Стихи на английском язык для поздравления учителя английского языка

Поздравления с днем рождения учителю английского языка.

Как будет приятно учителю английского языка получить поздравление с днем рождения от своих учеников на языке, которому он их обучает! Ниже приведу простые поздравительные стихи, которые дети могут заучить, или написать в поздравительной открытке. Они, конечно же, применимы не только к учителям, но и всем другим взрослым.

HappyBirthday1Все поздравления с переводом, но сразу замечу, что не художественным.
Также помните, что английское You переводится и как Ты, и как Вы.

Happy Birthday form the heart,

Cause that’s where all great wishes start.

Поздравляю с днем рождения от всего сердца,

Ведь от сердца желают только всего наилучшего.

It’s your birthday and I can’t be there,

But I’ll send you a special birthday wish and a little prayer.

Have a happy birthday!

I hope that all of your birthday wishes come true,

May you have a great time today and find happiness in everything you do.

Это твой день рождения, а я не могу быть здесь,

Но я посылаю тебе особое поздравление и маленькую просьбу:

Будь счастлив(а) в свой день рождения!

Надеюсь исполнятся все твои желания,

Ты отлично проведешь сегодня время и все что будешь делать, принесет тебе радость.

So many wishes,

So many smiles,

Too many memories,

Too few words,

With one big Birthday.

Happy Birthday!

Так много поздравлений,

Так много улыбок,

Так много воспоминаний,

Слишком мало слов,

Для одного большого дня рождения.

С Днем Рождения!

Happy Birthday Poems

Wishing you your happiest birthday yet

A birthday too special to ever forget.

Желаю тебе самого счастливого дня рождения.

Дня слишком особенного чтобы забыть.

So on this very special day

I would like to say to you

I hope you’ll always find happiness

In whatever you may do.

В этот особый день

Я бы хотел сказать тебе

Я надеюсь, счастье всегда будет с тобой

Чем бы ты не занимался.

Birthday Poems

Smiles and laughter, joy and cheer

New happiness that stays throughout the year

Hope your birthday brings all these
and more

Filling life with surprise
and joys galore!

Улыбок и смеха, веселья и радости,

Счастья, которое будет с тобой весь год.

Надеюсь все это и даже больше принесет с собой этот день рождения,

Наполняя жизнь приятными сюрпризами и радостью!

Hope lovely surprises are coming your way

To make your Birthday a wonderful day!

Надеюсь тебя ждут приятные сюрпризы,

Чтобы сделать твой день рождения чудесным!

Happy Birthday Teacher!

Другие простые поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке смотрите здесь.

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Unlocking Knowledge, One Candle at a Time: Celebrating Your English Teacher’s Journey with 101 Joyous Birthday Wishes. 🎉📚 Join us in spreading heartfelt gratitude and warm wishes as we honor the guiding light who shaped our language horizons. Let’s make this birthday an A+ moment!

1. May your day be as enriching as the vocabulary you teach us! Happy Birthday!

2. To the teacher who makes literature come alive, may your birthday be a story worth telling.

3. On your special day, may you find joy in every comma, and love in every paragraph. Happy Birthday!

4. Just like Shakespeare’s timeless words, may your day be filled with ageless beauty and joy.

5. Your lessons are the chapters of the beautiful book of knowledge you share. Wishing you a jubilant birthday!

6. Happy Birthday! May your day be as poetic as the verses you’ve introduced us to.

7. Grammar might have rules, but today, let’s break them and celebrate wildly! Happy Birthday!

8. Your passion for English is infectious. Wishing you a day filled with joy, prose, and rhymes!

9. May your birthday be as compelling as the novels we read in class. Cheers to another wonderful chapter!

10. To the one who knows the difference between “your” and “you’re”, may your day be error-free and fabulous!

11. Birthdays are a new beginning, a fresh start, and a time to pursue new endeavors. Much like a blank page waiting for words!

12. May your special day be filled with as much enthusiasm as you bring to every lesson. Happy Birthday!

13. As you turn another page in the book of life, may your story be full of adventure and wisdom.

14. For the one who corrects our sentences but never our spirits, wishing you the happiest of birthdays!

15. Happy Birthday! May your day be a mix of classic elegance and modern fun, just like the literature you love.

16. You teach us to paint with words. Today, may your life be the most vivid painting of joy.

17. To the teacher who teaches more than just grammar and literature: Here’s to another year of life lessons and wisdom. Happy Birthday!

18. Books might end, but your inspiration is endless. Cheers to another fabulous year!

19. From Beowulf to Brontë, from Shakespeare to Shelley, may your birthday be as epic as the tales you’ve shared.

20. Every day with you is like opening a new book, full of discovery. May your birthday bring you delightful surprises!

21. In the dictionary of amazing teachers, your name is highlighted. Happy Birthday!

22. Just like an engaging novel, every year adds a richer layer to your beautiful story. Happy Birthday!

23. A day without learning from you feels incomplete. Today, may you learn the joy of being loved by all. Happy Birthday!

