissy. May you always stay just as strong and beautiful.

You are the person that I hold closest to my heart. No matter how old you grow, you will always be our princess. Happy birthday to you, sister.

Happy birthday, sister! May God keep showering his love and blessings on you and may we get to celebrate more happy days together!

Thank you for always bringing laughter and joy into my life. Happy birthday to the most lovable sister in the world!

Happy birthday to my loving elder sister! Nobody could ever take care of me the way you do, and I’m thankful for all your love, care, and sacrifices. May all of your birthday wishes come true!

Happy birthday to my wonderful little sister! You are such a blessing to our family, and we all love you the most. May God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity in your life ❤️🎂🎈

May your birthday be just as bright and cheerful as you are. Happy Birthday to my bestie for life!

Happy birthday sister! Thank you for being a such supportive sister and best friend. I love you!

Life would have been so boring if you weren’t my sister. I love you. Wishing you all the wonderful things in life!

Happy birthday to my amazing sister! Although we are far, sending you my love in the form of a sweet greeting! I miss you so much!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday, sister. I am so grateful to have you in my life and so proud of the woman you have become. May you carry on being this amazing.

You are the most wonderful and the prettiest girl, sister. May God always keep you safe and bless you with everything you want. Happy birthday, little sis.

Happy Birthday Sister

Thank you for all those beautiful memories and guidance you have given me throughout the years. I hope you have a wonderful happy birthday. Sis. I’m blessed to have an elder sister like you.

Happiest birthday to the most perfect sister in the world! I hope your life is filled with success and happiness. Many happy returns of the day!

Happy birthday to the loveliest and most gorgeous woman in the world. You mean the world to me, dear sister.

Happy Birthday Didi ❤️ You have always been a source of inspiration for me. You understand me like no one else. May you have a cheerful life ahead!

People have idols who are celebrities and famous personalities. But I found my idol in you. I love the way you are and I respect it. Happy birthday to the amazing sister in the world.

I can’t imagine my life without you. Thanks for being such a lovely sister to have. Happy birthday to my sister!

Happy Birthday, sissy! Growing up with you has been the greatest gift of my life, and I am truly proud to have you.

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Sister

Your sister shares the same soul that you have in you but in a different body. Sisters are the true blessing from heaven. Often, we become very emotional while celebrating the birthday of our sister. These heart-touching wishes are for those emotional moments that we don’t want to forget but keep as our good memories. Here are some heart touching birthday wishes for your sister that will melt her heart instantly:

Every person has an angel in their life in the form of a human. You are that angel in my life. Happy Birthday sister.

Sending you my hugs and kisses on your birthday. I think a lot about how lost I would have been in this world if I didn’t have you in my life, sister.

I have always found you right by my side through every up and down, every smile and frown. I admire you more than I can say, sis. Have a great birthday and a good life ahead.

Looking at you gives me the strength to go on in life. You are the inspiration of my life. It’s a blessing to have a sister like you. I wish you to have the best birthday of your life.

God has blessed me for a lifetime by sending a sister like you. Happy birthday my dear!

I know whatever I give won’t amount to the love you have given me. It’s unattainable. Happy birthday my loveliest sister.

heart touching birthday wishes for sister

It doesn’t matter how much older you become; you’ll always remain to be my sweet little sister. Have a great day. Happy birthday!

Things may have changed a lot since our childhood, but one thing that has never changed is the bonding we share. You are and always will be my go-to person, sis. Happiest birthday to you.

You are not just my sister, you are also my best friend, mother, and father. Thank you for always protecting me and taking care of me. Happy Birthday.

I really wish I was there with you on your special day! Don’t be sad and enjoy your day! Take my hugs and kisses! Happy Birthday.

I actually feel like ripping my heart open and showing you how much affection I carry for you, sis. Have a great birthday party!

You are like an angel who has supported me in all my good and bad times. On your birthday, I promise to be here for you as well. Happy birthday, big sis!

We are like two peas in a pod. Nothing is complete in my life without you, sister. Happy birthday to the other half of my soul.

You are such an inseparable part of my life that I can’t remember any of my childhood memories without you in them. Happy birthday, dear!

Happy birthday, my sister. Thank you for being born as my loving sister. May you live a long healthy, prosperous, and happy life!

Also Read: Sweet Messages for Sister

Birthday Wishes For Little Sister

Happy birthday little sister {name}. I wish you find only goodness in your life.

Happy birthday, dear little sis! May God bless you and all your wishes and dreams come true! Many happy returns of the day!

Sending you my immense love and warm hugs on your birthday. Happy birthday ❤️🎂

Watching you grow up to be a beautiful young lady is the experience of a lifetime. Wishing you all the best on this special day!

May you have all the good things in your way. I pray that God always keeps you happy and surrounded by loving souls. Happy Birthday!

