Пример подписи открытки на английском

Как подписать новогоднюю открытку?

Все мы с нетерпением ожидаем наступления Нового года. И конечно не только потому, что мы любим принимать поздравления, но и потому, что самим поздравлять друзей и родственников очень приятно. Что, как не открытка, поможет нам сделать это наилучшим образом?

Почтовые открытки становятся раритетом, и люди все чаще прибегают к электронным письмам и виртуальным открыткам. Но, согласитесь, получить настоящую бумажную открытку в конверте, как в старые добрые времена, это настоящий праздник!

Независимо от формы, есть стандарты, которым нужно следовать, подписывая открытку друзьям, родственниками или коллегам. Как сделать это на английском – тема нашего сегодняшнего разговора.


В Англии поздравительную открытку (greeting card) для друзей и родственников принято подписывать таким образом.

В правом верхнем углу пишут “To: …” (то есть, кому и указывают имя адресата).

Можно обратиться:

Dear Mary – дорогая Мэри;

Dearest John – дорогой Джон;

My honey (darling, sweet) – мой дорогой (для самых близких можно использовать самые разнообразные эпитеты)

Или просто имя адресата: Susan.

Если открытка адресована коллегам или начальнику, можно обратиться, используя стандартные фразы:

My dear Sir / Madam (очень официально).

Dear Sir / Madam (менее официально).

Dear Mr.Rowling / Mrs. Rowing (если у вас длительные деловые отношения).

Dear colleague(s) (звучит еще менее формально).


Ниже вы пишете свое поздравление к празднику и пожелания (wishes). Самая универсальная фраза “I wish you…” (Желаю тебе…). Можно использовать и такую формулу “May + subject + verb
(пусть + подлежащее + глагол (без to)), что переводится, как «пусть…». Например, «пусть мечты сбываются!» переведем как  “May your dreams come true!”

Заключительные фразы в открытке  могут быть такими:

Варианты для близких

Sincerely yours (искренне твой);

Your friend (brother, son) (твой друг (брат, сын);

Yours ever (вечно твой);

Yours as always (как всегда твой);

Lots of love (с любовью);

Truly yours (искренне твой).

Официальные варианты:

Best regards (с уважением);

Yours truly (искренне Ваш(а);

Respectfully yours (с уважением – в открытке к начальнику);

Best wishes (с наилучшими пожеланиями).

Под текстом поздравления, примерно в центре строки пишете свое имя.

После имени можно добавить поцелуев: ХХХ (в дружеском варианте).



To: Jacob

With all my heart I wish you my dear friend a year full of happiness, health and success! Happy New Year!

(От чистого сердца я желаю тебе, друг любезный, чтобы год был полон счастья, здоровья и успеха! Счастливого Нового года!)


(С любовью)

Mary XXX

Или такой вариант:

My dear friend,

(Дорогой друг)

May this New Year bring all the crazy colors and fun in your life!

(Пусть этот Новый год привнесет буйство красок и веселье в твою жизнь!)

Truly yours

(искренне твой)



Вариантов пожеланий множество, вы можете выбрать любой из предложенных шаблонов, а можно и самим включить фантазию и, используя все познания в английском, пожелать всего самого лучшего своим близким в наступающем Новом году:

Be well in a New Year! (Здоровья в Новом году!)

May all your dreams from the last year turn into achievements during this New Year. (Пусть все ваши мечты из прошлого года превратятся в достижения в Новом году).

Hope the New Year fills your life with success, good luck and happiness. May it be more prosperous than the previous one Happy New Year! (Надеюсь, что Новый год наполнит вашу жизнь успехом, удачей и счастьем. Пусть он будет более процветающим, чем предыдущий!).

May you have new hopes and aspirations for the coming year. (Пусть в предстоящем году у вас появятся новые надежды и стремления).·        May joy, peace and harmony be yours throughout the year ahead. (Пусть радость, мир и гармония сопровождают вас весь год).

May this New Year bring in the happiest and most beautiful times for you. (Пусть этот Новый год принесет вам самые счастливые и красочные моменты).