24. For the one who makes even the toughest literary works accessible, here’s to the simplest joys of life today!

25. Happy Birthday! Much like your lessons, may your day be filled with layers of happiness, waiting to be uncovered.

26. To our favorite storyteller, may your birthday be the best story you’ve experienced yet.

27. From teaching sonnets to sowing seeds of wisdom, here’s wishing the literary genius a fantastic birthday!

28. Birthdays come and go, but legends like you remain eternal in the annals of teaching.

29. Happy Birthday to the maestro who teaches us that life, like literature, is all about interpretation.

30. Wishing the Jane Austen of our school a day filled with romance, humor, and drama!

31. For the wordsmith who crafts lessons like poetry, may your day be a cascade of joyous verses.

32. In the great narrative of life, teachers like you are the best chapters. Happy Birthday!

33. Every grammar rule you’ve taught is a guiding star. Shine bright on your birthday!

34. From metaphors to life lessons, your teachings are a treasure. Happy Birthday, dear mentor!

35. On your special day, remember: age is but a number, much like the pages of a good book. It’s the story that matters!

36. The English language falls short to describe how treasured you are. Happy Birthday!

37. To the guiding light who shows us the beauty in every word, may your day sparkle with joy.

38. Wishing a joyous birthday to the one who introduces us to the world’s best stories.

39. Every class with you is a novel experience. May your birthday be an unforgettable saga of joy!

40. Just like you teach us to craft essays, may you craft the most joyous moments today. Happy Birthday!

41. For the teacher who knows that literature is the heartbeat of society, may your birthday pulse with love and laughter.

42. You illuminate our minds and souls with the brilliance of literature. May your day shine bright!

43. Dive into the novel of today and may each chapter bring you closer to your dreams. Happy Birthday!

44. To our grammar guardian and literary light, cheers to another year of excellence!

45. Even the most eloquent words fall short to express our gratitude. Wishing you an ineffable birthday!

46. As you celebrate another year, may you pen down beautiful memories and chapters of joy.

47. Words shape worlds, and you’ve shaped ours. Happy Birthday to our world-builder!

48. From A to Z, may your birthday be as wonderful as the alphabet of life you’ve taught us.

49. Your lessons resonate beyond the classroom, just as our wishes echo love for you today.

50. Like a well-versed poem, may your day be filled with rhythm, rhyme, and radiance.

51. The magic of literature is taught by magicians like you. Have a spellbinding birthday!

52. For the person who taught us the dance of punctuation and the music of words, have a harmonious birthday.

53. The most captivating stories have intriguing characters like you. Happy Birthday to our favorite protagonist!

54. Birthdays are like bookmarks, reminding us of where we are in the story of life. May your bookmark today be golden!

55. You’ve turned the classroom into a theater of dreams and ideas. Here’s to a day of imagination and joy!

56. Like a classic novel, every year adds to your legacy of wisdom. Wishing you a timeless birthday!

57. With every word you teach, you paint a universe. Happy Birthday to our star teacher!

58. In the anthology of revered educators, you have a special place. Cheers to your day of celebration!

59. For the one who’s given us the keys to the library of life, may your birthday unlock joy and peace.

60. Even the Oxford Dictionary can’t define the greatness you embody. Happy Birthday!

61. You’ve taught us to navigate the oceans of literature. Today, sail on the waves of happiness!

62. To the one who turns classrooms into stages and lessons into performances, take a bow on your special day.

63. You teach. We learn. And together, we create a tapestry of memories. Happy Birthday to the weaver of dreams!

64. May your birthday be a blend of classic joy with contemporary fun. Celebrate like the legend you are!

65. From sonnets to stories, you bring words to life. Today, live every moment to the fullest!

66. Your lessons are life’s footnotes, guiding us through challenges. Happy Birthday to the sage of words!

67. As you embrace another year, may the poetry of life serenade you with joy and success.

68. Teaching English isn’t just your job, it’s your art. And today, we celebrate the artist!

69. Birthdays are the universe’s way of celebrating you. And today, the universe rejoices for our favorite teacher!

70. Every lesson you impart is a letter in the alphabet of love. Wishing you a day full of love and gratitude!

71. The symphony of words you’ve taught us plays the music of wisdom in our lives. Dance away on your special day!

72. For the guardian of grammar and the siren of stories, may your birthday be an epic tale of joy!

73. Like a captivating novel, may each hour of your birthday unveil a beautiful surprise.

74. You’ve shown that English isn’t just a subject, it’s a window to the world. May you explore new horizons this year!

75. For the maestro of metaphors and the wizard of words, have a magical birthday!

76. Dive into the pages of today and savor every word, every moment. Happy Birthday!

77. English has 26 letters, but even they can’t capture the essence of your greatness. Happy Birthday!

78. Like a rare first edition, you are a treasure in the library of life. Have a cherished birthday!

79. Your teachings aren’t just lessons, they’re life’s treasures. Bask in the treasure of love and joy today!

80. The classroom is your stage, and every lesson, a masterpiece. Cheers to the star of the show on their special day!

81. You’ve taught us to read between the lines in literature and life. Today, read the lines of love and wishes we send your way.