Many happy returns to the little wonder of my life. Love you to the moon and back.

Stop worrying about what you couldn’t do. Focus on what you still can do. You have a long way to go and so many things to accomplish. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes for Little Sister

Dear little sister, I wish you the happiest birthday! You are the sunshine to this family and the grace of everyone’s life. May you never lose your kind heart and shine.

Happy Birthday to my tiny little ray of sunshine! May your day be loaded with joy, happiness, and lots of cake.

Happy birthday to my favorite pint-sized troublemaker! May your day be abundant with endless laughter and joy.

On your birthday, I just wanted to share with you just how much you mean to me. If anybody ever breaks my little sister’s heart, I’ll kill them. Sincerely, elder brother.

Dear, little sister. Though we fight like cat and mouse over little things, I will always give mine to you in the end. Because you are my heart. Happy Birthday sweetie.

Despite being the younger one, sometimes you act like you are the older one. I’m proud to have a sister like you who knows everything. Happy Birthday. May God bless you.

Happy birthday to my beloved little sister. No matter how old you are, you will forever be my little one, and I’ll be your supporter for the rest of my life.

Some people are so nice that the earth feels blessed to have them in it. You are one of them, little sister. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday my favorite sister! Unfortunately, you are my only sister, or I would have had an option to pick my favorite 😝 I love you anyway!

Happy birthday, little one. I wish I could wrap you into the warmest hug right now.

Happy birthday to my lovely sister. Always remember your elder brother/sister loves you to the moon and back.

Birthday Wishes For Elder Sister

Elder sisters are like our shelters. They are caring and kind-hearted. No one understands you better than your elder sister. When it comes to her birthday, you should be making sure that she has a great time. It doesn’t matter how many gifts you buy her or how big of a party you throw for her, at the end of the all that will matter to her is a heart-melting birthday wish from you:

Happy birthday, my elder sister. You are my never-ending source of love and support.

Happy birthday, sister {name}. You were always there for me whenever I needed you, and I can’t express how much you mean to me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally!

Elder sisters are the shadow of the mother. I am glad to have such an amazing and caring big sister like you. Happy Birthday sister.

Happy birthday to the strongest and the most beautiful woman I know. Having you as my sister makes me burst with pride. May all of your birthday wishes come true!

birthday wishes for sister image

I cannot imagine my life without you, big sister! Wishing a very happy birthday to one of the most special people in my life!

You’re the person I love and respect the most after Mom. Thanks for always taking care of me and guiding me. Happy birthday!

Every single piece of advice you gave me made me the person I am today. May you find everything in life that you crave for. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, dear sister! Your shoulder is a place I can lean on whenever I need it, and I am so grateful for it!

Happy Birthday my partner in crime. I miss those days when we were small and helped each other doing pranks on others.

May God bless you with wisdom and knowledge. You have been a blessing for all of us, especially for me. Happy birthday big sister!

Happy Birthday, my mentor, my guide, and most importantly, my elder sister! You have taught me much and always made me fight for the best. I wish you the best in your life.

Happy birthday, sister! Without any doubt, the world would be an amazing place if there were more people like you! You are one of the kinds! I love you.

Happy Birthday to my dearest sister! Thanks for being my guide and my biggest supporter. You are a source of inspiration for me.

Happiest birthday to the one I look up to the most! Thank you for being my savior and warrior! I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

Happy birthday to my one and only sister! Thank you for always inspiring me with your positive thoughts and actions. May you have an extremely fun day, Sis!

Many happy returns of the day, dear sister! Stay away from your worries and responsibilities and enjoy your special day with your loved ones!

My lovely sister, you always call me a precious gift, but today I want to say that you are my biggest treasure. Happy Birthday to you!

Blessing Birthday Wishes For Sister

I pray to God that He blesses you with happiness and prosperity. Happy Birthday to my dearest sister.

I always pray for your happiness. May you keep smiling and shining through life. Happy Birthday.

May God bless you with health and a long life span. Happy birthday, my sister.

May the light of heaven shine upon you and bring peace to your heart. May the love of God be with you always and forever. Happy birthday!

On your birthday I pray that the Almighty bless you and keep you in His loving arms. I am fortunate to have a sister who is always there for me. Best wishes for your birthday!

Happy birthday, my dear {name}! May God bless you with the nicest things in the world.

Sending my love and blessings to you on your birthday, my sister. I pray to God every day for a healthy and long life for you.

You are no less than a blessing from God. I wish nothing but a blissful life ahead for you on this special day!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday, sister. May all the days of your life be colorful and blessed. Sending all my prayers and good wishes to you.

Sending you my blessings on your birthday. May God guide you in the right direction in life and help you achieve all your goals.

May life blesses you with various possibilities and opportunities in every way you go. Sending my best wishes on your birthday.