May the New Year give you the strength to face the challenges of life.
Пусть Новый Год придаст вам сил, чтобы противостоять трудностям жизни).·        Hope you meet New Year in high spirits, and success meets you throughout the year. (Надеюсь, что вы встретите Новый год в приподнятом настроении, и успех будет сопровождать вас в течение всего года).


Если вы поздравляете коллег, то к пожеланиям официального стиля можно отнести варианты:

Please, accept my best / warmest / heartiest /sincerest /most heartfelt wishes!

(Примите мои самые наилучшие (теплые, сердечные, горячие, искренние) пожелания!)

May I wish you (give you my wishes)…(Позвольте пожелать Вам…)


А вот небольшая подборка полезных сайтов с чудесным подбором виртуальных открыток, которые позволят вам поздравить друзей и коллег на английском. Каждую открытку вы можете персонализировать и вписать все самое оригинальное, что придет в голову.

  • http://www.bluemountain.com/ecards/new-years-day
  • http://www.dgreetings.com/newyear/
  • http://www.americangreetings.com/ecards/new-years
  • https://www.justwink.com/cards/happy-new-year
  • http://search.123greetings.com/cgi-bin/search/search.pl?query=new+year
  • https://www.hallmarkecards.com/ecards/collections/new+year

Beginning a postcard

  • Dear Susan,
  • Hi Peter!

Saying where you are

  • I’m in Rome.
  • I’m spending my holiday at the seaside / in the mountains.
  • I’ve just arrived at the airport / railway station / bus station.
  • I’m going to stay here for two weeks.
  • Here I am in Turkey!

Saying what you are doing

  • Every day there are many things to do.
  • I’m very busy every day.
  • There are morning / evening activities.
  • We climb mountains / visit places of interest

Describing the weather

  • The weather is pretty good / fine / awful / horrible.
  • It’s raining / snowing all the time.
  • It’s sunny / cold most of the time.

Saying how you are feeling

  • I enjoy it.
  • I’m having a great time.
  • I’m glad / happy / disappointed / unhappy because …
  • It’s my best / worst holiday / stay abroad ever.
  • I’m enjoying / hating every minute here.

Asking about the person you are writing to

  • How about your holidays?
  • I hope you’re fine.
  • I hope you’re having a great time.
  • How’s your summer/ holiday?

Finishing a postcard

  • All the best
  • Best wishes
  • See you soon
  • Love
  • XOXOXO (Kisses and Hugs)

► Postcards are written in an informal style. Start and finish your postcard using informal phrases.

► Use abbreviations.

► You can use phrases without a verb.

► Remember that a postcard should be concise.

Sample Exam Task

You are attending a summer course at an English school in Dublin. Write a postcard to your Australian friend Peter. In your postcard, you should:

  • explain where you are
  • describe two typical activities you do every day
  • write what you like most about the course

Hi Peter,

I’m here in Dublin on a summer language course.

I’m very busy every day. We have four language classes every day. There are also evening activities; for example, Irish dancing. The weather’s rather horrible. Just rain most of the time. I’m enjoying the course because there are so many people from all over the world!

How about your holiday? I hope you’re having a great time, too.



Have Practice

Exercise 1. Read the following exam task and a student’s response to it. It is correct but a bit monotonous. Why?

You are on holidays in the mountains and you received a text message from your English friend:

Hi, I bet you’re still travelling? I wish I could go on holiday now, I really need one! Where are you now? I hope the weather is all right? Let me know what the hotel and the local people are like! And don’t forget to send me a postcard! :o) Cheers, Jackie

Write a postcard to your friend answering all her questions.

Hi Jackie,

I’m in the mountains. I’m having a really nice holiday. My room’s very nice, and the views from the windows are really nice. The local people are always nice to us, the food’s nice, and the weather has been nice ever since we came. Wish you were here!



Exercise 2. Match the adjectives to the nouns they can describe.

  1. friendly
  2. sunny
  3. delicious
  4. enjoyable
  5. spectacular
  6. comfortable
  • holiday
  • room
  • views
  • people
  • food
  • weather

Exercisese 3. Complete these strong positive and negative adjectives.     