82. To the teacher who’s as classic as Shakespeare and as fun as modern tales, Happy Birthday!

83. Your wisdom is our compass, guiding us through the map of life. Have a directional birthday full of discoveries!

84. For the teacher who crafts lessons like novels, may your day be a best-seller!

85. Celebrate with the knowledge that you’re not just a year older, but a year wiser, and a year more cherished.

86. Every sentence you utter becomes a line in the poem of our growth. May your day be poetic perfection!

87. Dive deep into the book of today and find chapters filled with laughter, love, and lessons.

88. As you celebrate another chapter, remember: the best pages are yet to be written. Happy Birthday!

89. Through prose and poetry, you’ve shown the beauty of life. Today, witness that beauty in your celebrations.

90. Your birthday is a special edition in the annuals of our hearts. Enjoy every word, every wish!

91. May your day be a beautiful sonnet, your year a captivating novel, and your life a legendary anthology.

92. In the drama of life, you’re the lead role deserving a standing ovation. Take a bow on your birthday!

93. Here’s to the person who’s given us the keys to literary kingdoms and realms of thought. Happy Birthday!

94. For the author of the most impactful lessons, may your birthday story be a bestseller of joy!

95. As you celebrate another year, remember, in the book of life, you’re the hero we all admire.

96. With every word you teach, you stitch the fabric of our futures. Here’s to a colorful birthday tapestry!

97. Your teachings go beyond textbooks, touching the core of our souls. Celebrate a soulful birthday!

98. With every year, you add a chapter of wisdom, love, and grace to your life’s story. Happy Birthday!

99. Like a favorite book, memories with you are to be cherished forever. Have an unforgettable birthday!

100. For the teacher who makes every lesson a page-turner, may your day be filled with delightful twists and turns.

101. As you’ve taken us on journeys through words, may this birthday take you on a journey of happiness and fulfillment.

Особенному учителю

When I started in School,
This day seemed so far away.
Now it’s here and I can’t believe
That time has passed so quickly

But through your encouragement and guidance
I feel I’m ready for tomorrow’s challenges.
Teachers play such an important part
In shaping and guiding…
Especially teachers like you,
Thank you for caring so much.

Учителю номер 1

I’m happy that you’re my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream and to work and to reach.

With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed.

You help me fulfill my potential;
I’m thankful for all that you’ve done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you’re number one!



Teachers are dedicated,
to our education.
This is their passion,
and our liberation.

Their sincere kindness,
warm feelings, it brings.
They guide and protect us,
under their wings.

They show us patience,
and readily spread.
Their helpful advice,
fills us like bread.

They don’t just instruct,
but encourage and believe,
That there’s nothing out there,
we cannot achieve.

They think about,
our future all the time.
Work tirelessly to direct us,
away from conflicts and crime.

At the end of the day,
teachers do understand.
It takes both tools and love,
For our young minds to expand.

Wonderful Teacher

(Замечательному учителю)

You’ve been a teacher,
that I truly admire.
In so many ways,
you constantly inspire.

Taught me the importance,
of a life filled with books.
And never to judge one,
by its cover or looks.

I’ve learned to apply,
the knowledge I read.
The lessons you taught me,
shall help me succeed.

You’ve always been,
thoughtful and nice.
Willing to help,
through your personal advice.

With certain questions,
you taught me to adapt and adjust.
In my abilities,
you continuously show trust.

You’re a wonderful teacher,
and you really stand out.
You’re my very favorite,
without any doubt.

Thank You Teachers

(Спасибо, Вам, Учителя!)

Thank you for all the Hours you spend,
A ttention you give,
Needs that you tend,
Knowledge you pass on,
Your special touch,
Offering guidance,
Undaunted by much,
Time you spend planning,
Efforts you make,
Angles to learning.

Chances you take.
Here’s to our teachers,
Each one a gem.
Recognized now; we,
Salute them!

Thank YouTeachers like you

(Выражение искренней признательности учителю)

Allow me to express,
my sincerest appreciation.
You play a big role,
in my evolving education.

Teachers like you,
are far and few in between.
Your positive outlook,
is like pastures of green.

You always encourage me,
and go way beyond.
For all your dedication,
I thankfully respond.

I know today is another,
normal and random day.
But my gratitude and appreciation,
I just wanted to convey.

My Favorite Teacher

(Моему любимой учителю)

You’re my favorite teacher,
this is obvious and clear.
When I’m in your class,
I open my ear.

You encourage me,
to learn and create.
Your teaching style,
is a wonderful trait.

I’m really glad,
that we do get along.
You don’t criticize me,
when I get things wrong.