Birthday Prayers for Sister

Happy Birthday to you, my dear sister! I pray may you always stay in good health and nourish your heart with love and kindness.

I pray that my sister grows up to be healthy and wise. May success visit her wherever she goes because I truly believe that my sister is a gem of a person.

Happy birthday, my beautiful sister. May the journey of life be smoother, happier and filled with God’s blessings.

Happy Birthday, My Loveliest Sister! May God’s guidance lead you in all that life brings. May He forever bless your heart with love!

Also Read: 100+ Happy Birthday Prayers and Blessings

Simple & Short Birthday Wishes For Sister

Happy Birthday, Sister ❤️ Many many happy returns of the day!

Happy birthday, dear sister! I love you to the moon and back!

Happy birthday, sister. I hope your birthday cake is as sweet as you.

Wishing a happy birthday to my sister, the true sparkle in my life!

Happy birthday to my lovely sister. May our days ahead be more fun than ever!

Thank you for being my one and only best friend. Happy birthday sister ❤️🎂

Happy Birthday my little sister! Stay blessed. Many happy returns of the day!

when I count my blessings

Happy Bday! Wishing you to have lots of fun and receive loads of love today!

Dearest sis, hope you have a spectacular birthday bash. You deserve it.

It’s nice that you’re growing up little sister. Best wishes and happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my sweet sister. Have a wonderful day and make lots of memories.

When I count my blessings, I count you a hundred times. Happy birthday, sister!

Wishing Happy Birthday to my not-so-little sister! May your day be as wholesome as you are.

You are the pride of our family, sis. Have a blast on your birthday!

Happy Birthday to the most special person in our family! We love you so much!

Happy birthday to my annoyingly adorable sister! Have a blast!

Happy birthday to my lovely sister. May God make your life as colorful and amazing as you have made mine!

Happy birthday to the sweetest blessings of my life, my sister.

Happy birthday to the star of our home. May life treat you nicely and give you nothing but the best.

Happy birthday to my first and forever friend! Love you always!

Long Birthday Messages For Sister

You love me, take care of me, and make me laugh whenever I feel low. We may fight every now and then, but I still appreciate your presence in my life. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without your shenanigans and stupid advice! Happy birthday and love you, sister! Keep shining.

You are the one I share my laughter with, and you are the one to see my tears too. You’re not only my sister but also my best friend in the whole world, and I couldn’t love you more! Happy birthday, my dear. I wish you a beautiful life ahead.

We have shared food, toys, and our entire childhood. Whenever I made a blunder, you were there to cover it up for me. I know you’ve still got my back, and I too will always be there for you. Love you to the moon and back, sister. Happy birthday and I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true!

If there’s one person in this world who can see me through and know what’s wrong in my life without me saying a word, that’s you! Happy birthday sister! May you be showered with countless good wishes and many beautiful gifts. Love you 🥰

You know all my secrets, and I know yours too. You are the person I’d trust with my life, and I’m so grateful to have you as my sister. A very very happy birthday to you, my dear. I know you are capable of achieving every great thing in life and I’ll always be proud of you.

Long Birthday Messages for Sister

You are the most courageous, kind, and thoughtful person I know. You motivate me to be a better person. Someday, I hope to be someone like you. I wish you a very happy birthday, my sister. May this year bring all your dreams and wishes come true!

Happy Birthday, lovely sister! Words cannot express how much I love you and how lucky I am to have such a delightful person in my life. Never stop being the source of joy in everyone’s life. I always wish that all your dreams come true. Enjoy your day to the fullest!

Happy birthday, sister. You aren’t just my sister; you are also my role model. I aspire to be as kind and brave as you. Everything I am today is because of you. I am so grateful for your existence in my life.

Happy birthday. Whenever you feel like the whole world is against you, remember that your brother/sister is on your side. I will always be there for you to support you and protect you. I love you, sis.

Ever since our childhood, you have been the kindest and the most loving sister. I couldn’t possibly repay you for all that you’ve done for me. I’m so lucky to have you as my constant supporter. Thank you for being the best sibling, sis. Have an amazing birthday!

Wow, from a little kid to a beautiful grown-up! Time flies so fast. I cannot believe how much you have matured. You’ve grown into such a wonderful human being and never stopped making me proud. I wish you to keep winning through life and never stop at anything. And I hope you never will. Happy birthday!

Sister Birthday Wishes From Brother

Sisters are the jewel of the heart for their brothers. A sister’s birthday is just as much special to a brother as it is for the sister. It is also the perfect time to share the love and gratitude a brother holds in his heart for the sister. Blended with some of the sweetest words from the dictionary, these wonderful happy birthday wishes can be the perfect text from a brother on the birthday of his sister:

You are incomparable as a sister. You are the perfect soulmate a brother could ever ask for. Happy birthday dearest!