It’s …

FA_ _ _ST _ C!

WO _ D_R_ _L!

L_V_ _Y!

BR _ _ _I_NT!

It’s ….

DR_ _ _ F_L!

AW_ _L!

HOP_ _ _ _ S!

HO_ _ _ B_E!

Exercise 4. Now write an improved version of Klara’s postcard.

Exercise 5. Read the exam task below and write a postcard.

You’re studying in the USA and decided to spend a weekend in New York. This is a part of an email you received from your English friends.

So you are in New York now? How great! How did you get there? Are you travelling alone? We are very worried about you! You must write us a postcard! So what is the best thing about New York for you? Have you got any plans for the evening? Oh, we wish we were there with you!

Write a postcard to your friends answering all their questions.

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Celebratory messages for all the special people in your life

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  • Spouse or Partner
  • |

  • Mom or Dad
  • |

  • Sibling
  • |

  • Son or Daughter
  • |

  • Cousin
  • |

  • Grandparent
  • |

  • Aunt or Uncle
  • |

  • Niece or Nephew
  • |

  • Friend
  • |

  • Coworkers & Acquaintances
  • |

  • Milestone Birthday
  • |

  • Belated Birthday
  • |

  • Funny Messages
  • |

  • Birthday Quotes

If you’re not sure what to write inside a birthday card to express your well wishes, you’re in the right place. We’ve compiled more than 120 messages for you to choose from, whether you’re giving a card to your parent, partner, cousin, coworker, and more. Plus, we’ve got advice on how to craft a custom birthday message that’s perfect for anyone in your life.

  1. Make your significant other feel special with a heartfelt message.

    Whether you’ve been married for years or you’re just starting to get serious, a sweet birthday message can be a great opportunity to show them how much they mean to you. If you have a special nickname for them, include that in your message, too.[1]

    • “Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the one who stole my heart. With you, everyday is an amazing journey.”
    • “I hope your birthday is the happiest, my love.”
    • “You’re my person. I hope your birthday is as special as you are, baby.”
    • “To my partner in love and life, happy birthday! I’m the luckiest person in the world to have you by my side.”
    • “There’s no one I’d rather spend my life with than you—happy birthday, sweetheart.”
    • “Happy birthday to the most amazing wife in the world. I love you so much!”
    • “I’m so grateful you came into my life—you make my world better every day. Happy birthday, baby.”
    • “Happy birthday to my love, even though we’re miles apart. Love you always!”
    • “Cheers to another year of love and laughter. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to the most amazing boyfriend I know. Here’s to another year of cherished memories together.
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  1. Send your parent some love with a sweet birthday card message.

    What you write on your parent’s card depends on your relationship, but appreciative, loving messages can always be a good way to go. Try writing a note that acknowledges what they’ve done for you and thanks them for supporting you through the good and the bad.[2]

    • “You always made me feel special, and I hope you know how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, Dad!”
    • “Not only am I lucky to have you as my parent, but I’m even luckier to have you as my friend. Happy birthday!”
    • “All my best qualities came from you. Thank you for always being there, Dad, and happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday, Mom! I’m so grateful to have you as my role model.”
    • “Happy birthday to the best mom in the world! I’m so thankful for you everyday. Here’s to another incredible year.”
    • “You’re the best parent anyone could ask for! Thank you for supporting me. Happy birthday!”
    • “Dad, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known! Happy birthday from your favorite child.”
    • “There aren’t enough words to describe how much you mean to me. You’ll just have to settle for happy birthday!”
  1. Write a funny message to your sibling or half-sibling for their birthday.

    Try putting down an inside joke or poking fun at them to create a light-hearted birthday message for your sibling or half-sibling’s special day. Even if the two of you aren’t close, a funny note might make them crack a smile.