You’re one of those teachers,
always helpful and warm.
Inside the classroom,
you can calm any storm.

You’re my favorite teacher,
this is obvious and clear.
I hope and I pray,
you’ll be my teacher next year.

For a Teacher from all the Students

(Учителю от всех учеников)

You teach us each day,
as we focus and learn.
The grades that we strive for,
we surely do earn.

You have a unique way,
of explaining those things.
It almost seems like,
your words have wings.

As your students,
we are exceptionally proud.
For having you as our teacher,
and for being your crowd.

I’ll Remember You Always

(Я всегда помнить моего учителя)

Rarely does someone
get to influence a person’s life
in a positive way for a lifetime,
as a teacher can,
fostering optimism and confidence,
providing knowledge that leads to success,
and being a good role model,
as you have, and you are,
and you will… forever.
I’ll remember you always.
Thank you.

My Teacher

(Мой учитель)

Thank you, my teacher, for being there
At times when skies were gray
Thank you, my teacher, for lending an ear
When I had things to say
You showered love on me lavishly
When no one seemed to care
You brought me joys untold
To fill my heart with moments of gold
I would have felt isolated and lonely
If you had not been there
I lack the words to let you know
How much you mean to me,
But I will profusely thank God for you
Until the Eternity.

For An Unforgettable Teacher

( Учителю, которого не забыть)

When I began your class I think I knew
The kind of challenges you’d make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue
The best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,
That what I’d choose to seek, I’d surely find;
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you’ve done;
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;
In many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through;
I wish that all my teachers were like you.

  1. Home

For singing countless songs with passion. For reading so many books to us. For making us smile through your jokes and funny dialogues. For being with us through thick and thin. Thank you Teacher!

Short And Inspiring Poems For Teachers Day

In This Article

  • Teacher’s Day Poem In English
  • Short Poem On Teacher’s Day
  • Rhyme Teacher’s Day Poem | Teacher’s Day Poem For Kids
  • Inspirational Poems For Teachers
  • Poem For Teacher Appreciation
  • Thank You Poem For Teacher’s Day Celebration
  • Teacher’s Day Poem In Hindi
  • Teacher’s Day Poem In Marathi
  • Best Teacher’s Day Images: Poems And Rhymes

Teacher’s Day Poem In English

  1. You Are:
    T – Talented
    E – Elegant
    A – Awesome
    C – Caring
    H – Helpful
    E – Efficient
    R – Receptive

    Teachers Day Poem In English

  2. On this very special day,
    A note of thanks, I am sending your way.
    To express my heartfelt greetings
    To someone who is more than just a teacher.
    You have been there in my dark days,
    Leading me diligently through the way.
    Pulling my ship to the shore,
    When the storms of the sea were at a roar.
    For all the guidance and love you showered, 

    Thank You, Teacher, today and forever.

    Teachers Day Poem In English - On this very special Day

  3. God gave us a special friend

    God gave us special friends
    To help us understand His world
    And truly comprehend
    The beauty and the wonder
    Of everything we see,
    And become a better person
    With each discovery.

    When God created teachers,
    He gave us special guides
    To show us ways in which to grow
    So we can all decide
    How to live and how to do
    What’s right instead of wrong,
    To lead us so that we can lead
    And learn how to be strong.

    Why God created teachers,
    In His wisdom and His grace,
    Was to help us learn to make our world
    A better and wiser place.

    — Kevin William Huff

  4. Thank You Teacher

    Thank you for all the
    Hours you spend,
    Attention you give,
    Needs that you tend,
    Knowledge you pass on,

    Your special touch,
    Offering guidance,
    Undaunted by much,

    Time you spend planning,
    Efforts you make,
    Angles to learning.
    Chances you take.
    Here’s to our teachers,
    Each one a gem.
    Recognized now; we,
    Salute them!

    Teachers Day Poem In English - Thank You Teacher

Short Poem On Teacher’s Day

  1. To A Special Teacher

    When I started in School,
    This day seemed so far away.
    Now it’s here and I can’t believe
    That time has passed so quickly
    But through your encouragement and guidance
    I feel I’m ready for tomorrow’s challenges.
    Teachers play such an important part
    In shaping and guiding…
    Especially teachers like you,
    Thank you for caring so much.

    Short Poem On Teachers Day - To A Special Teacher

  2. Teacher teacher, dear teacher
    You always led by example, you were never a preacher
    Teacher teacher, dear teacher
    Even when we failed, you were always a believer
    Teacher teacher, dear teacher
    You looked after everyone, even the backbenchers
    Teacher teacher, dear teacher
    Your knowledge and wisdom, has made us richer
  3. Happy Teacher’s Day

    Happy Teacher’s Day!
    Teachers in the world,
    Have a great day!
    Try to enjoy yourself
    Because today is your day.

    Thank you for guiding us,
    Inspiring us and made us what
    We are today,
    Happy Teacher’s Day!