Your presence in my life makes it more cheerful and enjoyable. I can only be thankful to God for giving me such an adorable sister. Happy birthday!

All my wishes and prayers are with you on your special day. May you have the fun of your life today!

May all of your long-cherished dreams come true on this day. I can’t wait to give you a big hug today. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my partner in crime, my partner in fun, and my partner in annoying our parents. You’re the best sister a brother could ask for.

Nothing can be better than finding a best friend in a sister! I love you. Happy birthday!

People make wishes when they see a star. Guess what? You’re the star in my life. May you be blessed with success and glory. Happy birthday sister!

You made my childhood special. You are always my biggest strength and greatest inspiration. Happy birthday to my sweetest sister of mine!

Happy birthday to my sweet sister, who has endured my silliness for so long. I announce your name as the best sister in the Universe award. I am so proud to be your brother.

Related: 100+ Birthday Wishes For Sister In Law

Sister Birthday Wishes From Sister

Happy birthday to my little sis, who has grown up to be a beautiful and smart woman. You are a warrior princess, a lioness, and a queen. Keep shining bright and never stop being amazing.

Happy birthday to my partner-in-sarcasm! I couldn’t ask for a better sister to share eye rolls, memes, and witty comebacks with. Let’s keep the jokes and banter coming for many more years to come.

Happy birthday my bestie, my sister! Sending you virtual hugs and good vibes. May your day be filled with the kind of love you always give.

Another year of your life has passed, but you are still as young and beautiful as ever! Cheers to you on your special day, sis! Happy birthday!

You always cheer me up whenever I feel sad. You are the reason why this house seems so lively. Happy birthday to you!

Birthday Wishes for Sister from Sister

Happy birthday to the sister who stole all of my clothes and chocolates when we were kids! Here’s to many more years of exchanging clothes and spilling secrets.

On this great day, I wish you the world’s happiness, my beloved sister. I am really glad I have a sibling like you because you make my life so much fun. Enjoy your birthday!

Happy birthday to the sister who never fails to make me smile, even when I am feeling down. You are a ray of sunshine in my life, and I am grateful for you every day.

I wish to make you special every single day just as special as today. May your life be filled with countless happiness! A very warm happy birthday wishes to you!

Wishing a happy birthday to the most wonderful sister in the world! I want you to know that you’re my role model, inspiration, and hero.

Happy birthday, dear sister. May this birthday come with so many opportunities and good wishes for you. I can never imagine a better sister than you!

Happy birthday sister. Thanks for teaching me the difference between the right and wrong. Thanks for making me so confident about myself. Have an amazing birthday!

Happy birthday to you, sister. I’m grateful that I have a sister like you with whom I can share all my secrets. Thank you for being there for me and making my life so easy.

Funny Birthday Messages For Sister

Funny birthday wishes are meant to make her laugh with your witty and sublime jokes. Your sister deserves to have a big smile on her face on this special day. Forget about all the seriousness and double the cheerfulness of the occasion with these funny birthday wishes. Your sister will be impressed when you add some humor to your birthday wishes:

When I say today is a special day, I literally mean the day is special, not you 🤣 Happy birthday!

You’re one in a million! Just like a defect in a container full of quality products. Happy birthday!

Sis, you’re both smart and pretty. I totally envy you. Happy birthday. P.S.: The first line was a joke.

Happy Birthday, Sis! People say age is just a number, but in your case, it’s a closely guarded secret! May your secrets stay safe and your cake be calorie-free!

Do you remember the story mom used to tell that she found you crying on the street and then she took you home? The story was true! Happy birthday!

I thought you’d always have my back. But I didn’t know you’d hide at my back every time mom gets angry with us 😛 Happy birthday!

Your birthday is the only day in the year when I have to pretend like you are my favorite sister despite the fact that I hate you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, sister. Having a sibling like me is perhaps the only gift that you’d ever need, but since it’s your special day, I got you another one.

happy birthday sister quotes funny

I don’t like sharing my stuff with you. But I like the childhood I shared with you. Happy Birthday to the most annoying sister.

You are certainly slightly less annoying than yesterday. Finally, you’re doing me a favor by growing up. Happy birthday!

Focus on the days that are yet to come. Don’t look back in the past because it’s a blank page. What a waste of so many years! Happy birthday!

Dear sis, we both know that I’m mum’s favorite child. But hey, you’ll always be her second favorite. Anyways, Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my strong, independent sis. You’re now one step closer to getting married.

Happy birthday to the nicest and also the meanest sister in the world. Only you can act both ways so perfectly.

Forget the past because you don’t have anything memorable. Forget the future because you don’t seem to have one. Happy birthday!

I always wanted a sister. I don’t know whether God has misheard my prayers because you seem more of a brother to me. Happy Birthday to my tomboy sister.