    • “Happy birthday to my (slightly annoying) kid brother! I hope you have another amazing trip around the sun.”
    • “Happy birthday to Mom and Dad’s second favorite child!”
    • “Happy birthday! I’ll always love you, even though you told Mom I got a speeding ticket that one time.”
    • “I wanted to get you something special for your birthday, but then I remembered you already have me. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to someone who loves me even though I never reply in the family group chat.”
    • “You’re so beautiful and kind… I guess it runs in the family! Happy birthday!”
    • “You still can’t beat me at Monopoly, but maybe this year I’ll let you win. Happy birthday!”
    • “I think you’re supposed to get smarter with age—that’s fine, there’s always next year! Happy birthday!”
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  1. Let your child know you’re proud of them with a birthday message.

    Express how much you love your son, daughter, or child with a heartwarming message. This card may be a great opportunity to tell them how proud you are of them. Feel free to change any of the names or descriptions in these suggestions to fit your own uniquely perfect child.

    • “I don’t know what I did to deserve a child as thoughtful, funny, and caring as you. I love you more than words can say. Here’s to another birthday!”
    • “Seeing you turn into a responsible young man is all I could’ve hoped for. Happy birthday!”
    • “There’s no better role in life than being your mom. I’d do anything for you. Happy birthday, my beautiful daughter!”
    • “No matter how old you are, you’ll always be my baby. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!”
    • “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, son. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday! You’re the absolute best son anyone can ask for. Have an amazing day!”
    • “Watching you grow into a strong and beautiful woman has been one of my biggest blessings. Wishing you a wonderful birthday!”
    • “You make the world a better place. I can’t wait to see where life takes you. Happy birthday, my special girl!”
  1. Celebrate the bond you have with your cousin with a birthday wish.

    Bring extra joy and laughter to your cousin’s special day by sending them a funny, kind message. You can also make fun of the crazy, unique family the two of you share. If you have a favorite memory with your cousin, add that in too.[3]

    • “Happy birthday to the person who always made family reunions more bearable. I hope you have a wonderful day!”
    • “You’re not just my cousin, you’re my best friend. I’m so thankful for you. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to my cousin, who always knows how to make me laugh…and then embarrass me in public.”
    • “Happy birthday, cousin! I hope you have an amazing day!”
    • “Another year closer to fighting in the nursing home. HBD, cuz!”
    • “Don’t tell the others, but you’re definitely my coolest cousin. Happy birthday!”
    • “Next year, get a cake that can actually fit all the candles. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to my favorite cousin, who always manages to make me smile (or cringe).”
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  1. Write a message that’ll make your grandparent smile on their special day.

    Your grandma or grandpa has accomplished a ton in their lives, and writing the right message in their card can make them feel loved and appreciated. Let your grandparent know how much you enjoy having them in your life.

    • “This world is a better place because you’re in it, Granddad. I hope you have a birthday as special as you are!”
    • “Happy birthday, Nana! I wish you all the health and happiness, not just today, but always.”
    • “Happy birthday to a grandpa like no other! Thank you for everything. I hope you have a magical day!”
    • “Happy birthday to living proof that age is just a number. Love you, Grandma!”
    • “Happy birthday to my favorite part of every family gathering. You’re the best grandfather ever. I love you!”
    • “There’s no one quite like you, Gramps! Enjoy your special day—you deserve it. I love you!”
    • “You’re always so full of energy and life—no wonder you’re still young at heart! Happy birthday, Granny.”
    • “I hope you have a birthday full of laughter, joy, and hugs. I love you!”
  1. Let your aunt or uncle know how lucky you are to have them in your life.

    No two aunts or uncles are alike, but no matter what your relationship is like, they’ll be thrilled to get a birthday card from you. Think about what your aunt or uncle has done for you or what kind of person they are, and write how you feel about them from your heart.

    • “Happy birthday, Auntie! I’m so grateful to have you in my life. You’re the best!”
    • “Thank you for being such a good role model, Uncle James. I’m so thankful that you’re in my life. Have an incredible day!”
    • “Happy birthday to my fantastic aunt. You brighten my life in every way. Wishing you love and joy on your special day!”
    • “Like wine, you only get better with age. Happy birthday, Uncle!”
    • “Happy birthday to the absolute best, most wonderful uncle in the whole world!”
    • “Happy birthday, Aunt Nicole! My dad was so lucky to grow up with someone as special as you.”
    • “All the best to you today, Aunt Wendy! Wishing you happiness and love in your old age!”
    • “Happy birthday, Uncle Theo! Cheers to you as you celebrate another great year! Now sit back, relax, and enjoy a delicious birthday beer!”
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  1. Celebrate your niece or nephew’s special day with a kind message.