    Short Poem On Teachers Day

Rhyme Teacher’s Day Poem | Teacher’s Day Poem For Kids

  1. Some Teachers

    Some teachers are sweet
    Some teachers are a delight
    Some teachers are funny
    Some teachers are always right

    Some teachers are cute
    Some teachers are annoying
    Some teachers are boring
    Some teachers are irritating

    But you, are hard to label
    Because in every possible way
    You motivate and inspire us
    Day after day

    Thank you

    Rhyme Teachers Day Poem titled Some Teachers

  2. 5 September

    Some teachers preach
    But good teachers only teach

    Some teachers help you to learn
    But good teachers help you to discern

    Some teachers compliment you to do better
    But good teachers ask you to work harder

    You were the best of them all, for me
    You made me the best I could ever be.

     Teachers Day Poem For Kids titled 5 September

  3. Teacher’s Day

    T is for talented which you surely are
    E is for explaining everything to us in details very patiently
    A is for your ability to make learning fun
    C is for correcting us when we are wrong
    H is for always helping us
    E is for always encouraging us
    R is for rare; there is only one of you

     Teachers Day Poem For Kids - Meaning of teacher

  4. First butterfly drawn from crayon blue,
    To the theory of relativity, you guided me through

    Making complex mathematics simpler is easy for you,
    Heavy backpacks made sense each time you taught something new.

    The Monday blues had no impact on you;
    Like a flower, a child blooms, when it has a teacher like you.

    Happy Teachers Day!

     Teachers Day Poem For Kids - Learnings by teachers

Inspirational Poems For Teachers

  1. Thank You, Teacher, For Guiding Our Way
    You guide us,
    You teach us,
    You let us know,
    what is right.
    You help us,
    You direct us,
    And …
    Today is Your Special Day Teacher
    We take this day as an opportunity,
    To extend our heartfelt thanks to you.
    For all the patience and love
    Thank you for being our teacher!
  2. Teachers open up young minds,
    showing them the wonders of the intellect
    and the miracle of being able to think for themselves.

    A teacher exercises the mental muscles of students,
    stretching and strengthening,
    so they can make challenging decisions,
    find their way in the world,
    and become independent.

    The best teachers care enough
    To gently push and prod students
    to do their best and fulfill their potential.
    You are one of those.

    Thank you!

    Inspirational Poems For Teachers

Poem For Teacher Appreciation


    Oh, my Teachers,
    How wonderful you are,
    You are the best,
    Of all I know the rest.
    You teach me things,
    I have not known so far,
    You are a kind,
    Who helps improve my mind.
    You teach me lessons from the book,
    Which I read and  pictures look,
    When I see some strange creatures,
    You explain about their features.
    You do warn us  to be careful,
    Or else, I know the result ‘d be dreadful.
    Often your words are so glazing,
    To me they are mind bogging, blazing.
    How could I ever thank you enough,
    For all the attention given to me,
    Making me bloom into flowery bough,
    Now I enjoy the nectar like a bumble-bee.
    So today I  wish to say,
    A Happy Teachers Day,
    May you have all God’s blessing,
    On this Special Day.

  2. A teacher is,
    Life changing inspiration, 
    direction to achieve the goal, 
    Sometimes in dire situations, the support of love, , 
    Sometimes sweet words of appreciation 
    Sometimes a cane on the hand.

    A teacher is, 
    Idol of good rites, 
    Inspiration that gives courage in times of crisis, 
    A craftsman who builds students of character, 
    The magic wand that makes a student’s dreams come true.

    A teacher is, 
    Deep foundational knowledge base, 
    Dispel the darkness of ignorance in life, 
    A sword that cries out against injustice, 
    Insights from experience, 
    Such is the eternal gratitude of teachers

    Poem For Teacher Appreciation

Thank You Poem For Teacher’s Day Celebration

  1. I Want To Be Like You

    Thank you, teacher,
    for being my life’s role model.
    When I consider all you’ve taught me
    and reflect on the kind of person you are,
    I want to be like you—
    smart, interesting and engaging,
    positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
    I want to be like you—
    well-informed and easy to understand,
    thinking with your heart as well as your head,
    gently nudging us to do our best,
    with sensitivity and insight.
    I want to be like you—
    giving your time, energy and talent
    to ensure the brightest possible future
    for each of us.
    Thank you, teacher
    For giving me a goal to shoot for:
    I want to be like you!

    Thank You Poem For Teacher's Day Celebration

  2. Happy Teacher’s Day

    Today is your day,
    and we’d like to thank.
    We won’t misbehave,
    nor pull a new prank.

    We’re extremely grateful,
    for all the things that you do.
    We appreciate and acknowledge,
    as we look through your view.

    Sometimes we don’t listen,
    while you repeatedly explain.
    We’re sorry for our insincerity,
    and for causing you pain.

    You’ve shown us the importance,
    with effort to strive.
    For knowledge and success,
    and not just survive.