Birthday Quotes For Sister

“The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.” – Cali Rae Turner

“A sister’s love is forever, and on your birthday I wish you nothing but the best.” – Danielle Duckery

“Happy birthday to my constant support system! I may not say this often, but you hold a very special place in my heart.”

“You’re the most precious gift and a special person in my life, dear sister. Wishing you a very happy birthday.”

“A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” – Isadora James

“Sisterhood can be a great experience if you have a sister who understands you more than anyone else. You are just like that. Happy birthday!”

“All my best wishes from the bottom of my heart to the most amazing sister! I hope you have an amazing birthday.”

“A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel

“Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” – Amy Li

“There’s no better friend than a sister.” – Mary Engelbreit

“A sister is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be.” – Author Unknown

“Happy Birthday, my most amazing sister! I hope the Almighty blesses you with all the peace and success in this world.”

“God sent me an angel when he gave me you as a sister.” – Catherine Pulsifer

sister birthday quotes

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” – Marion Garretty

“I pray to God that He lights up your life with His grace and blessings and keeps you away from every harm and darkness. Happy Birthday, sister.”

“My sister is the one person who truly knows me, as I know her.” – Lisa See

“A sister always knows when to listen and when to talk, when to laugh and when to cry.” – Author Unknown

“Sister’s love brings nothing but bliss – like sunrays and happiness. Wishing you a fantastic birthday!”

Birthday Captions for Sister

Happiest birthday to my loveliest sister (SISTER NAME) ❤️🎈🎉

Happy birthday to the most awesome sister ever!

Happy birthday sister. Celebrate sweet (PUT AGE) like a pro. 🎈🎉🎊

Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister, (Name)! I hope your special day is filled with all the joy and blessings life has to offer. Here’s to making every moment shine with happiness.

Happy birthday to my favorite human being, my sweet sister and a friend for a lifetime.

Happy Birthday, Sis! No matter how much we bicker at each other, I cannot imagine passing a day without seeing your face! I love you!

Wishing you a blissful and glorious birthday, my sister.

Happy birthday, sis. Have a blast!

Happy birthday, sister! Thanks for being my best friend since childhood.

Happy birthday, sis. Sharing genes and jeans with you has been bliss!

Stay crazy, stay sassy and have an amazing birthday.

Happy birthday to my wonderful sister, the blooming flower in the garden of my life! Love you always.

birthday wishes caption for sister

I could never repay the joy and excitement that you bring into my life, sister. Wish you a many many happy returns of the day! #HappyBirthday ❤️

Happy birthday Didi. There are so many memories of us two, and so many are yet to make!

This is the person I owe all my childhood adventures to. Happy birthday, sis ❤️🎂🎈

Happy birthday my lovely sister. No one understands me better than you ❤️

Happy birthday, sister. I’d give you my life if you asked for it, but never a bite of my food 😛

To many more fights and make-ups, and too many more loving memories! #HappyBirthdaySister

Celebrating the birthday of my elder sister, the one who turns our family life into a beautiful union!

Happy birthday (SISTER NAME)! Your heart has always been a bundle of love and care, please keep it that way!

Happy birthday to you, my darling sister ❤️🎂🎈 I couldn’t ask for a better sister and a soul companion than you.

Happy birthday, my big sissy. Cheers to you and our ever-lasting bond!

Happy birthday to the one who lights up my world! You’re the greatest gift to our family.

Related: 200+ Best Birthday Wishes For Your Brother

Milestone Birthday Wishes For Sister

I can’t believe my baby sister is growing up so fast! Happy (age) birthday, my angel.

Happy 15th/16th/17th birthday, sis! Now that you are grownup, I’d suggest you start acting a bit less crazy.

Happy 16th birthday, my dear sister. I pray that may the coming year be filled with joy, excitement, and good news!

Happy 17th birthday, sis! I am so proud to see you turning into this smart and beautiful lady!

Happy 18th//19th/20th birthday sister. Hope your life ahead be a roller-coaster ride, but only full of ups!

I miss when we were babies, but I’m also proud of the lady that you are becoming. Happy 20th/21st birthday, sis.

You are like a butterfly, to see you growing up is such a beautiful experience! Happy 15th/16th/18th birthday, sister!

Happy 22/23/24th birthday to the coolest sister around! You make me laugh, you make me smile, and you make me wonder how we’re even related sometimes.

Happy 25th birthday, my sister. I love you as much I loved you when you were born, even now when you are 25. You make me so proud to have you as a sister.

Happy 40th birthday, my sister. May the 40s bring happiness to your life. May you find yourself smiling and laughing and loving every moment of your 40s. I love you.

Happy 50th Birthday sister. In your 50 years of life, you have spread love, laughter, kindness, and goodness. Wishing you luck for 50 years more.

You are aging like fine wine, my sis. Happy 60th birthday! I hope I look as beautiful and stunning as you when I turn 60 too.