    Let your niece or nephew know how much you love their unique personality with a personal message just for them. Mention how proud you are of them for their accomplishments or just how much you appreciate their warm smile.

    • “Best wishes for you on your special day! I love you so much. Happy birthday to my marvelous niece!”
    • “The best part of having a sibling is having you as my nephew! Sending you lots of love on your special day.”
    • “My world has been brighter since you arrived in it. Here’s to another year. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday! Hoping your cake is as sweet as you this year (even though that’s almost impossible).”
    • “I’ve always wanted a nephew like you. Happy birthday.”
    • “I hope I’m the fun aunt because you’re definitely the fun niece. Here’s to another year of laughter!”
    • “Every year, I’m more impressed by the person you’re becoming. You’re more like me every day! Happy birthday.”
    • “May your future be so bright, you’ll have to wear shades. Happy birthday, my incredible nephew!”
  1. Make your friend feel loved with a fun, lighthearted birthday message.

    While some friends are super sentimental, others might tease each other a little more. Write a message directly from the heart, or wish them a happy birthday with a little bit of humor to lighten the mood.[4]

    • “May all your birthday wishes come true this year. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday! I’d like to make a toast to you—when can we meet up for drinks, on me?”
    • “Happy birthday to my crazy, absolutely irreplaceable best friend!”
    • “You might not be older than me, but we both know you’re wiser. Happy birthday, bestie!”
    • “Don’t forget to smile awkwardly as everybody sings you “Happy Birthday” today!”
    • “Cheers to the nights that turned into mornings and the friends that turned into family. Happy birthday!”
    • “The candles on the cake aren’t the only things getting lit tonight! Happy birthday!”
    • “Here’s to another year of adventures with my partner in crime! Have a great day!”
    • “Smart, good-looking, and funny—but enough about me! Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to the best friend a person could have. I can’t wait until we’re old enough to cause chaos in the nursing home together!”
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  1. Write a kind message to someone you aren’t really close with.

    Whether you’re adding your name to a group card or sending a birthday message to someone you don’t know that well, like a coworker, try writing something short and sweet to make them feel appreciated.

    • “You’re the best! I hope you have an amazing birthday!”
    • “Very best wishes for a happy birthday!”
    • “Celebrating you on your special day!”
    • “Party like it’s your birthday (because it is)!”
    • “Happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day!”
    • “Happy birthday! I hope you get to do something fun to celebrate!”
    • “Have fun, post pictures, and enjoy every moment of your special day!”
    • “Wishing you a happy birthday and another amazing year.”
  1. Celebrate when that special someone reaches a birthday milestone.

    Whether the birthday person is turning 18, 21, or a nice, round-number birthday like 10, 40, or 100, there are plenty of ways to celebrate. Depending on your relationship with them, you can poke fun at them for reaching a certain age or tell them how much you value them.

    • “Happy 18th birthday to the best person who ever existed. Let’s see what adulthood will bring!”
    • “30 is the perfect age. You’re old enough to get the good stuff and still young enough to enjoy it!”
    • “50 never looked so good! Happy birthday!”
    • “Cheers to you, the forever-young 80-year-old! Here’s to new adventures and laughter.”
    • “Happy birthday! Now that you’re 21, don’t you think it’s about time you bought me a drink?”
    • “Thank you for giving us 6 wonderful decades of you, and here’s to many more!”
    • “Happy 70th birthday! Maybe skip the candles this year, just to be on the safe side.”
    • It’s a privilege to wish you a happy 100th birthday. I hope my card arrived before your letter from the queen!”
    • “Rome wasn’t built in a day, and at 90 you’re still improving every minute! Happy birthday!”
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  1. Send a late birthday card if you missed the actual day.