    We would like to add,
    from our hearts we really care.
    You mean a lot to us,
    you’re beautifully rare.

    Happy Teacher’s Day,
    to a special teacher like you.
    With your wisdom you guide us,
    to a life that is humble and true.

  3. Thank you Teacher 

    Thank You for Bringing Out the Best in Me
    You bring out the best in others
    You brought out the best in me
    The results of all your efforts
    I hope are plain to see

    Your care and your dedication
    Always shines right through
    So teacher with my heart and soul
    I want to say thank you.

    Thank You Poem For Teacher's Day Celebration - Thank You for Bringing Out the Best in Me

  4. Thank You, Teachers

    Teachers are keys
    That unlock the student’s mind.
    You are guides who mold our mind.
    You are one of a kind.

    You are like a shepherd
    Who guides the sheep
    To the right path.

    You, teachers, turn the pages
    Of the great books.
    You train us well
    To reach great heights.

    Thank you, teachers,
    For all you have done.
    In the group of many
    You are one.

    Thank You Poem For Teacher's Day Celebration titled Thank you teacher

Teacher’s Day Poem In Hindi

  1. अमृत वाणी

    गुरु आपकी ये अमृत वाणी हमेशा मुझको याद रहे
    जो अच्छा है जो बुरा है उसकी हम पहचान करे,
    मार्ग मिले चाहे जैसा भी उसका हम सम्मान करे
    दीप जले या अँगारे हो पाठ तुम्हारा याद रहे,
    अच्छाई और बुराई का जब भी हम चुनाव करे
    गुरु आपकी ये अमृत वाणी हमेशा मुझको याद रहे,

    गुरु बिन ज्ञान नहीं
    गुरु बिन ज्ञान नहीं रे।अंधकार बस तब तक ही है,
    जब तक है दिनमान नहीं रे॥
    मिले न गुरु का अगर सहारा,
    मिटे नहीं मन का अंधियारा

    लक्ष्य नहीं दिखलाई पड़ता,
    पग आगे रखते मन डरता।

    हो पाता है पूरा कोई भी अभियान नहीं रे।
    गुरु बिन ज्ञान नहीं रे॥

    जब तक रहती गुरु से दूरी,
    होती मन की प्यास न पूरी।

    गुरु मन की पीड़ा हर लेते,
    दिव्य सरस जीवन कर देते।

    गुरु बिन जीवन होता ऐसा,
    जैसे प्राण नहीं, नहीं रे॥

    भटकावों की राहें छोड़ें,
    गुरु चरणों से मन को जोड़ें।

    गुरु के निर्देशों को मानें,
    इनको सच्ची सम्पत्ति जानें।

    धन, बल, साधन, बुद्धि, ज्ञान का,
    कर अभिमान नहीं रे, गुरु बिन ज्ञान नहीं रे॥

    गुरु से जब अनुदान मिलेंगे,
    अति पावन परिणाम मिलेंगे।

    टूटेंगे भवबन्धन सारे, खुल जायेंगे, प्रभु के द्वारे।
    क्या से क्या तुम बन जाओगे, तुमको ध्यान नहीं, नहीं रे॥

  2. ज्ञान का दीपक

    ज्ञान का दीपक वो जलाते 
    ज्ञान का दीपक वो जलाते हैं,
    माता पिता के बाद वो आते हैं।
    माता देती हैं हमको जीवन,
    पिता करते हैं हमारी सुरक्षा,
    लेकिन जो जीवन को सजाते हैं,
    वही हमारे शिक्षक कहलाते है।|
    शिक्षक बिना न ज्ञान है,
    शिक्षक बिना न मान है,
    हमारा जीवन सफल बनाते हैं,
    ज्ञान का दीपक वो जलाते हैं।|
    जीवन संघर्षो से लड़ना शिक्षक हमे बताते हैं।
    सत्य न्याय के पथ पे चलना शिक्षक हमे बताते हैं
    ज्ञान का दीपक वो जलाते हैं, माता पिता के बाद वो आते है

  3. सच्ची मानवता की भावना हमारे जीवन में शिक्षक ही भरते हैं |
    हर परिस्थिति में खुश रहना हमें शिक्षक ही सिखाते हैं |
    हर चुनौती को स्वीकारना शिक्षक हमें बताते हैं |
    विद्या धन का ज्ञान देकर शिक्षक जीवन सार्थक करते हैं,
    ईश्वर से बढ़कर होते शिक्षक ये कबीर बतलाते हैं |
    जीवन में कुछ करना है तो शिक्षक का सम्मान करें
    श्रद्धा पूर्वक शीश झुकाकर प्रतिदिन उन्हें प्रणाम करें |

    Teacher’s Day Poem In Hindi

  4. शिक्षक महान हैं

    शिक्षक महान हैं, हमें देते जो ज्ञान हैं।
    शिक्षक का सम्मान करना, अपनी ही शान है।