Happy 70th birthday, sister. I hope you live a healthy and long life to celebrate your 100th birthday.

Life gives us many treasures. Your sister is one such invaluable treasure in your life. A precious individual who adds colorful dimensions to your black and white life. Sure, you might not agree on every little thing and every now and again you do have fights with her. But she’s the one who’s always on the lookout for her sibling every step of the way. She might not have the perfect skin, but she is your own kith and kin. The one who comforts your broken heart and the one who offers you unsolicited advice. She is your own blood. The family gets redefined because of her. From pillow fights to fighting over the TV remote, your sister is a true champion. On her birthday, let’s shower her with love and appreciation in the unique way only a sibling can.

Birthday wishes are the first thing you need to make the day special for her. Your gifts may not last forever, the birthday party will be finished as soon as it starts, but the words you say to her and the texts you send to her will always remain in her heart. We’ve got you covered with heartfelt wishes for sisters of all ages. So, select the wish that is most appropriate for your sister.

These birthday wishes brilliantly composed to express your true feelings for your sister. You can make her feel loved with these. You can also make her laugh with these. Always remember, your sister expects the best from you and she truly deserves the best one. Take your time browsing through our collection and find the wish that resonates with your sister’s heart because nobody knows her better than you do.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Wishes Кому-то необходимо лишь 10 минут, чтобы подписать десяток открыток с новым годом или с днем рождения. Я же могу просидеть полчаса над одной открыткой, сочиняя текст поздравления. А если нужно поздравить на иностранном языке, то на это может уйти и час драгоценного времени. Для таких как я, вы найдёте на этой странице сайта, поздравления с днём рождения друзей, коллег, партнёров в стихах и в прозе на английском языке с переводом.

Happy Birthday Wishes

разделитель текста

Короткие, традиционные поздравления стрелка вверх

Happy Birthday! С Днем Рождения!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday! Наилучшие пожелания и замечательного Дня Рождения!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! С Днем Рождения! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего в этот особенный день!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Поздравления и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Поздравляю с Днем Рождения и желаю долгих лет жизни!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! От всего сердца я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you all the best on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
borders text

Дружеские поздравления стрелка вверх

I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday! Я надеюсь, что в твой День Рождения, все твои желания исполнятся! С Днем Рождения!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today! Я желаю тебе счастливого Дня Рождения! Желаю отлично провести сегодня время!
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Тёплые и наилучшие пожелания на твой День Рождения! Пусть сегодня будет замечательный день!
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday! Пусть этот особенный день принесёт тебе все, что ты хочешь! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Желаю тебе лучшего Дня Рождения на свете! Развлекись по-полной! Ура!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! Счастливого Дня Рождения и много счастливых дней в твоем новом году!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday! Желаю(ем) тебе всего наилучшего на твой День Рождения!
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! Желаю(ем) тебе Дня Рождения такого же особенного как ты сам(сама)!
Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day! Думаю(ем) о тебе в твой День Рождения и желаю(ем) тебе счастья! Пусть это день будет замечательным!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! Пусть все твои желания сбудутся! С Днем Рождения тебя!
May be I am not by your side on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday! Даже если я и не рядом с тобой в твой День Рождения, но я всегда думаю о тебе и посылаю тебе самые наилучшие пожелания! С Днем Рождения!
Let God keeps you away from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, clever enemies and small-minded friends! Happy Birthday! Пусть Бог хранит тебя от злых языков, внезапного несчастья, умных врагов и глупых друзей-единомышленников! С Днем Рождения!
With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday! С большой любовью, я посылаю тебе самые замечательные пожелания! Счастливого Дня Рождения!
Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! Даже если нас разделяют километры, так хорошо знать, что ты где-то есть! С Днем Рождения!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. С огромным удовольствием я хочу пожелать тебе здоровья, любви, счастья и свободы в мечтаниях. Также желаю тебе вечной молодости, оригинальных идей и большого успеха во всем, что ты делаешь! Будь счастлив! Оставайся собой, что бы ни случилось!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Я желаю тебе длинной и увлекательной жизни! Желаю тебе крепкого здоровья и выдающихся результатов во всем, что ты делаешь. А самое важное, я желаю тебе безмерного счастья в каждой минуте твоей жизни. Будь любим(а), наслаждайся каждым днем!
You’re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! Ты чудо и прелесть! Пусть в жизни твоей будет много радостей и удач и не будет проблем и огорчений! Здоровья и счастья тебе и всем, кто тебе дорог! С днем рождения!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday! От всей души поздравляю тебя с Днём рождения! Пусть в новом для тебя году сбудутся все-все твои самые заветные мечты, надежды и ожидания. Хорошего радостного настроения каждый день, крепкого здоровья, стойкости к невзгодам и терпения, успехов во всех-всех делах и личного счастья! Спасибо за тот яркий свет, что ты даришь мне! Спасибо, что ты есть на этом свете! Счастья тебе и удачи! С Днём рождения!
Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth. Поздравляю тебя с днём рождения, желаю здоровья, свободы, счастья, успехов во всём и вечной молодости! Пусть сбудутся все твои мечты!
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness — without measure — every day!
Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья — безмерного счастья! Каждый день!
With all my heart — Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!
Сердечно поздравляю с днем рождения! Ты очень красивая, умная и талантливая! Не меняйся, оставайся такой как есть. Обнимаю! Целую!
Dear …………,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you a very happy birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck…
All the best,
Your friend,
Дорогой …………,
С Днем Рождения, мой друг!
Долгих лет жизни! Я желаю тебе по-настоящему счастливого дня рождения! Будь здоров и богат и удачлив …
Всего наилучшего,
Твой друг,
Dear …
I congratulate you on your Birthday and wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be always positive, optimistic and believe in yourself.
Уважаемый …
Я поздравляю Вас с Днём рождения и желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, счастья и душевного спокойствия. Будьте всегда оптимистичны, верьте в будущее и в себя.
С уважением,
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Поздравления с днем рождения любимого человека стрелка вверх

Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! Посылаю тебе поздравления на День Рождения, завёрнутые в мою любовь!
Happy birthday! Wishing you a birthday as bright as your smile, as sweet as your love, as fun as your spirit, and as wonderful as you are. Thank you for always being there for me! С днем ​​рождения! Желаю тебе дня рождения, такого же яркого, как твоя улыбка, такого же сладкого, как твоя любовь, такого же веселого, как твой дух, и такого же замечательного, как ты сам/а. Спасибо, что ты всегда рядом со мной!
Today is the best day ever because it’s the day you were born. Happy birthday! I love and miss you! Сегодня лучший день на свете, потому что это день, когда ты родился/родилась. С днем ​​рождения! Люблю и скучаю!
Happy birthday to my one and only! I love you more and more everyday. С днем рождения, моя единственная и неповторимая / мой единственный и неповторимый! Я люблю тебя все больше и больше с каждым днем.
Sending all my love to you on this very special day! I hope your birthday is as beautiful as you are, love! Посылаю вам всю свою любовь в этот особенный день! Надеюсь, твой день рождения будет таким же прекрасным, как и ты, любимая!
Today is your birthday, but I’m the one who has received the best gift—knowing you. Happy birthday beautiful! Сегодня твой день рождения, но я тот, кто получил лучший подарок — знать тебя. С днем ​​рождения красавица!
You are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I hope you have an awesome birthday. You deserve it, my love, and I will make sure your dreams come true. Ты — лучшее, что случалось в моей жизни, и я надеюсь, что твой день рождения пройдёт отлично. Ты этого заслуживаешь, любовь моя, и я позабочусь о том, чтобы твои мечты сбылись.
Happy birthday to the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend in the world! You light up my life with your smile and your love. I am so grateful to have you by my side. May your day be filled with love, joy, and cake(lots and lots of cake). I love you more than words can express. Happy birthday, my love! С днем ​​рождения, самая красивая и удивительная девушка на свете! Ты освещаешь мою жизнь своей улыбкой и своей любовью. Я так благодарен, что ты рядом со мной. Пусть твой день будет наполнен любовью, радостью и сладостями. Я люблю тебя больше, чем могут выразить слова. С днем ​​рождения, любовь моя!
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Официальные поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке стрелка вверх

Warm birthday greetings. Теплые поздравления с Днем рождения.
Please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the occasion of your birthday. Пожалуйста, примите наши искренние поздравления по случаю Вашего дня рождения.
Congratulations and all good wishes on your birthday. Поздравления и самые добрые пожелания по случаю дня рождения.
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a businessman. С большим удовольствием поздравляю Вас по случаю 40-летия и желаю Вам доброго здоровья и долгих лет дальнейшей деятельности как бизнесмена.
It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. Было очень приятно узнать о приближении Вашего дня рождения, поскольку это даёт мне возможность присоединить свои пожелания к тем, что вы получаете от своих коллег. Ваша жизнь настолько полна большими достижениями и добытыми трудом успехами, что вы должны быть этим удовлетворены. Примите, пожалуйста, мои сердечные поздравления.
Dear Mr. ………. ,

Happy to congratulate you to your 45th birthday. I wish I could personally come to share the joy of festivities on this milestone in your life, but I happen to be so far away from you physically at the moment. May your future be attended with prosperity and happiness !
Again wishing you many more birthdays.

Yours own,

Уважаемый г-н ………….. ,

Рад поздравить Вас с вашим 45-летием. Я хотел бы лично разделить радость праздника, но я так далеко от Вас в данный момент. Пусть Ваше будущее будет наполнено процветанием и счастьем!
А также желаю Вам долгих лет жизни (чтобы этот день повторился много раз).