    Everyone’s forgotten someone’s birthday before. Include a sincere apology or frame your card’s late arrival as a way to extend their party a little while longer.[5]

    • “Your birthday wishes aren’t late, they’re just well-aged! I hope you had a wonderful day.”
    • “At least my “happy birthday” text was on time. I hope you had a special day!”
    • “The day might have passed, but my “happy birthday” is timeless. Here it is: happy birthday!”
    • “I’m sorry I missed your special day. Happy belated birthday!”
    • “The world has two kinds of people: those boring “on-time” people, and the fun spontaneous people like me who don’t own calendars. I hope your birthday was amazing!”
    • “Here’s to another fabulous year. Happy belated birthday, my amazing friend!”
    • “Don’t consider this card belated—it’s just very early for next year. Happy birthday!”
    • “This card isn’t late—I’m just extending your day to the entire month. Happy belated birthday!”
  1. Make that special someone laugh with these funny sentiments.

    Popping a funny birthday message into your card can be a great way to share a laugh with the birthday person and let them know you appreciate them. Poke fun at their age, celebrate your relationship as partners-in-crime, or make an inside joke the two of you can share together.[6]

    • “Don’t think of it as aging—think of it as leveling up. Congratulations, here’s to another great year ahead!”
    • “You don’t look a day over 20 (from a distance, with my eyes squinted)! Happy birthday!”
    • “Is it hot in here? Must be all the candles on your birthday cake. Happy birthday!”
    • “Older? For sure. Wiser? Not so much. Happy birthday!”
    • “Here’s to another year of questionable life decisions! Happy birthday, bestie!”
    • “Happy birthday to a guy who never shows his age—or acts like it, either.”
    • “Happy birthday from one of your favorite terrible influences.”
    • “Happy one year closer to retirement!”
    • “I hope all your birthday wishes come true (even the weird ones). Have a great day!”
    • “Happy birthday! Today you get to be everybody’s center of attention. Tomorrow, it’s back to me.”
  2. Advertisement

  1. Use a quote to make the birthday person feel special.

    Sometimes, it’s best to leave it to the greats. Pick a quote that you think the birthday person would enjoy. If you’d like to include more than just the quote, write “Happy birthday” or another message on this list to make your note even more personal.[7]

    • “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” — Lucille Ball”
    • “The older you get the better you get, unless you are a banana.” – Betty White
    • “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” — Oprah Winfrey
    • “Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.” — Edward Morykwas
    • “Today, you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” — Dr. Seuss
    • “It takes a long time to become young.” — Pablo Picasso
    • “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
    • “All the world is a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” — George Harrison
    • “At 20 years of age, the will reigns; at 30, the wit; and at 40, the judgment.” — Benjamin Franklin
    • “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” — David Bowie

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Writing a Postcard Приветствие: Dear … , к которому добавляется имя. Пишется слева без отступа на красную строку. После обращения - запятая (а не восклицательный знак). Информация о твоем местоположении. Дополнительная информация (о погоде, местах, в которых ты побывал, впечатлениях от поездки и т.д) или ответы на вопросы, которые задал твой друг. Заключение + подпись See you soon! В конце открытки не забудь написать завершающее слово  Love,   на отдельной строке. На отдельной строке после завершающей фразы подпиши открытку - напиши  своё имя . !!! Не забудьте употреблять сокращенные формы:  I'd like ,  I'm going, I’m, It’s Адрес, куда и кому ты посылаешь открытку, пишется в таком порядке:  1-ая строка - Имя и фамилия адресата 2-ая строка - Номер дома, Название улицы 3-я строка - Город, Почтовый индекс 4-ая строка - Страна

Writing a Postcard

  • Приветствие: Dear … , к которому добавляется имя. Пишется слева без отступа на красную строку.
  • После обращения — запятая (а не восклицательный знак).
  • Информация о твоем местоположении.
  • Дополнительная информация (о погоде, местах, в которых ты побывал, впечатлениях от поездки и т.д) или ответы на вопросы, которые задал твой друг.
  • Заключение + подпись
  • See you soon!
  • В конце открытки не забудь написать завершающее слово  Love,   на отдельной строке.
  • На отдельной строке после завершающей фразы подпиши открытку — напиши  своё имя .
  • !!! Не забудьте употреблять сокращенные формы:  I’d likeI’m going, I’m, It’s