    हम फूल है चमन के, शिक्षक बागवान हैं।
    शिक्षक ही से महकता ये सारा संसार है।

    शिक्षक की इज्जत करना, अपना गौरव  है।
    शिक्षक की आज्ञा मानना हम सब का धर्म है।

    शिक्षक को सम्मान देना, यही छात्र कृति है।

    शिक्षक का ही दिया हुआ जीवन का दान है।
    जो खत्म ही न होता वह देता ज्ञान है।

    शिक्षक की इज्जत करना अपनी  शान है।
    शिक्षक ही तो दुनिया को सन्मार्ग दिखाता है।
    प्रभु ने भी किया सदा उसको ‘प्रणाम’ है।

    शिक्षक को इज्जत देना अपनी ही शान है।
    गिरते है जब हम, तो उठाते है शिक्षक

    जीवन की राह दिखाते शिक्षक।
    अंधेरे ग्रहों पर बनकर दीपक

    जीवन को रौशन करते है शिक्षक।
    कभी नन्हीं आँखों में नमी जो होती,
    तो अच्छे दोस्त बनकर हमें हँसाते है शिक्षक।

    झटकती हैं दुनिया हाथ कभी जब,
    तो झटपट हाथ बढ़ाते शिक्षक।

    जीवन डगर है जीवन समर है,
    जीवन संघर्ष सिखाते शिक्षक।

    देकर अपने ज्ञान की पूँजी,
    हमें योग्य मानव बनाते शिक्षक।

    इस देश और दुनिया के लिये,
    एक मुकम्मल समाज बनाते शिक्षक।

    नहीं हो कहीं अशान्ति, अशान्ति,
    बस यही एक पैगाम फैलाते शिक्षक।

  5. ये शिक्षक कहलाते हैं

    रोज सुबह मिलते है इनसे,
    क्या हमको करना है ये बतलाते है |
    ले के तस्वीरें इन्सानों की,
    सही गलत का भेद हमें ये बतलाते है |
    कभी ड़ांट तो कभी प्यार से,
    कितना कुछ हमको ये समझाते है ।
    है भविष्य देश का जिन में,
    उनका सबका भविष्य ये बनाते है |
    है रगं कई इस जीवन में,
    रगों की दुनिया से पहचान, ये करवाते है ।
    खो ना जाये भीड़ में कहीं हम,
    हम को हम से ही ये मिलवाते है ।
    हार हार के फिर लड़ना ही जीत है सच्ची,
    ऐसा एहसास ये हमको करवाते है ।
    कोशिश करते रहना हर पल,
    जीवन का अर्थ हमें ये बतलाते है ।
    देते है नेक मज़िल भी हमें,
    राह भी बेहत्तर हमे ये दिखलाते है ।
    देते है ज्ञान जीवन का,
    काम यही सब है इनका,
    ये शिक्षक कहलाते है, ये शिक्षक कहलाते है ||

    Happy Teachers Day

    Teacher’s Day Poem In Hindi - ये शिक्षक कहलाते हैं

Teacher’s Day Poem In Marathi

  1. शिक्षक म्हणजे विशाल वृक्षच असतो
    ज्याच्य फांदी फांदीतून सळसळत असतात बेदरकारपणे
    ज्ञानाची पानं
    त्याच्याच छायेखाली सौख्य लाभते
    अज्ञानाच्या उन्हात न्हाऊन निघालेल्या
    अस्फुट चित्कांरांना
    किंवा त्याच्याच रेषेखाली अधांतरी
    लटकेली असतात

    कित्येक भावनांच्या डोहात भिजून
    नतमस्तक झालेली इवालाल्या चेहऱ्याची
    निरागस अक्षरे
    शिक्षक नसतो कधीच बिचारा
    तोच तर असतो सर्वस्वी बादशहा शाळेचा
    त्याच्याच स्वमीत्वाने महत्व येत असते शाळेला
    तोच तर असतो खरा संशोधक, शास्त्रज्ञ
    नखशिखान्त अंधर भरलेल्या चिमूकल्या गोळ्यातून

    सूर्याचं तेज बाहेर काढणारा
    तो समाज सुधारक क्रांती कारकही तोच
    कित्येक चेतनांना पाठबळ असते
    त्याच्या समर्थ तत्त्वज्ञानाचे
    शिक्षकाला जपावी लागतात
    कुतूहलाच्या झाडाची पानं जीवापाड
    आणि आकार द्यावा लागतो
    एका मुक्त पणे बागडणाऱ्या
    निराकार चैत्यनाला…
    कधी स्वतःला विसरून बागडावं ही लागतं
    जाणून घ्यावी लागतात बोल खोल खोल काळजाच्या आत

    कधी अंधाअ ही प्यावा लागतो बोनबोभाट पणे
    तेव्हा कुठे चमकतात उजेडाची किरणं उद्दीष्टांच्या वाटेवर
    त्याच्या सोबतील असतेच की खडूची धारदार तलवार अन
    फळ्याची ढाल असते पाठीशी
    विश्वास ठेवा एक ना एक दिवस अंधार संपून उजेडाचे राज्य येईल.
    अन तेंव्हा मात्र शिक्षक म्हणून त्याची प्रतिमा अधिक स्पष्ट दिसेल