Всегда Ваш,

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Английские поздравления с днем рождения в стихах стрелка вверх

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Именинница, сегодня твой день!
Время есть торт, петь песни и играть.
Есть столько способов повеселиться на день рождения.
Надеюсь, ты испробуешь их все!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
Прекрасной жизни будет путь,
Всегда, сегодня, не забудь –
Пусть невзгоды исчезают,
Друзья тебя не покидают!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can with me say
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy end!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
С Днем Рождения Вас поздравляем!
Все со мной согласятся, я знаю,
Можно другом хорошим Вас звать,
Кто готов нас всегда поддержать.
Вот и Вам мы желаем таких же друзей,
И в любви, чтоб не знали невзгод и потерь,
Чтобы дети были здоровы и счастливы,
И удача проявила в Судьбе участие!
You’re going to have a fun day
That’s what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
Впереди у вас сегодня веселый День рождения!
Вам сегодня все об этом будут говорить!
Пусть год грядущий пройдет без сожаления,
Печали и ненастья держа все взаперти!
Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there will be a condition
of Peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
Пусть мир без всяких сложностей
Любовью очаруется!
Пусть все твои возможности
Легко реализуются!
Пусть будет состояние
Душевного спокойствия!
Пусть каждое желание
Доставит удовольствие!!
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Поздравления с опозданием стрелка вверх

Написание запоздалого поздравления с днем ​​​​рождения от всего сердца для друга или члена семьи может оказаться непростой задачей. Если это так, вот несколько идей, с которых можно начать.

Happy belated birthday! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, это был замечательный день!
Happy belated birthday! Hope you ate lots of cake! С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, ты съел много торта!
Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you! Хотел бы я быть там, чтобы отпраздновать это с тобой! ( если Вас приглашали на праздник, а Вы не смогли присутствовать)
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for being too late. С прошедшим днем рождения! Извините, что опоздал.
Happy belated birthday! Sorry for saying this too late. Hope you had a wonderful day! С прошедшим днем рождения! Извини(те), что сказал это слишком поздно. Надеюсь, у тебя/вас был замечательный день!
Happy late B-Day! С прошедшим днём рождения!
Belated happy birthday! May the year ahead be filled with abundant blessings, joy, and success. I’m so sorry for the delay. My wishes for you are as heartfelt as ever. С опозданием, с днем рождения! Пусть предстоящий год будет благословенным, радостным и успешным. Мне очень жаль за задержку. Мои пожелания тебе как никогда сердечны.
Time got away from me, but my well wishes didn’t. Belated happy birthday! I hope your day was filled with laughter and love. Я потерялся во времени, но мои добрые пожелания — нет. С прошедшим днём рождения! Надеюсь, твой день был наполнен смехом и любовью.
Please forgive my forgetfulness, but I couldn’t let the occasion pass without sending you belated birthday wishes. May the days ahead be filled with endless laughter, abundant love, and dreams that come true. Пожалуйста, прости мою забывчивость, но я не могу не послать тебе своё запоздалое поздравление с днем рождения. Пусть предстоящие дни будут наполнены смехом, щедрой любовью и мечтами, которые сбываются.
Late but sincere, my birthday wishes come your way. Belated happy birthday! May this year be filled with sunshine, adventure, and all the happiness you can imagine. You deserve the best. С опозданием, но искренне, мои поздравления с днем рождения приходят к вам. С прошедшим днём рождения! Пусть этот год будет наполнен солнечным светом, приключениями и счастьем, которое вы только можете себе представить. Всего самого лучшего.
Better late than never, right? Wishing you a belated happy birthday that’s as bright and dazzling as you are! Лучше поздно чем никогда, правильно? Поздравляю тебя с прошедшим днём рождения, таким же ярким и ослепительным, как и ты!
I know I’m late wishing you a happy birthday, but mine is coming around soon, and revenge, as they say, is sweet. Happy birthday! Я знаю, что опоздал поздравить тебя с днем рождения, но мой скоро наступит, и месть, как говорится, сладка. С днем ​​рождения!
Belated happy birthday to my amazing, sweet, and beautiful friend. Although my greetings come late, our friendship always comes first. I cherish you now, today, tomorrow, and forever more. Happy birthday! С опозданием поздравляю моего удивительного, милого и прекрасного друга с днем рождения. Хотя мои поздравления приходят поздно, наша дружба всегда на первом месте. Я дорожу тобой сейчас, сегодня, завтра и во веки веков. С днем ​​рождения!
I didn’t really forget your special day…I just wanted the happiness to last a little longer. Belated happy birthday to my best friend! Я не совсем забыл твой особенный день… Я просто хотел, чтобы счастье длилось немного дольше. С опозданием поздравляю лучшего друга с днем рождения!

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