Адрес, куда и кому ты посылаешь открытку, пишется в таком порядке:

  • 1-ая строка — Имя и фамилия адресата
  • 2-ая строка — Номер дома, Название улицы
  • 3-я строка — Город, Почтовый индекс
  • 4-ая строка — Страна

Напишите открытку своему другу, соблюдая правила ее оформления You are on holiday with your parents. Write a postcard to your friend Ann. Remember to write about: where you are; what the weather is like; what you do; how much you like it there, why. Your friend Ann White lives in Oxford at 2 Victoria Street. Her postcode is OX 2 006. (Write 50 words.)

Напишите открытку своему другу, соблюдая правила ее оформления

You are on holiday with your parents. Write a postcard to your friend Ann. Remember to write about:

  • where you are;
  • what the weather is like;
  • what you do;
  • how much you like it there, why.
  • Your friend Ann White lives in Oxford at 2 Victoria Street.
  • Her postcode is OX 2 006.

(Write 50 words.)

Happy или Healthy New Year? Подписываем открытки правильно

Новый год уже стучится в наши двери, а значит, пришло время позаботиться о новогодних открытках для наших родных и близких. Кто-то может сказать, что открытки давно вышли из моды, однако красивая и нарядная карточка, подписанная от чистого сердца, все равно остается дорогим памятным подарком. Для тех же, кто посещает курсы английского языка школы EnglishPapa в Бресте, будет очень полезно и интересно как получить открытку с поздравлениями на английском, так и самому подписать несколько таких. Особенно важно уметь поздравлять с праздниками на английском языке тем, кто увлекается посткроссингом и перепиской с иностранцами.

В первую очередь, необходимо обратиться к получателю. Лучше это будет сделать, например, так: «Dear Peter!». Это будет вежливое и приятное обращение.

Поздравить с Новым Годом и Рождеством можно самыми разнообразными способами. Если тот, кого вы хотите поздравить, не слишком хорошо владеет английским, можно обойтись самыми простыми и распространенными фразами, знакомыми всем. Например, написать «Happy New Year and Merry Christmas To You!» — такое поздравление будет понятно любому.

Чтобы быть более оригинальными, можно использовать такую фразу: «Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!». Таким образом вы не только поздравите получателя, но и распишитесь в лучших пожеланиях, в том числе счастья и здоровья. Добавьте в это поздравление любые угодные вам прилагательные. Еще один вариант может выглядеть так: «Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!».

Иностранные получатели, в особенности, из стран, где многие владеют английским, легко поймут и более сложные поздравительные слова. Не скупитесь на пожелания, желайте всех благ, ведь вы делаете это от всей души. К примеру, такой фразой можно пожелать, чтобы праздники прошли незабываемо и весело, а будущий год был полон успехов и принес благополучие: «May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!».

Поздравительная открытка обязательно должна иметь теплую подпись, а выбрать ее нужно в зависимости от ваших отношений с получателем. К примеру, если вы подписываете открытку для знакомого, уместно будет воспользоваться таким вариантом: «Sincerely, Lili». Это будет означать, что вы относитесь к человеку с уважением и симпатией. Для близкого друга больше подойдет подпись вида «Fondly, Nick», то есть с нежностью, с привязанностью. Если вы хотите подчеркнуть свои чувства к получателю, подпишитесь одним из следующих вариантов: «With love», «Always yours» или «Lovingly yours». Эти слова скажут о вашей любви и преданности.

Не бойтесь экспериментировать, пробовать новые слова и конструкции. Даже если вы ошибетесь в чем-то, это не будет иметь большого значения, ведь в данном случае важно ваше внимание, особое отношение и наилучшие пожелания, которые вы вкладываете в эту открытку. Школа английского языка EnglishPapa в Бресте поздравляет вас с наступающими праздниками и приглашает записаться на курсы в новом году. Ждем вас!

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