  2. रोज सकाळी आपण भेटतो त्यांना
    काय करायचे आहे आपल्याला सांगतात ते
    अनेक दिग्गजांचे फोटो घेऊन
    योग्य-अयोग्यचा भेद आपल्याला शिकवतात ते
    कधी ओरडून तर कधी प्रेमाने
    आपल्याला किती समजवतात ते
    जे आहेत देशाचे भविष्य 
    त्यांचं भविष्य घडवणारे आहेत हे 
    देतात आपल्याला जीवनाचं ज्ञान
    फक्त हेच आहे त्यांचं काम 
    तेच म्हणवतात शिक्षक तेच म्हणवतात शिक्षक
  3. शिक्षक म्हणजे

    शिक्षक म्हणजे,
    आयुष्याला कलाटणी देणारी प्रेरणा, 
    ध्येयापूर्तीसाठी मार्ग दाखविणारी दिशा, 
    कधी बिकट परिस्थितीत, प्रेमाची साथ, 
    तर कधी पाठीवरील शाबासकीचा हात, 
    कधी कौतूकाचे गोड शब्द 
    तर कधी हातावर बेसणारा छडीचा मार.

    शिक्षक म्हणजे, 
    चांगले संस्कार करणारी मूर्ती, 
    संकटकाळात धैर्य देणारी स्फूर्ती, 
    चारित्र्यपूर्ण विद्यार्थी घडवणारा शिल्पकार, 
    जादूची छडी जी करते विद्यार्थ्याची स्वप्ने साकार.

    शिक्षक म्हणजे, 
    सखोल मूलभूत ज्ञानाचे भांडार, 
    दूर करी जीवनातील अज्ञानमय अंधार, 
    अन्यायाविरुद्ध आवाज उठविणारी तलवार, 
    अनुभवातून निर्माण होणारा साक्षात्कार, 
    असे हे शिक्षकांचे आजन्म न फिटणारे उपकार

Best Teacher’s Day Images: Poems And Rhymes

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В День учителя, 5 октября 2023 года, мы поздравляем наших преподавателей. Учителю английского языка будет приятно, если вы продемонстрируете прекрасное знание его предмета.

Поздравительные стихи на День учителя на английском языке

Предлагаем поздравления с Днем учителя по-английски с переводом в стихах и прозе.

We wish to our teacher
To shine bright like the sun,
To be from all the richies
On soul – the richest one!

Желаем нашей учительнице
Всегда счастливой быть
И на урок свой каждый
С улыбкой приходить!

Эти слова поздравления с Днем учителя на английском можно выучить наизусть, а можно написать на открытке.

Thanks for what you did for me,
for teaching me something new.
For I would not be here today,
If it hadn’t been for you.

Спасибо за то, что Вы сделали для меня,
За то, что учили меня чему-то новому.
Ибо я не был бы здесь сегодня,
Если бы не Вы.

Следующие стихи тоже как нельзя лучше подойдут для того, чтобы поздравить на английском языке с этим профессиональным праздником.

As your students,
we are exceptionally proud.
For having you as our teacher,
and for being your crowd.

Как ваши ученики,
Мы очень гордимся,
Что вы являетесь нашим учителем,
И за то, что мы – Ваш класс.

You have a unique way,
of explaining those things.
It almost seems like,
your words have wings.

У Вас уникальная манера
Объяснять разные вещи.
Это выглядит как будто
Ваши слова имеют крылья.

Поздравления с Днем учителя по-английски в прозе

Предлагаем также поздравления с Днем учителя прозаической форме, которые мы приводим здесь на английском языке с переводом.

Our dear Teacher…. You do a great work every day, because you open the good qualities in us. You always try to say something positive to us but not only to pick on.

Дорогой наш учитель… Каждый день Вы делаете прекрасную работу, потому что открываете хорошие качества в нас. Вы всегда стараетесь сказать что-то положительное, а не только критикуете.

Our dear Teacher…. You do more than teach us. You allow us to remember that we are human and can make mistakes, that we are pupils and we learn something every day to be better. You encourage us.

Дорогой наш учитель… Вы делаете больше, чем просто учите нас. Вы позволяете нам помнить, что мы люди и тоже можем ошибаться, что мы ученики, и мы учимся каждый день, чтобы стать лучше. Вы поощряете нас.

Our dear Teacher…. You give us much knowledge that we will able to travel, know more about other counties and life there. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your support. For everything. Happy teacher’s Day!

Дорогой наш учитель… Вы дарите нам много знаний, которые позволят нам путешествовать, узнавать больше о других странах и жизни там. Спасибо за ваш тяжелый труд. Спасибо за понимание. Спасибо за поддержку. За все. С днем учителя!

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